
And the Dragon King order is also divided into equal levels. Different levels of Dragon King order have different permissions.

From low to high, according to different colors and patterns, Dragon King orders can be divided into four types: silver, gold, Qingyun, Zichen, and so on. What Chitong is holding now is the silver level Dragon King order.

However, although the order of the Silver Dragon King is the lowest order of the Dragon King, no matter what, it still represents the highest dignity of the dragon soldier organization and the meaning of the supreme.

"Is it the order of the Dragon King?" Wei Qinghu's face turned pale. His eyes were shaking and staring at the token in his hand, he said in a trembling voice, "that is to say, is that what he meant?"

With a sneer, Chitong said sternly, "I now announce the order of the supreme, in the name of the Dragon King, to deprive the defector Wei Qinghu of his identity as a dragon, and punish him with a death sentence, and then kill him!"

"What?" Wei Qinghu's shoulders shake violently. He looks at the red pupil and the Silver Dragon King's order with shaking eyes. His eyes shake and tangle together like a mess. Finally, he takes a deep breath and sighs with a complicated look, "ha ha, the supreme, ha ha, the Dragon King, ha ha, good, good. Is that your attitude? Then I wrote it down! "

Red pupil swept Wei green tiger one eye, indifferent say, "come on, less here pull so much useless, now you are from."

Kill or choose to be killed by me? Give me a word. "

Wei Qinghu eyes a cold, he roared, "red pupil, even if you are one of the nine dragon soldiers arrest, don't think so easy to kill me!"

Red pupil felt Wei Qinghu's killing intention in his eyes. He immediately hooked his lips and said with a smile, "ha ha, that's interesting. If there is no resistance at all, isn't it boring?"

"Lord Chitong." Aware of the sharp atmosphere in the cave, pink Phoenix, who had been on guard, said, "I'm sorry to interrupt. I'd like to ask, can irrelevant personnel leave now?"

"Pink Phoenix! You Wei Qinghu's face changed. He stared at the pink Phoenix and said angrily, "aren't we allies? What do you mean

"What do you mean?" Pink Phoenix sneered, "I'm sorry, Mr. ghost knife. Although I want to make an alliance with you, I'm not stupid enough to be taken by you as a gunner. What you have to face is Chitong, a terrible enemy known as the spear of dragon soldiers. If I'm still desperate to help you now, then I'm not as simple as my brain is not enough, but I may even lose my head."

Hearing that, Wei Qinghu was furious. As soon as he wanted to say something, Chi Tong said with a smile, "ha ha, irrelevant personnel can leave now."

As soon as his voice fell, pink Phoenix turned around and left. She suddenly disappeared from the original place and showed her ghostly body method. In a twinkling of an eye, she didn't know where she had gone.

However, the red pupil is just a hook in the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his hand, a fiery red force condenses into a lifelike Firebird. The Firebird spreads its wings, like the size of a fist, and rushes to the hole at a very fast speed.

"Chitong, you are mean!" With a gentle rebuke, the figure of the fleeing pink Phoenix appeared at the entrance of the cave. She had been on guard for a long time. The knife in her hand waved fiercely, and the whirlwind roared on the blade, which obviously used the courage of the wind attribute.


The short knife cut the Firebird to pieces and spattered out a large amount of sparks.

"Hey, hey." The red pupil laughs with great interest way, "what I say is irrelevant personnel can go, but this does not mean you can go, pink Phoenix." This speech, pink Phoenix pretty face very white, she can't help the cold voice said, "red pupil, do you know what you are doing now? I'm a member of the demon soldier organization. Is the dragon soldier going to fight with the demon soldier? "

"Go to war?" Red pupil said with indifference, "if you want to start a war, I would have wanted to start a war for a long time. If it wasn't for the face of white tooth, how could your demon soldier organization still exist today?"

"You..." pink Phoenix angrily scolded, "red pupil, do you really want to destroy the bet made by white teeth and demon flag adults

Do you have an appointment? "

Chi Tong shook his head slightly and said with a cold smile, "I can't destroy the gambling appointment, but I just look down on the demon soldiers. When I see the members of the demon soldiers, I will kill them. So, you'd better die here. When you become a corpse who can't speak, where else in the world will anyone know who killed you?"

At this point, Chitong's eyes became cold. He looked at the pink Phoenix and said indifferently, "since no one knows that I killed you, then I'm not breaking the gambling agreement."

"You Pink Phoenix is impatient. She raises her eyes and looks at red pupil, but he doesn't see any hesitation and hesitation in each other's eyes. It's totally merciless and extremely cold.

At this time, Wei Qinghu roared and rushed up like a wild wolf. He clenched his right hand, and his arm suddenly expanded two or three times. It was obvious that he used the secret technique of bear arm.

"If you don't talk to him, he will kill you. Are you ready to reason with him?" Wei Qinghu side said so, while burst out the whole body strength, his fist aimed at the red pupil's head, mercilessly hit down.

"The secret - bear arm!" At the moment of Wei Qinghu's hand, the jackal, who had been standing beside him all the time, began to fight with him. His arms suddenly expanded, but he also used the same dragon soldier's secret skill as Wei Qinghu.

Two people a left and a right, to red pupil attack and go, and in the two hands at the same time, pink Phoenix is also cold, she first

He hesitated for a moment, but he soon made up his mind. With a low roar, he acted together with their actions.

Three people divided into three directions, at the same time aimed at red pupil everywhere key attack in the past.

The short knife in the hand of pink Phoenix is circling with the roaring wind, while the arms of jackal and Wei Qinghu are expanding like a fierce bear. They compress their strength to open the stele and crack the stone on their fists, and roar and bombard Chitong's body.

Outside the cave, it was quiet. In the distance, there was the sound of the breeze beating on the leaves. The birds were singing in the forest. They didn't know what they were talking about.

And in the cave, red pupil alone, he stood in the distance in white, slowly took back his fist.

Around the red pupil, pink Phoenix, Wei Qinghu and jackal all lie on the ground. Their skin is a little red, and their clothes are smoky, as if they are about to burn.

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