The highest is the order of the Dragon King

The pink Phoenix gives a cold hum. He looks at the man in white and says in a cold voice, "hum, although I don't know who you are, your tone is not small. Why? Do you have the confidence to kill me? "

The man in white waved his hand and said, "Hey, I didn't say that. What I mean is that I don't need to have confidence in killing chickens and dogs. Han counsels can kill and play as well."

"You!" Pink Phoenix pointed to the man in white, angry hate voice way, "who are you in the end?"

"Ha ha." The man in white raised his eyes to see the Jackal and Wei Qinghu behind pink Phoenix. He said indifferently, "pink Phoenix, one of the twelve Luocha demon soldiers, can't recognize me. Do you two little cats and dogs forget the name of" red pupil "

As soon as the voice of the man in white fell, Wei Qinghu and the jackal, who had been looking ugly for a long time, could not help but shiver. They all took a breath and stepped back.

"Red pupil? Are you Lord Chitong? " Wei Qinghu said in a trembling voice, "Why are you? Why you? How is that possible? Why? Why are you here? "

"Ha ha." The man in White said with a smile, "why can't I come? Where can't I go? All over the world, who can I kill? Heaven and earth are not benevolent. I am not benevolent to regard everything as a cud dog. Between heaven and earth, it is a local chicken and a dog. If you want to kill it, you can kill it. If you want to destroy it, you can destroy it! "

"You... You are red pupil?" Hear the conversation between two people, pink Phoenix immediately is pretty face a cold, she stares at the eyes of the man in white is also in violent shaking.

After taking a deep breath, fan Fenghuang repressed many emotions in his heart and asked, "one of the nine most wanted envoys organized by the Dragon soldiers, Chitong, known as the spear of the Dragon soldiers?"

The red pupil in white grinned. He looked at the pink Phoenix indifferently and asked, "don't your ears work well? Who dares to call this name in the whole dragon soldier organization besides me? "


All three people in the cave took a cold breath, while Wei Qinghu's face was as gloomy as water. With his hands on his back, he pointed to a software on his mobile phone and sent out the already set emergency message.

But Wei Qinghu did not show any other performance. He gradually became cold and fierce, put his mobile phone away, and then clenched his fist silently.

And the Jackal standing beside Wei Qinghu also slowly put his hand on the dagger at his waist. His whole body muscles were tight, and his eyes were slowly dignified.

Pink Phoenix in hear red pupil's name, immediately is confused, she nibbles the shell tooth, finally is a stomp, low voice ask a way, "don't know red pupil adult come here why?"

All the people on the scene could hear it. When fan Fenghuang said this, he didn't know when his usual cold tone had disappeared. Instead, he had a kind of soft attitude.

Wei Qinghu and jackal look at the pink Phoenix, suddenly look slightly changed, if pink Phoenix soft exit, with their strength, tied together is not enough red pupil fight.

"Oh?" Hear pink Phoenix's question, red pupil indifferently swept her one eye, then softly smile way, "what do I want to do, still need to report to you?"? At the end of the day, no one is worth wasting my time except the Dragon soldiers, because you are all inferior and dregs. Only the Dragon soldiers are the human beings closest to God. "

At this point, Chitong's indifferent eyes gradually became hot. He raised his hand and pointed to Wei Qinghu and jackal behind pink Phoenix. He said arrogantly and violently, "but you scum, you have betrayed your identity as a dragon soldier, and you are willing to fall into the lower class and walk in the direction of garbage. You are not worthy of being called a dragon soldier, Not worthy to be called the son of the most high Wei Qinghu's face suddenly changed. He stared at Chitong, blushed and said, "who cares about you?"?! Long Bing or the son of the supreme, I don't care to do it. I don't care to be called that. I want to go my own way. I want to be the person I want to be, not the son of the supreme or the person he wants me to be

After Wei Qinghu said these words, he was out of breath, as if he had used up all his strength. The Jackal's face changed slightly. He looked at Wei Qinghu and sighed silently.

In the organization of dragon soldiers, the Dragon King, who has the supreme power, is honored as the supreme. No one knows how powerful his power is, and no one knows how deep his wisdom is. He also controls the strongest force in the world. With dragon soldiers in his hands, he can even declare war on the new world.

Wei Qinghu is the son of the highest. He inherited the excellent gene of the highest, but he did not inherit the ideal of the highest. He did not want to be the son of the highest in other people's eyes. The life he wanted was the most free and easy in the world.

However, having defected for three years, he can't find the life he wants. He always has to be on guard against the pursuit of the Dragon soldiers. Wei Qinghu, who has been suppressed for a long time, can't breathe.

The Jackal looked at the roaring Wei Qinghu and said in his heart: you should be suppressed to the limit, too. Have you let out all your grievances and anger? But can you fight red pupil? That's one of the most powerful arresting envoys known as the spear of the Dragon soldiers.

"Hum!" Hearing Wei Qinghu's reply, Chi Tong hummed coldly, "you're a self indulgent mole ant. Then you'll go down to the permanent killing Shura field with this inexorable sin."

Said, red pupil one hand, suddenly appeared in the hands of a palm size token, above the glittering silver light, look carefully, see that the token above carved with a flying dragon, above the black decoration, vigorous and powerful carving of a big dragon.

"Dragon King order?"

The third iron law of the organization of the Dragon soldiers: if you see the order of the Dragon King, you will be as close as the highest.

In the eyes of all the members of the dragon soldier organization, the status of the Dragon King order is particularly high. Except for the Dragon King who is the supreme, no one can issue the Dragon King order, and the Dragon King order is generally only issued to the most trusted subordinates of the supreme.

With the Dragon King order in hand, it is almost equivalent to having all the power of the supreme. Whether it is to dispatch resources or issue orders to the rest of the Dragon soldiers, as long as you hold the Dragon King order, these are the inevitable powers.

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