Challenge of life and death

Jia Jiansheng took back his palm, and the sudden strong wind disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

Looking at Ye Chen, Jia Jiansheng asked faintly, "what do you feel from the wind?"

Ye Chen answers without thinking, "fury."

After nodding again, Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "wind is the most free thing in the world. It can go up and down, or East and West. No matter where you want to go, there is no place you can't go. It can be as soft as water, or as violent as thunder. It has no color, no form, or it can become any form."

"It's good to use palm, rope net or anything. You can never hold it, just like you can never hold a person's heart." With that, Jia Jiansheng steps forward and points Ye Chen's heart.

"It's a man's dream to do things freely with the wind of freedom, to gallop freely in the vast sky with the most free attitude, to let go of his heart, to let go of all he has, and to make himself a part of his style, isn't it? Ye Chen

With these words, Jia Jiansheng looks at Ye Chen with encouraging eyes. Ye Chen's eyes are full of longing. He and Jia Jiansheng look at each other

"Yes, freedom," he said! One day, I also want to become a part of my style. I want to fly in the vast sky. If I want to sing, I can sing. If I want to fly, I can fly. Like an eagle in the wind, I can fly with the wind. I am more free than anyone in the sky and the world! "

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng suddenly laughed, he said to Ye Chen, "if you want to be more free than anyone else, then you have to be stronger than anyone else, so that there is no one who can restrict you between heaven and earth, and there is no place in the universe that you can't go, then you are the most free."

"Freedom." Ye Chen suddenly felt that these two words deeply touched his heart and made his soul twitch.

Nodding heavily, he said to Jia Jiansheng, "master, is this the essence of wind?"

Jia Jiansheng said, "yes, this is the essence of wind, the essence of freedom."

Slowly spit out a breath, ye Chen cross knee and sit, he fell into meditation again.

Looking at Ye Chen who began to practice without saying a word, Jia Jiansheng nodded in admiration. It's useless to dream a million times. If you want to fulfill your dream, you'd better do it bit by bit and try it bit by bit. Just like Ye Chen now, even if he can't be more free than anyone, he can at least let himself be more free than some people, Then step by step, let yourself more and more free.

Time goes by quickly. In Ye Chen's cultivation, Jia Jiansheng has been guarding Ye Chen's side. The process of martial arts cultivation is simple

It's very dangerous. If disturbed by others, it's easy to get possessed. If the courage goes wrong, and the foundation is small, it's hard to recover the original explosion.

For a whole day, ye Chen was immersed in cultivation and had no desire to eat. Little by little, he opened up his own spiritual orifices and slowly filled his elixir field. His courage swam back and forth in the meridians, and the power contained in his body became stronger and stronger.

Looking at the twinkling runes appearing at the acupoints on Ye Chen's body, Jia Jiansheng's eyes jump wildly. He can't help murmuring, "he's really a demon. In only one day and one night, he has opened up 15 orifices!"

On Ye Chen's chest and abdomen, the 15 orifices alternately flicker with milky ancient and clumsy runes. The light aura in the air penetrates through the 15 orifices, and then ye Chen's body is transformed into boldness, which is integrated with the transparent boldness in the meridians, and gradually becomes stronger and stronger“ Hoo... "

Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes, recovered from the state of meditation, deeply spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, ye Chen looked at Jia Jiansheng with a smile, and slowly stood up.

Jia Jiansheng raised his eyebrows. He only felt that ye Chen's breath was much stronger than that in the morning. However, in one day, his cultivation improved a lot. This kind of cultivation speed was simply appalling.

Especially that kind of behavior of constantly opening up spiritual orifices, the speed is really frightening. Jia Jiansheng looks straight beside him

Numbness, when the Lingqiao become so worthless, casually get a dozen or twenty out.

With a twitch of his mouth, Jia Jiansheng said, "I thought you would sit here and practice until you broke through the third heaven."

Scratching his head, ye Chen covered his stomach awkwardly and said with a smile, "that, I'm a little hungry. I can't practice any more. Haha."

Seeing ye Chen like this, Jia Jiansheng is angry and funny. He says to Ye Chen, "aren't you a cook? I'll take care of it later. "

Ye Chen looked around and saw that the sun was slanting to the west, and immediately the trees would be out of sight, because the branches and leaves were very dense, even in the daytime, it was a little dark. If the sun went down, the weak moonlight would not shine in at all.

So ye Chen said, "master, it will be dark soon. Where can we get food? Although I'm a cook, it's hard for a skillful woman to cook without rice. I don't even have any ingredients. How can I cook? "

Jia Jiansheng glanced at Ye Chen and said casually, "I don't care about you. Anyway, I haven't eaten. I'm hungry. If you can't get dinner tonight, don't practice. Wash yourself and clean it. Then cook it for me."

Ye Chen was startled by Jia Jiansheng's words. He quickly waved his hand and said, "master, your taste is too unique. Although you can't eat human flesh, there is no water here. How can I boil water to cook human flesh for you?"

"More water." Jia Jiansheng said, "kill you, bleed, water is enough."

The whole body that is frightened by Jia Jiansheng shakes, ye Chen says with a smile immediately, "master, you don't joke, that, let's go back to the city to have a meal again."

Jia Jiansheng glanced at Ye Chen and said, "who has the time to joke with you? We have to live and eat in this forest these two days. It's your turn to fight for life and death in the arena. You must improve your strength as much as possible in this limited time, otherwise, you may die in the arena."

Ye Chen was stunned at first. Then he soon became serious and thought about it. He asked Jia Jiansheng, "master, I really want to know what the so-called life and death challenge is?"

"The challenge of life and death?" Jia Jiansheng said, "the so-called challenge of life and death is actually a way of duel in the arena. Two contestants are randomly selected for duel. The winner will get a little points. Until the points are full, he can get the qualification to participate in the battle of 100."

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