You can go now

Red pupil's eyes flashed a trace of killing intention, and he growled, "Wei Qinghu, you have stained the noble blood in your body, and die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chitong suddenly ran to Wei Qinghu, and directly hit him with a fist. Under this fist, the fire burst out, and the huge fire fist, like a meteorite, suddenly condensed into shape. It was simple and violent to blow down Wei Qinghu's face!

"What?" Jackal surprised, he thought that under the threat of his gun, red pupil would obediently stop, but did not expect that he not only shot again, but also seemed to use the power of killing!

"Bang bang!" The Jackal didn't dare to hesitate. He fired three shots in a row, and the bullet suddenly broke through the air. The bullet with a diameter of more than. 60 inches broke through the air, and instantly hit Chitong.

In a hurry, the Jackal didn't aim at the small key areas that were not easy to hit, but tried to point the muzzle at the red pupil's chest and abdomen. Although the. 60 Inch pistol has a large caliber, the recoil force of the desert eagle is amazing. Especially after the modification, the wild power is like a mad bull, which ordinary people can't control, But the jackal, who is far more powerful than ordinary people, has a full grasp, and the probability of hitting the red pupil is very high.

"Dang Dang!"

Only listen to three crisp ring, jackal hit the three bullets, not accidentally hit the red pupil.

However, the Jackal's face immediately became ugly, because he could not believe that those destructive bullets were stopped by the virtual shadow of the armor on red pupil's body.

Although the bullet tried its best to squeeze into the red pupil's body, the Jackal could still see clearly that the bullet gradually used up its impact force and was slowly squeezed out by the armor shadow of the red pupil!

"I just told you that if you naively thought that the broken gun could bring you the power to confront me, it would be the most stupid joke!" Say, the action of red pupil hand doesn't stop, direct is a punch to blow on the head of Wei green tiger!


Wei Qinghu's face is pale. He looks frightened. His eyes are wide open and his mouth is full of despair. If he is bombarded on his head by such a violent force, there is no reason why he will not die.

However, when Wei Qinghu closed his eyes and died, he found that after several seconds, he still had consciousness.

He moved his fingers in surprise, and then secretly opened his eyes. The goal was to enter the damaged cave, and then the whole battlefield scene. He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Anyway, at least he was still alive.

As soon as his eyes turned, Wei Qinghu's eyes suddenly locked on a figure in white.

This man is wearing a pair of gold glasses. His back is facing Wei Qinghu. He is tall and thin. He walks in the air and stands up with his hands down. His whole body stabs the sky like a long sword.

But he suddenly smile, the original condensation in the cave in the spirit suddenly dissipated, turn this person become like a university professor as gentle, smile like spring breeze, warm.

However, the red pupil didn't have any relaxation because of this person's momentum change. He looked alert and stared at the man in front of him. The fear in his eyes became more and more.

There is no other reason, just because this man was once a super power in the new world, Jia Jiansheng, a swordsman in the new world known as Baifeng swordsman.

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng smiles a little, he says to red pupil lightly, "young man, why so big anger?"

Red pupil was shocked. Although he was protected by magic armor, he seemed to be forced by thousands of swords under the gaze of the middle-aged man. That kind of sharp sword spirit is as light as wind and as cold as snow. Under the sensitive dragon sense of Chitong, the whole person seems to have fallen into the ice hole, and can't help shivering.

"Are you Jia Jiansheng?" Red pupil asks a way.

Shrugging, Jia Jiansheng said with a faint smile, "since you know who I am, then you should know why I come here?"

Red pupil brow tip a pick, he looked at Jia Jiansheng, slowly deep inhaled a airway, "in Dongcheng city to carry out this task, I investigated all the information about Wei Qinghu, his mother Qiyue, is your younger martial sister?"

Nodded, Jia Jiansheng light said, "your investigation data is not wrong, so, you can go."

As soon as the red pupil's face changed, he said in a cold voice, "the original task of chasing Wei Qinghu can be completed by any dragon soldier. Do you know why the supreme will send me?"

Jia Jiansheng glanced at the red pupil and said casually, "should it be for fear of my hand? After all, with the intelligence ability of the Dragon soldiers, there's no reason not to know that I'm in Dongcheng city now. "

Nodded, red pupil does not deny said, "almost, it is because of your existence, so I will appear here."

"So?" Jia Jiansheng said, "do you mean that you are here to deal with me?"

Red pupil's face changed, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "no matter what, I don't want to be an enemy with the white wind swordsman. If you let go now, I'll assume that what just happened didn't happen. You should know that the dragon soldier organization is not easy to be provoked. Today you can protect Wei Qinghu, but it doesn't mean that tomorrow you can also save him. Today I'm here to talk to you, but it's not easy

It doesn't mean I'll talk to you tomorrow. "

Before fighting with Jia Jiansheng, Chi Tong didn't think that this legendary middle-aged man would be so powerful. But just now, his almost all-out fire fist was blocked by Jia Jiansheng's understated hand. For Chi Tong, it's just like facing the three generals of the Dragon soldiers. He has no courage to resist.

Although Chitong has said that, Jia Jiansheng shakes his head dismissively and says, "young man, I've heard about you, but although I'm an old guy who has retired from the world, I think there are still people who want to listen to me now. For example, I hate people who don't listen to me. I told you just now, you can go now, If you don't understand me, I'll say it one last time, go away! "

Jia Jiansheng's words are light, but the last two words are wrapped in his courage. They are like mountains and rivers, and they press against Chitong.

The surging pressure directly squeezed away the air around Chitong. In shock, Chitong stepped back three steps in succession, but still knelt on one knee and lowered his head in sweat.

Although he tried his best to resist, he only felt that he was carrying a mountain on his shoulder, and the heavy pressure was continuous, like a waterfall on a hundred Zhang cliff, rushing against him!

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