Blood sacrifice

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "that's right. I don't have to tell you how strong the Dragon King is. As your father, you should know him better than I do, and how powerful the man who once dominated the world is."

Wei Qinghu gritted his teeth. He knelt down on the ground, looked at Jia Jiansheng, and said sincerely, "my nephew originally wanted to unite with a group of killer organizations to bluff in Dongcheng City, and then stay away from this ghost place. But now I find that things are not as simple as I thought. After the promulgation of the Dragon King order, where can I live, My little nephew just wants to ask my uncle to protect me for the time being in the face of my mother. "

Jia Jiansheng's face changes, and Wei Qinghu's request is not unexpected. At present, there are all kinds of murders. After the Dragon King's order is issued, countless dragon soldiers who believe in the Dragon King as the supreme will boil up, and there will be countless fanatical dragon soldiers who want to kill Wei Qinghu.

At that time, no matter how powerful Wei Qinghu is, no matter where he hides, there is no way to escape the capture of the Dragon soldiers who are good at chasing and killing others.

Members of the dragon soldier organization are the strongest killers on the planet. Wei Qinghu has no chance to survive if he wants to escape the pursuit of so many professional killers.

However, if Jia Jiansheng is determined to protect Wei Qinghu, even if the longbing organization makes every effort to arrest Wei Qinghu, Jia Jiansheng can still temporarily protect Wei Qinghu's life.

"You just said Dragon King order?" Jia Jiansheng looked at Wei Qinghu and asked hesitantly, "what grade is it?"

When Wei Qinghu heard Jia Jiansheng ask this question, he was shocked. He knew that Jia Jiansheng would not ask casually. He must have deep meaning, so he opened his mouth. He carefully replied, "that... Dragon King order is silver."

Jia Jiansheng's frown slightly loosened, and he took a slow breath. "It's OK. If it's only the lowest level of Dragon King's order, you can't recruit those super strong men. At most, it's just like the young man just now, and the strength is at the peak of the third day, so you don't have to worry too much, but it depends on the Dragon King's mood, If I help to protect you, he may issue a higher level Dragon King order. At that time, no one can stop the pursuit of those super strong people, even me. "

After hearing Jia Jiansheng's words, Wei Qinghu's face suddenly changed, and then deeply kowtowed, "I dare not ask too much. If my uncle is in danger because of my nephew's reasons, I am also ashamed of my mother. If my nephew can protect my nephew, I will be happy. If I have any worries, I will never ask for anything."

Jia Jiansheng first looks at the Jackal behind Wei Qinghu, then looks at Ye Chen standing next to him. Then his eyes lock on Wei Qinghu. He blinks and says slowly, "I can protect you for a period of time, but only if the Dragon King doesn't send out a higher level Dragon King order, if so, I won't be able to save you even if I fight for this old life. "

Wei Qinghu immediately kowtowed and said, "uncle can make such a move, has let my nephew overjoyed, if you

The Dragon King is really determined to kill me. That's the end of my life. How can I hurt my martial uncle again? It's based on the Silver Dragon King's order. If the Dragon King issues a higher level Dragon King's order, I don't need to talk to my martial uncle. My nephew should take the initiative to leave and don't hurt anyone. "

Jia Jiansheng shook his eyes for a moment and said slowly, "I also hope you can understand me. After all, I quit the new world with my own difficulties. I didn't want anyone to know my identity and position, because I also have my own fetters and concerns. If it wasn't for my younger martial sister's face, I would never care about this."

Speaking of this, Wei Qinghu was shocked. He nodded and said in a deep voice, "yes, uncle, I understand."

Jia Jiansheng thought about it and then said, "but I also need your help on one thing." Wei Qinghu jumped out of the corner of his eye and said, "uncle, please say that as long as my nephew can do it, it's nothing to worry about."

Jia Jiansheng pointed to Ye Chen standing beside him and said, "you have the blood of the Dragon King in your body. You should be able to carry out blood sacrifice. I want him to learn the secret art of dragon soldiers. You should be able to do it?"

"What?" Wei Qinghu's face changed, but he soon calmed down and licked his lips. He said to Jia Jiansheng, "uncle, the secret arts of dragon soldiers have a lot to do with each other. Although I'm no longer a member of the Dragon soldiers' organization, it's not impossible for me to help this little brother with blood sacrifice, but you have to understand that if I'm not a member of the Dragon soldiers' organization, if I steal the secret arts of dragon soldiers, the consequences will be very serious."

With a little smile, Jia Jiansheng said, "Hey, it doesn't matter. I don't think the Dragon King will bother me because of these things. If he wants to, let him issue the Dragon King order to kill me. Ha ha."

Ye Chen saw that Jia Jiansheng had said something about himself. He scratched his head and asked, "master, what is blood sacrifice? I know the secret skill of dragon soldiers. It's said that it's a way of fighting that can burst out the potential in the body in an instant. Song Yang told me that, and I've also fought with the killers organized by demon soldiers. Their secret skill of dragon soldiers is really powerful. "

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "the secret art of dragon soldiers is a very old and mysterious way of fighting. Only the blood of the Dragon King can inherit this secret art. Ordinary people can't even learn it. Only after blood sacrifice can they have the qualification to use it."

"Well?" Ye Chen scratched his head and said with a smile, "so it is. No wonder Song Yang can't learn the secret art of dragon soldiers. That's good. Song Yang and I have learned it well together. Master can also sacrifice blood. Anyway, it's good to learn more skills, isn't it?"

Hearing Ye Chen say this, Wei Qinghu's face turned white. He said to Ye Chen, "little brother, you should be the disciple of my martial uncle. You don't know, brother. The blood sacrifice will consume a lot of my blood essence. Unless I'm strong enough, otherwise, these blood essence can't be consumed for me. Unlike the powerful Dragon King, I can only sacrifice blood to those who are lower than me, And it can only be used once a month, so... "

Before Wei Qinghu's words came down, Jia Jiansheng laughed and said, "Ye Chen, don't talk nonsense. You don't have to be too scared. Wei Qinghu, you don't have to be too scared. I only want him to give you a blood sacrifice."

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