Super genius

Scratching his head, ye Chen asked suspiciously, "I know the battle of a hundred people. You told me before that my nomination for entering the new century is to obtain the dragon pattern silver ring in the arena, and the dragon pattern silver ring can only be captured by the battle of a hundred people, but how can there be a challenge of life and death now?"

Jia Jiansheng thought about it, and then explained, "if you want to participate in the hundred man battle, you don't just have to save nine points to participate in the hundred Man Battle. In other words, you have to win nine games in the life and death competition to be qualified to participate in the hundred man battle."

Touching his nose, ye Chen said, "that is to say, those who can take part in the hundred person battle are the elites who have won nine matches in the duel arena, right? So they are all tough opponents, and they are more difficult to deal with, aren't they?"

Nodded, Jia Jiansheng said, "it can be said that, because you didn't open your mind before, and you didn't condense your courage. You're just the warrior of the first heaven, so I'm not too eager. After all, in the realm of the first heaven, you are very good, but you should know that the duel standard of life and death is divided according to the realm of the first heaven, so..."

Ye Chen hit a spirit, he widened his eyes and said, "so that is to say, after I enter the realm of the second heaven, the opponent I will fight against is also in this realm?"

Jia Jiansheng nodded without hesitation and said, "of course, if you let a person in the first day and a person in the second

Where is the suspense about the outcome of the match between heaven and man? You don't have to fight. "

Nodded, ye Chen's expression became dignified, he frowned and asked, "then if I want to get the qualification of a hundred men's war, don't I have to win nine games in a row? Moreover, after obtaining the qualification for the 100 person battle, do you have to compete with 99 people for the dragon pattern silver ring? "

"You don't need to win nine games in a row. According to the rules of life and death challenge, as long as you win in a row, your points will be tripled. After three games, your points will be enough for you to participate in a hundred person battle." Jia Jiansheng said.

Ye Chen eyebrows a wrinkly, he opens mouth to say, "three successive wins?"? It doesn't seem that simple. "

"It's not easy, of course." Jia Jiansheng said faintly, "I used to polish my actual combat skills in the arena. At the beginning of the life and death competition, I used to match opponents randomly according to their state. But when you take part in the competition, it's completely according to your points. If you win in a row, if your points are too high, you will match stronger opponents and want to win three times in a row, Your opponents will be stronger one by one. "

Hearing Jia Jiansheng say this, ye Chen's face becomes more and more calm. He has just arrived at the second day. Compared with those martial artists who have been immersed in this realm for many years, they still have some insufficient information. If they fight each other once, they are likely to fall into the embarrassing situation of lack of stamina as they did in the morning.

However, although Ye Chen's heart is a little bottomless, he still slowly clenched his fist and gritted his teeth indomitably, "no matter what, I want to enter the new world. Even if there are tens of millions of people blocking me, I can't just surrender. Hey, how can I know if I don't try this kind of thing?"

"Good boy." Jia Jiansheng nodded heavily. As soon as he jumped up, his figure disappeared in the same place. When he appeared again, he had a rabbit in his hand.

Throwing it at Ye Chen's feet, Jia Jiansheng said faintly, "this is the source of our food for these two days. You'd better hurry up. For this field training, I've prepared some condiments."

With that, Jia Jiansheng takes out a small cloth bag from his pocket and throws it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen quickly takes it in his hand. He doubts about it and unties the bag. Ye Chen looks inside and sees some small bottles. From the outside, he can tell that they are condiments like salt and pepper. Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile, "master, you are really well prepared."

With that, ye Chen grabs the rabbit beside his feet. The gray rabbit is big and fat, and there is no wound on his whole body. He just kicks his legs and opens his mouth, and his eyes are round. He doesn't know how he died.

Shaking his head, ye Chen's forehead was covered with a black line. He could not help but Tucao. "Master, you old man is too ruthless, and he used to make complaints about a rabbit."

Jia Jiansheng was not angry and said, "cut the crap and make a meal quickly, or I will not press it and I will press you. If you can stand it for three seconds, I will worship you as my teacher."

Scared by Jia Jiansheng, ye Chen doesn't dare to say anything more. He takes the rabbit in his hand and goes to the back of the big tree to deal with it.

Joke, like Chitong, the super strong with 5000 combat power are all oppressed by their courage and power. If they are themselves, I'm afraid they will die every minute.

With this in mind, ye Chen licked his lips as he fiddled with the rabbit in his hand. He shook his head and said, "Oh, what a miserable child. Not only did he travel for more than ten kilometers, but he also had a fight with the robot. After sitting for a day and a night without food, he had to cook for someone's family. Tut tut Tut, I envy those children who have good masters, Like me... Tut tut... "

Ye Chen is still here nagging complain of time, a transparent courage suddenly hit over, put Ye Chen pedal a shit.

Although he was thrown on the ground, ye Chen's skin was rough and fleshy, but he didn't feel pain. He just struggled to get up from the ground and continued to play with the rabbit in his hand, so he didn't dare to say a word more.

Glancing at Ye Chen's crouching back, Jia Jiansheng's face became more and more serious. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The dense branches and leaves blocked the empty sky. Jia Jiansheng murmured, "master, maybe I have found the super talent you are looking for..."

In the twilight, the dense forest is dark, and the night wind comes gently, blowing the corner of Jia Jiansheng's clothes. Jia Jiansheng stares at the distance faintly, his eyes are fuzzy, and there is no focus. The wind blows white clothes, but it can't disperse his ethereal thoughts. No one knows what he is thinking.

Standing there quietly, he thought for a long time. After all, he just didn't say a word. The dark night came around and gradually shrouded the whole dense forest. In the dim night, he suddenly heard a sigh, no sadness, no joy. He didn't know what it meant.

"Bang bang!"

In this dense forest, the dawn has not yet fully risen, the mist curls, and the branches and leaves are thick.

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