Man and machine

The sound of a series of collisions rings out one after another. In the dense forest, a black sparring robot is fighting with Ye Chen, who is also dressed in black.

Ye Chen at the foot of a sliding step, instantly dodged the robot's fist, and clenched the bow body, directly hit the robot in the chest.

Ye Chen's fist has transparent courage, and the light fluctuates violently. Under the fist, he directly beat the robot back three or four steps, and the memory alloy on his chest was twisted and deformed, as if he had been beaten and scrapped.

However, ye Chen doesn't dare to be careless, because he knows that although the body of the robot is not too hard, it's almost abnormal recovery ability, which makes Ye Chen ashamed.

No matter how serious the injury, this robot can always quickly restore the original, and energetic to continue to ask you to refuel attack.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." Fierce rough pant, ye Chen staring at the front of the robot helplessly shook his head, he slowly clenched his fist, to accompany the robot command way, "continue to upgrade your combat effectiveness."

"Of course." The robot replied, "according to your request, next my sparring strength will be promoted to the second level

God, please be careful. "

Said, the robot body has a strong aura, flashing constantly, ye Chen eyes blink are not blinking at it, surprised to ask, "Hey, robot, your energy source is aura?"

The companion robot replied, "yes, at the truth Research Center, the research on aura has been extremely thorough. The human body can't use aura directly because there are too many impurities in aura. It must be purified and transformed into courage in order to control and use it. We robots are different."

Scratching his head, ye Chen asked suspiciously, "according to what you say, you mean that the robot can use it directly without purifying and transforming the aura?"

The artificial intelligence system of the companion robot is very advanced. He said, "yes, according to my database, the reason why human beings can't control the unconverted aura is that there are too many impurities in the unconverted aura, and it's like a wild horse scurrying in the meridians, so that it can't be controlled. On the contrary, it will damage their own meridians, But we robots can also use Reiki in other ways

With that, the hand of the robot shook, and the metal in front of its chest suddenly moved, revealing a cylindrical cavity inside. In this cavity, a fist sized colorful flower stone was suspended in the center of the Dragon Cave, fluctuating from time to time, emitting a strong aura.

"Well?" Ye Chen frowned, and he felt an extremely powerful wave of power from the stone, but he also noticed that the smell on the stone was complex and turbid, which was different from his own courage.

"Is it the original stone?" Just then, Jia Jiansheng, who had been standing not far away to watch the battle, suddenly said.

Ye Chen quickly turns his head. He looks at Jia Jiansheng and asks, "master, what is the original stone?"

Jia Jiansheng said slowly, "martial arts practitioners cultivate courage mainly by extracting aura from heaven and earth, and then transforming it into pure courage for use, so as to strengthen their own strength. Do you know that?"

Nodded, ye Chen said without hesitation, "that is of course, but what does this have to do with the original stone?"

Jia Jiansheng said, "the martial arts open up the orifices and absorb the aura from the heaven and the earth. But the aura that floats in the air is too rare, and the content is far from rich. At this time, it highlights the importance of a kind of cultivation object called the spirit stone. After a pause, Jia Jiansheng continued, "the so-called spirit stone is the stone containing spirit. Most of the spirit in it is the product of natural precipitation of spirit for thousands of years. Not only is it pure in quality, but also the scale of spirit contained in a spirit stone is very exciting. Two martial arts practitioners practice with the same skill. One uses the spirit stone, and the other absorbs it by himself, Of course, the speed is quite different. Within a year, the warrior who uses the spirit stone can crush the warrior who he absorbs under his feet. "

Ye Chen's eyes are shining, he stares at the colorful stone in front of the robot, excitedly says, "is that flower stone a spirit stone? But... Although the aura is compelling and it seems to fluctuate strongly, but... "

Although at the beginning, ye Chen was still quite excited, but gradually, ye Chen saw the trouble from the fluctuation of the stone.

Jia Jiansheng laughed, nodded his head with admiration and said, "the stone in his body is not a spirit stone, but an original stone. The so-called original stone is similar to the formation process of spirit stone. However, spirit stone is formed naturally. For thousands of years, spirit Qi with the same properties have attracted each other, intertwined and entangled. Finally, quantitative change causes qualitative change, and the gas state condenses into a solid state, But most of them are very pure, just like the principle of a magnet. Only the auras with the same properties attract each other, otherwise they will only repel each other. Because of this characteristic, although the auras float in the air, they are still distinct and do not blend with each other. "

Looking at Ye Chen nodding and thinking from time to time, Jia Jiansheng continued to teach, "what's the same with Lingshi is that the original stone is also the product of Lingshi's blending and precipitation, and the gaseous state is transformed into solid state, but different from Lingshi, the original stone is the mixture of different attributes of Lingqi."

"Well?" Ye Chen is a Leng, he opens a mouth to ask a way, "isn't that to say, be like accompany to practice robot body of this original stone, inside contain many kinds of attributes of aura?"

After nodding, Jia Jiansheng said slowly, "the aura between heaven and earth is huge, but in the final analysis, it can only be divided into five attributes, corresponding to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, which are mutually reinforcing and restraining. Because of the different cultivation methods, martial arts people prefer different auras. Except for some Tianpin martial arts, no martial arts can absorb two completely different auras, Therefore, although the aura in the original stone is huge and powerful, it can't be absorbed by the warrior normally. Otherwise, the turbid Aura will not only destroy the vulnerable meridians of the warrior, but also produce a reaction in the warrior's body and directly explode in situ to send you to the West. "

Hearing Jia Jiansheng's explanation, ye Chen scratched his head. He looked at Jia Jiansheng suspiciously and said, "but master,

Why don't I think the courage in my body has attributes? When I absorbed aura, I didn't deliberately absorb any kind of aura. "

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