The so-called wind

"Master?" Ye Chen hears Jia Jiansheng say so, immediately lift an eye to look at him, doubt of ask a way, "second heavy day?"? Am I on the second day now? "

Without saying anything, Jia Jiansheng steps out and punches Ye Chen. The impact of this blow is not too strong. It just stirs up a little breeze. However, ye Chen feels an indescribable danger and directly covers his whole body.

This kind of dangerous breath is like a tiger gazing, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at the brain melon seeds, which makes Ye Chen shiver. He quickly retreats half a step, and makes the same fist to stop Jia Jiansheng.

However, Jia Jiansheng just hooked his mouth and trembled his arm, and a trace of transparent courage hovered around his fist. Facing his fist, ye Chen did not dare to neglect him. He clenched his right fist tightly, and his mind moved. He also showed a trace of courage, hovering on his fist, constantly shaking.


The fists and fists are in close contact. As soon as ye Chen's face changes, he takes several steps back in a moment. The powerful force destroys his courage with a kind of momentum. Just when ye Chen thinks that his arms will be crushed by that force, Jia Jiansheng suddenly stops, That strong unparalleled power also followed like the breeze, the understatement disappeared.

"Hoo." Ye Chen couldn't help shaking his arm, which was so badly hurt by the shock. His face was pale, and he was so afraid that he complained, "master, do you want to scare me to death? So strong, I don't think my arm is my own. "

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "it's not bad. It's bold and vigorous. It's really the second heaven."

Ye Chen's vision twinkles, the facial expression is tiny a joy, he says happily, "really? I'm on the second day, too? "

After nodding, Jia Jiansheng said with admiration, "your talent is excellent, which is rare in my life. Even when I just started to practice like you..."

At this point, Jia Jiansheng blushed slightly and coughed twice. "That, coughing, that's about this level."

Scratching his head, ye Chen said with a silly smile, "I can't compare with master. Even a strong man like that, when he comes to you, he is honestly pressed on the ground. He even has a hard time standing up. I'm so far away."

Hearing Ye Chen say this, Jia Jiansheng's face turned red. He waved his hand and said, "don't aim too high. If you want to control the drive, you have to wait."

Ye Chen's eyes brightened. He looked at Jia Jiansheng and said, "master, will you teach me?"

Ye Chen's admiration for the power and demeanor that can suppress the super strong without hands-on and understatement is from the heart, especially the strong taste of b-dress. He doesn't need to talk much, just one look can conquer the audience's eyes, full of high hand demeanor.

Jia Jiansheng smiles. He looks at Ye Chen and says, "since you all worship me as a teacher, it's reasonable to pass on all my life's learning to you."

Hearing what Jia Jiansheng said, ye Chen felt warm. He could hear a trace of expectation and care from Jia Jiansheng's tone, and nodded heavily. Ye Chen said, "don't worry, master. No matter what, I won't disgrace your reputation."

With a little smile, Jia Jiansheng said, "don't mention these things now. First feel the courage in your body. Isn't there much left?"

Ye Chen is surprised, and then quickly perceives for a while, and immediately discovers that his meridians are empty, and even the courage in the Dantian is almost gone. Without waiting for ye Chen to ask, Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "ha ha, your two fists just now have used up all your courage? It's also a common problem for novices, that is, they don't have consciousness when they make moves, and they break out completely by instinct. Therefore, the use of courage is often like flood discharge, and they are soon stretched out. But in actual combat, when you run out of courage, you will be like a tiger with teeth broken off, and can only be slaughtered by the enemy. "

After Jia Jiansheng talks about his experience, ye Chen only feels that he is sweating all over. If he is talking with red pupil, he will be in a cold sweat

What kind of enemy, after using up all his courage, is really like a soldier losing his weapon. He can only become a toothless tiger that bites without pain.

However, even if I didn't use up my courage, with my current strength, I'm definitely not Chitong's opponent. You know, it's the top of the third heaven. Even if it's the distance from the fourth heaven, which is a layer of window paper, if I fight with it, I'm not as good as Wei Qinghu.

Think of here, ye Chen's face can't help flashing a trace of loss, but soon, he silently clenched his fist, fighting 5000 super strong?

I will definitely surpass you!

With this thought, ye Chen faced Jia Jiansheng and said seriously, "master, I've written it down. I'll pay attention to the use of courage in the future. I'll try my best to save every point of strength. I'll never give priority to hard work. I'll use courage flexibly in combat, just like..."

Ye Chen said here, he thought of Jia Jiansheng's elegant body method and flexible martial arts, so he seriously said, "just like the master, fighting like the wind."

"Oh?" Jia Jiansheng looked at Ye Chen with great interest. He said with a playful smile, "Hey, ye Chen, what do you think is wind?"

"The wind?" Ye Chen is stunned, he doesn't know why Jia Jiansheng suddenly asks this kind of question, but he opens his mouth, just thinking

When I want to answer, I suddenly find that I don't know how to open my mouth.

Ye Chen suddenly felt that this question was so simple that he didn't need to think about it. But he suddenly felt that Jia Jiansheng's question had profound meaning. After thinking about it, ye Chen finally tentatively answered, "the air blowing from one place to another is the wind. It's invisible and can't be grasped."

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng shook his head slightly. He said with a smile, "the so-called wind is like this."

As he said this, Jia Jiansheng waved his hand gently, and a breeze suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen, gently blowing his hair in front of Ye Chen's forehead. Ye Chen only felt the breeze blowing on his face, comfortable and leisurely.

"What do you feel from the wind?" Jia Jiansheng stood with a negative hand and asked with a smile.

After thinking about it, ye Chen replied truthfully, "soft."

Nodding, Jia Jiansheng waves his hand again. Suddenly, the wind blows hard, sweeping the fallen leaves in the forest. Ye Chen can't help but step back. He subconsciously raises his hand to block his face and protects his eyes. His skirt rustles. Ye Chen only feels that the wind is so strong that he can't even breathe.

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