
What is the concept of combat effectiveness 5000? Ye Chen has no idea at all. According to himself, the current combat effectiveness is about 400. No matter how much it is, it's enough to fight more than ten ordinary people.

But now, Dabao told him that the man in front of him was like a dead dog, and he had 5000 combat power.

"How is that possible?" Ye Chen shook his head in disbelief. He asked in disbelief, "are you sure? Is it wrong? "

Dabao machinery replied, "no way, my value will not be wrong, either it can not be detected, or it must be accurate."

"What about my master? How much does he have? " Ye Chen asks urgently.

Dabao said, "sorry, sir, this value is beyond my detection range. If you want to accurately detect that level of power, I suggest you upgrade your God of food system, because my upper limit of combat power measurement is 5500."

Wei can't be observed nodded. Ye Chen's eyes fluctuated violently. Then he took a deep breath. He looked at the red pupil with 5000 combat effectiveness, and was lightly pressed on the ground by Jia Jiansheng, growling like a mad dog

Wheezing, but there is no egg to use, the suppressed stand up.

"It turns out that even if the combat effectiveness reaches 5000, it's just a dreg. What about me? I only have 400, so I don't even have the qualification to be a scum? " Ye Chen's mind is full of thoughts. He only feels that there is a kind of boundless road ahead. It seems that he has just been on the road, and the distant star sea can't be measured. He is like a drop in the ocean, a sand in the desert, insignificant and humble.

"Damn it Ye Chen silently clenched his fist, he secretly vowed to himself, "I must become stronger, and I will not live like an ant. Even if the combat effectiveness reaches 5000, I will be pressed on the ground and trampled wantonly. How can I protect the person I want to protect now? Isn't that bullshit? "

No one noticed Ye Chen's action. Everyone's eyes were focused on Chi Tong. One of the masters of the dragon soldier organization, he was lying on the ground like an ant. It seemed that he was about to die. He was about to die humiliated and humble. There was no dignity and meaning in his death.

Suddenly, Jia Jiansheng waved his hand, and the force that had been pressing on Chitong disappeared in the blink of an eye. Chitong tried his best to resist, but these forces could not stop, so he jumped up and burst into the cave, smashed the rock, and rushed into the rocks above.

Slightly shook his head, Jia Jiansheng light smile way, "now you still think just now I humiliate you?"

Chitong struggles to jump down from the crack in the stone. He stands on the ground, panting heavily, and looks at Jia Jiansheng. He is like looking at a fierce beast from ancient times. He has never experienced that kind of experience since he was born,

That kind of surging pressure is just like the steel plate of hydraulic press pressing on the body. Even if he tried his best, he could not resist it.

"You're... You're strong!" Red pupil's eyes are complex, and the fear in his expression has not been completely cleared. He looks at Jia Jiansheng, a middle-aged man with golden glasses who is as gentle as a university professor.

He was really afraid. Just now, Chitong was almost crushed to death. It was like playing with ants when he was a child. Jia Jiansheng could easily crush him.

But the other side didn't do that. Chitong didn't know what saved him. He licked his cracked lips, shook his head slightly, and took the initiative to remove his secret skill. The virtual shadow of armor gradually faded away, and his swollen body gradually recovered. Because Chi Tong knows that in front of Jia Jiansheng, whether he uses the secret skill or not, he has not the slightest egg use, let alone much difference.

If Jia Jiansheng wants to kill himself, he has no way to resist, let alone fight back.

At the thought of the shame that he couldn't even stand up just now, red pupil felt cold and sweaty. He could not help clenching his fist and swearing: if he didn't die today, he would work hard to cultivate after going back, for nothing else, just because he would not be run over like an ant!

Jia Jiansheng light swept red pupil one eye, he didn't have that leisure to guess red pupil in the mind of thought, just leisurely said, "now you can go."

This sentence was said when Jia Jiansheng just came to this cave, but Chi Tong didn't listen to it, but now, he can't bear to listen. In front of Jia Jiansheng, Chi Tong is like a baby who can't run. He can just strangle him with his hands.

Thinking of this, Chitong has no hesitation. He clenches his teeth, grabs the pink Phoenix who is staring at the development of the war situation, and shouts, "green mountains will not change, green water will flow, Jia Jiansheng, I admit I can't fight you now, but... Sooner or later I will find this field back!"

Jia Jiansheng said with a faint smile, "I'll wait for you."

Red pupil body in a flash, he directly used the dragon soldier secret technique, disappeared in this cave.

When the red pupil left, ye Chen could not help but stand out. He looked at Jia Jiansheng and said, "master, that man's strength seems to be very strong. Is it really OK to let the tiger go back to the mountain like you?"

Jia Jiansheng shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "I had an agreement with the Dragon King that I would not take the initiative to kill the people organized by the Dragon soldiers. What's more, letting the tiger go back to the mountain is certainly a legacy, but do you think Chitong is a tiger? Hehe, it's just an ant. Even if you wait for him for three or five years, it's just a bigger ant in the end. What's to be afraid of? "

With Jia Jiansheng's words finished, ye Chen just feels that he is more and more unable to see through the middle-aged man in front of him

He seems to be strong when he is strong. The stronger the opponent is, the stronger he can break out.

When No. 3 wharf rescued itself, it just showed 1500 combat effectiveness, but now?

The red pupil with 5000 combat power is played with as an ant. This degree of power is amazing.

Thinking of this, ye Chen can't help but look at Jia Jiansheng. He is secretly surprised and awed by this gentle middle-aged man.

Wei Qinghu and jackal, who were saved by Jia Jiansheng, were relieved to see red pupil go away.

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