A mortal man

"Damn it Red pupil clenched his fists, he raised his head hard, his eyes as red as blood, hysterically roared, "secret skill - magic armor!"

With his low roar, a faint shadow of armor came out of his body in an instant, and the black soul nails that had been in the flesh and blood were immediately clamped down. Although the cattle hair needle like soul nails twisted their bodies madly and kept drilling into the flesh, they couldn't enter the flesh under the suppression of the shadow of the green light armor, not only that, There are even signs of being forced out of the body.

"What?" As soon as Wei Qinghu's face changed, he looked at the red pupil standing up slowly from the ground. His eyes couldn't help shrinking and said, "the second level of dragon soldier's secret skill? Vajra's upgrade secret? Magic armor

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Red pupil stares at his eyes. Although his body appears the virtual shadow of cyan armor, and he successfully stops the movement of the soul nail to continue to go deep, his face is ferocious, his brow is tight, and his face is filled with the pain caused by the skin rolling.

Because kneeling on the ground, his white robe was stained with a lot of dust, which swept away his elegant temperament at the beginning and turned into a mess.

"Son of a bitch!" With a roar, Chitong rushed forward directly. He disappeared in the same place in an instant. In the next blink of an eye, his figure flashed in front of Wei Qinghu. He clenched his right fist tightly. What he didn't hesitate was to hit it with all his strength!

The violent force is like the eruption of volcanic magma, which is hard to restrain. The anger in Chitong's chest is burning. Under his fist, he flies sand and rocks, and shakes the air in all directions. Although he doesn't use the courage of fire, the power of this fist is very powerful. If he hits an ordinary adult man, he will burst his five zang organs, He broke his chest and died!

"Ah Wei Qinghu was so frightened that he stepped back in a hurry. His speed was as fast as that of a bird in the forest. As soon as he swam, he rushed out seven or eight meters away. It was the third secret skill of dragon soldier's secret skill -- jueying.

However, red pupil under the fury obviously did not have the patience to continue to spend with Wei Qinghu. With a flash of his body, he moved far faster than Wei Qinghu and approached Wei Qinghu in an instant, and the fist aimed at Wei Qinghu's head and went down!

"What?" Wei Qinghu was so surprised that he turned pale that he blurted out, "it's the advanced secret skill of jueying - stepping on light?"

"Son of a bitch! Just because of your stupidity, you successfully angered me! Go to hell! " The red pupil roars to make a move, a fist wind thunder vibrates, hits the thousand jin strange power, directly presses Wei Qinghu's head to hit past.

At this time, a black shadow rushed up at an amazing speed, and his red pupil's face stirred. He was stunned. He immediately stopped and went back. At the same time, a bullet passed through the place where he was standing, leaving a deep crater on the stone wall.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo I saw the figure coming up and falling on the ground. It was the Jackal who had just been beaten on the ground. He gasped and opened his mouth. He swung the pistol in his hand and said, "red pupil, I advise you not to move."

The red pupil Mou son once shrinks, his vision swept on the pistol in jackal hand, immediately the vision slightly one coagulates, sink a voice way, "desert eagle? No, judging from the fluctuation of power felt by the Dragon sense, its power is much stronger than that of the desert eagle. Is it refitted? "

In the Jackal's hand, a huge dark silver pistol was tightly held by him. At his feet, there was still a yellow eggshell with thick fingers. This pistol was not much different from the ordinary Desert Eagle pistol. The only thing we could see from the appearance was that it was bigger than the ordinary Desert Eagle pistol.

"That's right." The Jackal said coldly, "this is the desert eagle modified by the gunner. I think you know the craftsmanship of the gunner. In terms of power, the gun has been greatly enhanced, and its caliber has even increased by one fifth. Even if you have secret skills to protect your body, you will be killed in such a short distance."“ Is it? It turned out to be the hand of the gunner. No wonder it made my dragon sense fluctuate so much, but... "Chi Tong suddenly nodded, but he quickly said with a slow smile," do you really think this gun can give you the courage to confront me? "

As soon as the voice fell, the red pupil's shoulder disappeared in the same place. Wei Qinghu exclaimed, "be careful!"

Without Wei Qinghu's warning, the Jackal also felt a strong murderous spirit and locked himself in an instant, but his sense of dragon was weak

Unable to detect the position of the red pupil at all, he took a half step back and focused on the situation around him.

Just when he was on guard, suddenly a Firebird with the size of a fist rushed to the Jackal. The Jackal didn't dare to delay for a moment. He moved half a meter to avoid the Firebird.

"Hum!" Sneer, red pupil unexpectedly appeared behind the jackal, no one knows when he appeared, more did not see how he did it.

"According to the records, the Jackal should have never learned the secret skill of dragon soldiers. If he died, he was just a super-a dragon soldier, which was not S-level at all. But now it seems that it's not like that. In my mind fire boxing, he could stand up alive. It should be that he used the secret skill of King Kong, plus the bear arm he used when attacking me, and now he's hiding from Firebird, It's obvious that he has mastered all the first level dragon soldier secrets. " Red pupil indifferent staring at jackal, gently said.

The Jackal's eyes flashed, and then he clenched the pistol in his hand in silence. It seemed that he didn't intend to say anything more on this issue.

Red pupil cold hum a, immediately looked at Wei Qinghu standing on one side, cold voice said, "can have a way to open the blood sacrifice, let jackal learn dragon soldier secret skill, also only you, Wei Qinghu!"

After hearing Chitong's question, Wei Qinghu grinned and said, "I think it's my business. Can you manage it?"

Red pupil way, "how you want to die is your business, anyway you are already the person who must die, one more charge is not count."


"I can't die. You don't have to be a bitch here. You can come and kill me. Don't be like a chicken. You have to show your superiority there." Wei Qinghu without saying a word is pointing to red pupil big curse.

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