I promise you

"Bang!" In pink Phoenix's despairing eyes, that huge fist directly smashed Xun fengdun in front of her, and hit her body hard!

"Ah Scream, pink Phoenix straight from the mid air hit down, she fell heavily on the ground, upset turned a few roll, this just barely from the ground to get up.

Struggling to raise her head, pink Phoenix stares at Chitong with resentful eyes. Her clothes are burning black, and her skin is full of blisters and burn marks. She coughs twice and coughs up a large pool of blood directly. Obviously, she has been seriously injured, and she has no fighting power at this time.

With a light smile, the red pupil walked down slowly from the mid air, and glanced at the pink Phoenix. He said indifferently, "I said, how can you still break out such a strong combat effectiveness due to the accumulation of meridians and veins? It turns out that it's the head of an iron wax gun. It's just a show."

Pink Phoenix gave a tragic smile. She shook her head helplessly. Her eyes turned from resentment to reluctance. Her tone was mixed with a trace of despair. She said slowly, "yes, I suffered a serious internal injury in the battle five years ago, so now I can't exert all my strength, not only that, My body is more fragile than the ordinary martial arts. However, I have a secret skill that can make my strength rise to the peak of that year, but it's only a matter of ten minutes. After I burst out my potential, I will also get hurt and fall into a long period of weakness. "

Red pupil Leng for a while, then said with a smile, "no wonder my dragon sense on you feels weak and disordered. It turns out that's what happened. Well, seriously, my goal this time is Wei Qinghu. Even the jackals are just picked up together. I don't have to kill you."

Pink Phoenix didn't have any hope of living. She thought she would die in the hands of red pupil, but she didn't expect that red pupil suddenly said that again, which made her eyebrows suddenly burst out a ray of joy, but her face soon changed, and she said to red pupil in a cold voice, "what do you mean? You beat me like this, but then you said there was no need to kill me. Are you kidding me? "

Looking at pink Phoenix's scorched black face, red pupil shook his head slightly. He said with a smile, "there is no unchangeable thing in this world, except faith and blood, everything can be changed, isn't it?"

Pink Phoenix lowered her head, she said coldly, "Oh, hatred is also unchangeable, what do you mean? Want to tease me a little more? Or does my appearance make you feel pity and sympathy? Don't you know that for a strong man, the last thing he needs is these two things? Your sympathy makes me feel disgusted, and your pity only makes me feel shame and disgust

"Tut tut." Red pupil smacked his mouth and said, "ha, whatever you think, but your strong heart hasn't been lost. It makes me feel a little bit of admiration. You have been crushed in the mud, and you are not willing to give up your dignity until you die. You are worthy of your own identity. Even if you lose your strength now, I still admit that you are a strong one."

"Cut the crap!" The pink Phoenix fiercely raises a head, she stares at red pupil cold voice way, "I don't need you this kind of person's recognition."

Come on, what do you want? "

Chitong nodded slightly and said with a smile, "smart woman, however, because of your cleverness, maybe you can still survive. I'm very interested in your secret skill that can explode potential instantly. If you give it to me in exchange, I don't mind letting you die."

Pink Phoenix eyes a shrink, she without thinking of roar way, "hum! I advise you not to make up your mind on this. This secret skill is very important. I will never give it to you. "

Shaking his head, the voice of red pupil gradually cooled down, he said indifferently, "I'm sorry you made such a choice, originally in my opinion, you should be more wise, but, just because of your stupidity, you are going to die here today."“ I... "Pink Phoenix's face was filled with a trace of determination. She took a deep breath and laughed miserably. A trace of recollection flashed on the burned black face. Faintly, she slowly sang," how can the east wind blow when you die? "

Hearing the voice of pink Phoenix chanting poems, red pupil's eyes shook violently. Looking into pink Phoenix's eyes, red pupil frowned and slowly asked, "how can the wind blow in the east when you die? It's Mo Yue's poem. When we encircled ca7, if it wasn't for one of the three generals' holding blood ', maybe Mo Yue would still be alive, It is said that Mo Yue, the former leader of ca7, once sang such a poem before he died. Later, he died, but he did not fall down until he died. Standing on the hillside like an immortal iron tower, he was a great hero. "

When pink Phoenix heard Mo Yue's name, a struggle suddenly appeared on her gloomy face. She opened her mouth and murmured silently, "Mo Yue, I'm going to accompany you. I'm really sorry that I didn't listen to you and didn't live well..."

Although pink Phoenix didn't make any sound when he spoke, it was a lost sentence that still reached Chitong's eyes. He was a little stunned, and then sighed, "Nah, moyue is really a great person, even if he is my enemy, standing on the opposite side of the Dragon soldiers, even if he is dead, even if he doesn't know anything, I still want to sell him face, pink Phoenix. I'll give you one last chance. If you are willing to hand in the secret skill, I can save your life. You don't have to answer in a hurry. This is the last chance. "

Pink Phoenix's eyes shook for a moment. She just wanted to say something. Chitong shook her head and said faintly, "I advise you not to do stupid things or make some stupid decisions. I believe that you didn't die in that battle five years ago. Mo Yue should have won the chance to live for you. No matter what, you owe Mo Yue a life, so, I hope you won't be so stupid as to throw it away

"Hoo --" pink Phoenix slowly lowered her head, and she replied with a voice almost like a roar, "OK... I promise you."

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