The second day

He felt the surging aura in the air around him, filling his body like fog. He could feel the shape and intensity of those auras, and also slowly absorb those auras into his body through Tanzhong acupoint in front of his chest.

"Is this the feeling of Reiki entering the body?" Ye Chen with "bright glass body" of the way to open the orifices, easily in his Tanzhong acupoint opened a orifices, he thought it was a very hard thing, but let Ye Chen did not think of is, open the orifices than he imagined to be much easier, almost naturally opened.

What ye Chen doesn't know is that just because his orifices are opened, Jia Jiansheng is also shocked. You know, what Jia Jiansheng started to practice is not "Ming Guang Liu Li Ti", but another kind of martial arts skill. When he started to open his orifices, he spent a whole day and night to complete it.

But when ye Chen came here, he was just like eating and drinking water. He simply began to practice directly. Such a terrible talent is not common even in the new world.

Staring at the Tanzhong acupoint on yechen's chest, Jia Jiansheng smiles and doesn't speak, looking happy.

On the Tanzhong point of yechen, a milky ancient rune is flashing slightly. It is about the size of mung bean. With the flickering of this rune, the aura in the air slowly and powerfully drills into yechen's body at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Chen didn't know what Jia Jiansheng thought. In fact, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care much. With the beginning of the first orifices, the aura gradually entered the body. According to the transformation method recorded in the Ming Guang Liu Li Ti, he rotated the aura, compressed and purified it.

Gradually, the aura absorbed into the meridians was gradually eliminated. With Ye Chen's mind control, it gradually turned into a spiral shape, and also gradually transformed into a pure transparent breath. This breath is stable and positive, and flows slowly in his meridians. Every time he runs a circle, it shrinks one point.

"Tut tut." Ye Chen said in his heart, "is this courage? According to the records in Ming Guang Liu Li Ti, this kind of courage will gradually become more solid and pure with the operation of Gongfa. Correspondingly, the more solid the courage is, the more courage the body can carry, and the stronger the strength that the courage can burst out. "

Carefully adjusting his breath, ye Chen abandons the thoughts in his heart and immerses himself in the cultivation. His mind moves, and he is secretly happy. He sees the shimmering light on the Tiantu acupoint in the middle of his clavicle, showing a rune again!

This Rune has a milky luster, the same size of mung bean, which is different from the Rune of Tanzhong acupoint. The style of this rune is specious, but with the appearance of this rune, ye Chen's Tiantu acupoint also turned into a spiritual orifice, and began to directly absorb the free aura between heaven and earth.

"What?" Standing in front of Ye Chen's body, Jia Jiansheng's eyes are almost staring out. Although he is very surprised that ye Chen can open the first hole at the beginning, he can still accept it, but the way of opening another hole in less than ten minutes makes him a little unacceptable.

"Damn it." Jia Jiansheng said in secret, "this boy's talent is really frightening. When I first began to cultivate my courage, it took me a day and a night to break the first spiritual orifice. When I opened the second spiritual orifice, it had been three days, right?"

"People are more popular than people." Jia Jiansheng said, "I come from the name of Bai Feng swordsman, who thinks he is gifted. He is proud of others' talent and makes great efforts. But I think this smelly boy, it seems that his talent is going to throw me a few blocks away. But my talent in those years was thought by the master to be rare once in 500 years, ye Chen..."

Thinking of this, Jia Jiansheng's eyes twinkle. The stronger Ye Chen's talent is, the happier he is. He licks his lips. Jia Jiansheng says with a smile, "it's very good. It seems that I've taught a wonderful genius. It's not a waste to be able to see the birth of this kind of genius with my own eyes."

All of a sudden, Jia Jiansheng's face changed, and the smile on his face instantly solidified. Gradually, he opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes were wide open. He lost his voice and said, "the third orifices?"

Time is like running water, all night in a hurry.

Jia Jiansheng was standing in front of the big tree, his expression was numb, the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time, and the corners of his eyes jumped wildly.

But ye Chen, who is sitting on his knees under the big tree, is still immersed in cultivation. His runes are flashing around him, and his aura is surging like a tide

Go into your body.

"No change at last?" Jia Jiansheng sighed for a long time. He said bitterly, "it took only one night to open eight orifices. Almost every hour you open one for me. When did the orifices become so worthless? You can drive it as you like? "

Ye Chen sits on the ground with his knees crossed. Now his ears can't hear and eyes can't see. His whole body is immersed in his own cultivation. In the meridians of his body, his transparent courage wanders back and forth, running endlessly.

And the eight orifices of the body are constantly conveying aura to the body, and then they are quickly transformed by spiral, purified and refined into courage.

With the growth of courage, ye Chen only feels that there is a huge beast in his body that has been dormant and sleeping for a long time. He gradually wakes up. His power is surging like a flood. Suddenly, he opens his eyes from meditation. Jia Jiansheng is cold in his heart. He only feels that there is a flash of light in front of him. Ye Chen's eyes are like thunder, and fiercely across the world.

Just like the overlord in the world, ye Chen suddenly stood up. He clenched his fist in his hand and pounded hard forward. Suddenly, the sand flew away and the leaves fell. A transparent fist came out through his body and hit a tree three meters away.

Ye Chen's fist was like compressing the air in front of him into a transparent shell, and then hit him with incredible speed.


Strong impact on the tree, the thick and thin trunk of the washbasin was directly broken from the middle, and the violent force immediately destroyed the trunk.


The tree that was interrupted by the waist creaked and fell on the ground, splashing countless branches and leaves.

Ye Chen took a deep breath. He licked his dry lips and looked at his fists with unbelievable eyes. He could not help murmuring, "this... So strong power!"

Jia Jiansheng also looked at Ye Chen in a silly way. He looked at Ye Chen as if he were looking at a monster. He opened his mouth. He could not help but say, "how can you? It's the second day! "

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