
Their hair was dry and curly, their lips were dry and cracked, and their whole body was as if they had been roasted on the fire for a few minutes. They were all very hot, and even had a tendency of skin splitting.

"Cough... Cough!" Wei Qinghu struggled to get up from the ground. He knelt down on one knee and supported the ground with his hands. He tried not to fall down again. He raised his eyes to see Chitong. His eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. He growled, "bastard! What did you... What did you do to me? "

Red pupil looked at Wei Qinghu with a smile and smacked his mouth. "Tut Tut, it's true that he was once the son of the supreme. With the blood of the supreme flowing in his body, he could even get up again under the attack of my heartfire. It's not bad. It's a pity that you can only get up... And give me a second chance to step on you!"

Said, red pupil a lift foot, mercilessly is a foot kick in the Wei Qinghu's chest, directly put him to kick fly out!

As soon as he kicked Wei Qinghu's body, he immediately gave out a roar, just like an explosive explosion, which directly made Wei Qinghu's flesh and blood blurred. His chest was not only scorched, but also full of blood.

"Cough! Cough! Ouch Wei Qinghu flew a long way in mid air, and finally fell to the ground. He rolled several times before he barely stopped his body.

Coughing up a few mouthfuls of congestion, Wei Qinghu's eyes turned over, and finally fell on the ground.

"Hey, hey." Red pupil smiles. He looks at the pink Phoenix lying on the ground just now and says sarcastically, "pink Phoenix, I don't know if you've ever heard of it. In the dragon soldier organization, all the members master a skill called Dragon sense..."

Red pupil voice did not fall, just lying on the ground of the pink Phoenix is like a carp spring up, her face pale, do not want to run to the hole.


Pink Phoenix suddenly disappeared in the same place, but before she appeared again, red pupil appeared in the empty air. With a wave of one hand, four or five flaming Firebirds flew in front of him.

"Damn it The air, which had nothing to do with it, fluctuated for a while, and immediately showed the figure of pink Phoenix.

Although pink Phoenix was not flustered, waving a short knife in her hand, whirlwind sitting on the blade, easily tore open the Firebirds blocking the road, but pink Phoenix had no time to be happy, a huge fist hit her face.

This fist is completely made up of flaming flames. The heat wave is rolling in the hot air. The fist is as big as a wheel, and it is in front of the pink Phoenix in the blink of an eye.

"Son of a bitch!" Pink Phoenix felt the hot heat and fierce impact from her face. Her silver teeth were clenched and her teeth were big

The voice shouts, "you forced me!"

Just when this huge fire fist was about to hit the pink Phoenix, she didn't step back, stepped out directly, and then hit it with one punch!

Red pupil eyes a shrink, he can't believe looking at pink Phoenix's action, even thought his eyes were wrong, but the fact is really happened, and pink Phoenix's fist not only hit on the fire fist, but also not as red pupil expected in the heart, directly burned into furnace ash.

"This is..." red pupil was stunned, because he felt a huge resistance from the fire fist, even blocked the advance of his fist.

In the middle of the sky, the huge fire fist collided with the small fist, which immediately aroused a gust of wind wave sparks. The shock wave set off a huge spark and wind blade, and they immediately flew out of the distance, directly tearing apart the surrounding stone wall easily“ How can courage transform into form Red pupil Mou son one shrinks, cold voice way, "you are the martial person of the third heavy sky?"

Pink Phoenix's face flashed a trace of ferocity. She stared at the red pupil and said in a cold voice, "when I was a 'ca7' five years ago, it was the strength of the third day. How? Don't the Dragon soldiers know? "

"Tut tut." Chitong slowly recovered from the shock. His face calmed down and said indifferently, "the one who beat you half dead is a member of our dragon soldier organization. Of course, we are very clear about your strength five years ago, but I'm very curious. It's a fluke that your meridians are broken, your five Zang organs are damaged and you don't die. You can still maintain your strength that year, It's really amazing. "

Pink Phoenix took a deep breath. She bit her silver teeth and said coldly, "you don't care about my business, you should

I also know that you can't stop me with your strength. You are also the third day. It's not good for anyone to fight with us. The outcome of losing both sides is not what you want, right

Red pupil grinned at pink Phoenix's words. His eyes were frosty. Looking at pink Phoenix, he said with a sarcastic smile, "Oh, innocent woman, don't you really think you can scare me? Ridiculous

As soon as the voice fell, red pupil's fire fist suddenly shook violently. In pink Phoenix's angry eyes, the huge fire fist suddenly burst open, and the violent force swept away. The surrounding stone walls were directly smashed, and the gravel fell. Pink Phoenix was the first to bear the brunt, and was directly engulfed by the rolling fire waves.

"Xun Feng Dun!" Pink Phoenix's pretty face is frosty. As she retreats quickly, she pushes her palms out flat. With her action, a transparent shield of wind comes out in an instant to resist the impact of the explosive fire fist.

As soon as the wind shield of pink Phoenix came into contact with the fire wave, her face suddenly changed. The surging impact force was as terrible as the ignited explosive. She tried her best to resist, but she could only protect herself. Moreover, under the severe impact, the wind shield even began to shake, and there were cracks looming.

"Ridiculous Red pupil eyes a coagulation, he stepped forward, in the impact of the flames all over the sky in a flash, he immediately came to the pink Phoenix's body, one handed fist, his lips a curly sneer, "even if it is the third day, you and I are not the same ah, Lao Tzu's strength, has long been qualified to step into the fourth day ah!"

With that, the fist in Chi Tong's hand waved down fiercely, and a huge flame fist instantly took shape. Moreover, this fist was bigger than the one just now. The burning flames were interwoven and surrounded, and the heat wave of licking air was rolling all around.

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