This life is worth living

When pink Phoenix said this sentence difficultly, what flashed in her mind was the scene of that day, and what emerged in front of her was the eyes that Mo Yue finally gave her.

That sentence still lingers in her ears, "Phoenix, go, you promise me to live, to live well, and... You want to find my son, find him!"

Ca7 died that night, and Mo Yue quit the world stage that night.

No one cares where a half dead person like pink Phoenix is hiding. Until three years ago, pink Phoenix, who has recovered some strength, joined the demon soldier organization. However, even if he gets her news, the Dragon soldiers are not willing to chase her. First, the Dragon soldiers and the demon soldiers need to keep peace in ten years. Second, a dreg who has only half the strength of that year, It's not worth the effort.

"Lord moyue, I once promised you to live well and find your son. I can't live up to your trust in me, and I can't live up to the time you gave me in exchange for my life. I... I can't die yet..."

Pink Phoenix hard sat up from the ground, she slightly closed her eyes, head also did not lift to red pupil said, "since I promised you, then I will certainly give you the secret, but the secret does not exist, what kind of written documents, all in my mind, if you want, I can write down."

Red pupil is not unexpected nodded, he said with a smile, "it doesn't matter, you sit on the side of the rest, wait for me to finish

I'll take you to a safe place and leave the secret behind. Then you can go

Finish saying, red pupil also no longer pay attention to the pink Phoenix that meditates in situ to adjust breath, he strides toward the Wei Qinghu that he just hit fly to walk.

"Hey, hey." Sneer, red pupil indifferent said, "the son of the highest, from today on, will turn into dust and history."

At this time, Chitong didn't notice that the Jackal's eyes, which was lying not far behind him, moved, and slowly pressed his fingers on the ground.

Step by step, Chitong goes to Wei Qinghu. After a while, he squats in front of Wei Qinghu. He laughs. He reaches out his hand and presses it on Wei Qinghu's temple. The red light on his fingers is glowing, which means that he has used his courage.

Under this point, the power of a rifle bullet is no less than that of a rifle bullet. If he presses it on his temple, Wei Qinghu will surely die.

All of a sudden, Wei Qinghu roared and put his hand up in front of Chitong. Chitong only felt a dark thing flash, and then a fierce wind came.

"What?" Caught off guard, Chitong never thought that Wei Qinghu had the strength to resist, and the means of resistance was so overwhelming.

"Susu Susu"

Just listen to the burst of rapid sound, the small shadow suddenly rushed to the red pupil's face. He was so shocked that he didn't have time to see what those shadows were. However, in this case, of course, he would not stand still and be hit by those shadows.

Like a ghost, he suddenly retreated and quickly dodged to one side. However, what red pupil didn't expect was that at the moment when he dodged, Wei Qinghu had a cold smile on his lips.

Those shadows that had been dodged by Chitong caught up with him at a faster speed. In his anger, Chitong only had time to roar and yell, "secret technique - Vajra!"

Although the speed was too fast, red pupil still didn't see what the ghosts were. However, under the induction of the Dragon sense, he could feel the murderous gas from the shadows. Because of this, he didn't have time to think about it. He could only continue to dodge and use the secret skill of the dragon soldier“ "Dangdangdangdangdang"

Those shadow's speed is extremely fast, even if red pupil desperately dodges, but still can't escape the shadow's pursuit, is hit one after another.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Slightly gasped twice, see dodge no effect, red pupil stopped action, he looked at the body

Things, suddenly a little dazed.

I saw all the black needles on my body. Because of the secret skill of Vajra, all the needles only slightly broke the skin, so I couldn't go deep. A layer of shining black iron slowly flowed on the red pupil's skin, which made his body like steel and greatly improved his defense.

Wei Qinghu struggled to get up from where he was. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He covered his cracked chest with his hand and said with a sneer, "Chitong, I have to admit that you are indeed the strongest one among the nine dragon soldiers. You are worthy of the title of" spear of dragon soldiers ". Unfortunately, you will still die in my hands in the end."

Red pupil as if heard what the funniest joke, he looked at Wei Qinghu, laughed and said, "Hey, are you talking in your sleep? Open your eyes and see what's going on now, OK? Although I don't know what kind of attack you used to attack me, this kind of small black needle can't do any harm to me at all. Under Vajra's secret art, this kind of attack power can't break my defense at all. "

"Is it?" Wei Qinghu's face became paler because he lost too much blood, but his eyes were shining with extremely fanatical temperature. Staring at Chitong, he said with a sneer, "if this is just an ordinary concealed weapon, of course I would not be stupid enough to use it as a trump card, but did you really not think of it? Or do you really forget how wuzhu, the most powerful dragon soldier arresting envoy of the previous generation, retired

"Lord Black Candle? It's... It's the nail of the dead! " Red pupil's face changed greatly. He took a look at Wei Qinghu, and then he cast his eyes on himself. Suddenly, the black needles that had only pierced the skin seemed to come back to life. He twisted his body crazily and tried his best to drill into his body.

Although the red pupil has detected something wrong, but those black soul nails have been like poisonous insects into their own flesh and blood, he roared and knelt on the ground in pain.

"Hey, since you remember, enjoy the hell like feast." Wei Qinghu's face was full of murderous intention. He looked at Chitong with a sneer, and locked his ferocious face with extremely fanatical eyes. He said with a smile, "die, just die under the mourning nail. It's not a waste of your life to be able to enjoy the same way of defeat as the last dragon soldier."

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