The road of choice

Jackal is OK. When Chi Tong left just now, he didn't kill Wei Qinghu because of Jia Jiansheng's awe. As for jackal, Chi Tong disdained to fight. Moreover, Jia Jiansheng scared him out of his courage. He didn't have the courage to kill at that time.

"Thank you for saving my life." Wei Qinghu reacted quickly. He walked to Jia Jiansheng in two steps and knelt on the ground as soon as he bent his knees.

And the Jackal hesitated for a while, and finally followed Wei Qinghu to kneel down, and bowed down there respectfully.

Jia Jiansheng glanced at the two people in front of him and said faintly, "you don't have to be so polite. It's just a matter of lifting a finger. Get up."

Wei Qinghu shook his head. He said gratefully, "if it wasn't for my husband, I'm afraid my brothers would have lost their lives long ago. The kindness of saving lives is unforgettable."

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "do you know why I did it?"

Wei Qinghu hesitated for a moment. He opened his mouth and said carefully, "listen to what Chi Tong said just now, you are my mother's... Elder martial brother?"

After nodding, Jia Jiansheng said, "yes, I'm the elder martial brother of Qi Yue's younger martial sister. I heard that she married the Dragon King, and I'm very happy for her, but I didn't expect... Alas!"

At this point, Jia Jiansheng's eyes flashed a trace of memory. He took a deep breath and continued, "later... Alas... I don't mention it. Anyway, since you are the son of junior sister Qiyue, I will not sit back and ignore you. If it wasn't for your floating lead, I would not be here."

"Floating lead?" When Wei Qinghu was stunned, he immediately tore open his burnt black clothes and revealed a necklace hanging around his neck. On the necklace was a jade plate the size of a thumb cap, carved with some strange words and shimmering from time to time.

Jia Jiansheng saw the jade plate and immediately nodded his head with emotion and said, "that's right. This is Fuyin. It's from Nanhai Fushi. If the wearer is in danger, it will catch your life wave and vibrate another Fuyin."

As he said that, Jia Jiansheng also opened his collar a little, and there was a jade plate on his chest, which was exactly the same as Wei Qinghu's.

Wei Qinghu took a deep breath. He bumped his head against the ground and knocked his head heavily. "Today, I'm lucky to have master Jia's help. My little nephew just recovered his life. But Chi Tong will never let it go easily. Moreover, since the Dragon King has issued the Dragon King's order to kill me, the dragon soldier organization will definitely take killing me as the most important task, I can't live. "

When he heard Wei Qinghu say this, Jia Jiansheng frowned. He looked at Wei Qinghu, shook his head slightly and said, "I used to

When you marry the Dragon King for your younger martial sister, there will be no one who can hurt her any more. However, it never occurred to you that she died in the end. Now, as the son of the Dragon King, you are in a superior position, but you end up being chased and killed by your own family. The Dragon King doesn't know what to think, and even your own son is not spared? "

Wei Qinghu knelt on the ground, tearful, sobbing and said, "this is it, I have nothing to hide, my mother died in the hands of the Dragon King, that guy, that son of a bitch, sooner or later, I will kill him!"

"What?" Jia Jiansheng frowned, his face changed and asked eagerly, "what you said is true? Did the younger martial sister die at the hands of the Dragon King? "

Wei Qinghu said bitterly, "my nephew is absolutely sure. I saw the Dragon King's mother spit blood that day. I was only six years old that year. In order not to let the Dragon King find out my killing heart and hostility to him, I thought he had been a father for more than ten years, but now I can't stand it any more. Every time I close my eyes, it's like that. I can't do anything except swear to kill him, But... But... But I work hard a hundred times. One day, I will be able to kill the Dragon King! "“ You... "Jia Jiansheng looked at the crazy Wei Qinghu and said," after all, he is your father, and the relationship between the Dragon King and your mother is very good. There may be some misunderstandings. Don't be impulsive. I can find a way to communicate with the Dragon King and see what happened. "

Wei Qinghu's face was cold. He shook his head and said, "uncle, I saw with my own eyes that the dragon king killed my mother. No matter what he sophisticated, I would not believe it, and I even vowed that I would gamble my whole life to kill him. This is a man's dignity. Please don't interfere."


Jia Jiansheng opened his mouth. He wanted to say something else, but he didn't say anything after thinking about it. He just nodded and waved to Wei Qinghu, "well, since you have your own choice, I'm not qualified to deprive you of your freedom, but you should remember that the road you choose will be finished even if it's a sea of swords and flames."

"Of course Wei Qinghu firmly said, "don't say it's a sea of fire, even if it's blocked by tens of millions of people, I will go forward!"

Speaking of this, Wei Qinghu sincerely said to Jia Jiansheng, "uncle, I'm here to ask you, please, in my mother's face, to join hands with me to deal with the Dragon King!"

Jia Jiansheng's face moved, but after all, he slowly breathed out a breath and sighed, "it's not that I don't want to help you, but there are concerns behind me that I can't give up. As an enemy of the Dragon King, there are countless strong men to face. Even I can't defeat him, unless it is..."

"Except for what?" Wei Qinghu asked in a hurry.

Jia Jiansheng said slowly, "the dragon soldier organization is one of the strongest organizations in the world. It has strict hierarchy and many strong people. It can destroy a country and restrict him in a moment. It's also some powerful forces like new world. However, even if these powerful forces can restrict the dragon soldier, they still can't kill the Dragon King!"

Hearing Jia Jiansheng say this, Wei Qinghu's eyes darkened in an instant. What Jia Jiansheng said is a very realistic and cold fact. Even if it is a powerful force like the new world, it is absolutely impossible to form a dragon army

If we don't go to war in an all-round way, we can't accept the consequences of losing both sides.

Wei Qinghu's face changed again and again. His mind changed a lot. After all, he sighed, "I also know that it's almost impossible to kill the Dragon King. After all, he is one of the strongest men in the world. Unless I can have the strength to fight against the whole dragon army organization, otherwise, I can't threaten him at all."

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