Broken fist

Jia Jiansheng smiles a little. He says to Ye Chen, "a martial arts man cultivates his courage. After the second day of cultivation, he uses martial arts to open up his mind and develop his courage. This is the first and most important step in the road of martial arts. At this time, your martial arts has already defined where you want to go in the future."

"According to the differences in martial arts cultivation, the courage of martial arts practitioners can be generally divided into two categories. One is element courage, the other is physical cultivation courage. Element courage is the natural element between heaven and earth. It is the derivation of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The physical cultivation department is very easy to understand, strengthen the body, forge the body and preach."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. He looked at Jia Jiansheng, opened his mouth and said, "master, according to what you say, is the" bright glass body "that we cultivate the courage of physical cultivation?"!

"That's right." Jia Jiansheng said, "the biggest difference between the courage of the physical cultivation department and the courage of the element department is that it is invisible. Whether it is in the meridians or out of the body, it is transparent, while the element department is different. For example, the dragon soldier arresting envoy I suppressed with my courage is the courage of the fire attribute, and after it is released, it will condense into the form of fire, or the female killer, Her boldness should be the attribute of the wind, so it will also condense into the form of the wind. "

"The wind?" Ye Chen was stunned. He scratched his head and asked, "master, didn't you say that the element system is based on the five elements? Isn't the wind attribute not in the five elements

Jia Jiansheng smiles and says to Ye Chen, "all things in the world are in the five elements. Wind, rain and lightning are the same."

"Is it?" Ye Chen scratched his head, then looked at Jia Jiansheng and asked, "master, when you are fighting against the old Tang Dynasty, you can also use the element boldness of the wind attribute. Can you practice the boldness of the physical training department and the element department at the same time?"

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "yes, the relationship between the element system and the physical cultivation system is not incompatible. Moreover, when many martial arts practitioners practice the element system's courage, they will also practice the physical cultivation system's courage at the same time. Strong physique can make martial arts practitioners gain more benefits in battle and cultivation."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully. He moved his arm and looked at the robot standing beside him. Then he said with a smile, "now it's useless to think about so many things. I'll spend all my time on improving my strength. No matter whether I can win three games in a row in the competition of life and death, my goal is only one, That's it - not a lose! "

With that, ye Chen pointed to the robot and said with a smile, "come on, let me see your power!"

After receiving the order, the robot's eyes flash with infrared light. It leaps up in the air and shoots Ye Chen in the air with one palm. Ye Chen only feels that a surge of power is coming, like a river pouring down. That surge of power is just like overwhelming, and it's pressing down on ye Chen!

"What a turbid Aura!" Ye Chen can feel a strong aura wave from this power, but it is different from the aura absorbed in Ye Chen's daily cultivation. The aura is complex and turbid, and the five elements attribute is chaotic. But just because of this, the power is also extremely great. The companion robot just plays at will, which is already suppressing all directions, making the surrounding air surging and the branches and leaves flying.

"Drink!" With a roar, ye Chen's muscles are tight. He clenches his fists, bends his legs slightly, and leans forward slightly. He aims at the flying robot, and then punches it.

This fist Ye Chen has already used all the strength, not only the strength of the muscles on the body, but also the courage in his body, all burst out completely in this fist!


This punch is like a shell. The air is roughly pressed to both sides by the transparent and fierce force, and then it collides with the hand of the companion robot. Under the direct collision of two kinds of same surging forces, the earth trembles, and even the trees close to them are shaken violently by the aftershock. Ye Chen took three steps back on the ground, one step at a time. The heavy ground was deeply sunk by the trampled pit. In mid air, the companion robot was also pushed back by the anti shock force. It flew back to its original position, also half step back, which stabilized its body.

"Good!" Jia Jiansheng, who saw the power of Ye Chen's fist, said to Ye Chen with a smile, "Ye Chen, now you've used your courage. But no matter how strong your courage is, it's just an old ox ploughing in the field. You don't have any strength or skills."

Ye Chen scratched his head. He rubbed his numb arm and asked Jia Jiansheng, "master, isn't Ming Guang Liu Li Ti a martial art?"

Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "Ming Guang Liu Li Ti is just a martial art, not a martial art. The so-called martial art is the skill or skill of how to use courage to fight, and martial art refers to how to cultivate courage and become a warrior."

"Oh?" Ye Chen asked in front of his eyes, "master, according to what you said, are you going to give me martial arts? It's like 18 dragon subduing palms. Next time I fight with people, I'll fight with the dragon with regret. "

"Ha ha ha ha." Jia Jiansheng laughed and said, "I don't know about the eighteen dragon subduing palms, but I can teach you a funny one. Maybe you will like it."

"Gee." Ye Chen immediately came to the spirit, he asked, "what's the fun master wants to teach me?"

Jia Jiansheng stands in the same place. He smiles unfathomably. Then he suddenly appears in front of a big tree. He clenches his fist and condenses his breath. He smashes it down with one blow. With a bang, the big tree is directly broken like scraps of paper. Under the dancing, it turns into pieces of debris.

"This..." Ye Chen was stunned. He looked at Jia Jiansheng and asked, "master, what kind of fist is this?"

Jia Jiansheng stood with his hands down and said with a smile, "it's called broken fist. It's a kind of martial art that uses courage to make high-frequency concussion. Although it's very simple, as long as the courage is enough, the power of this fist will be big enough. In other words, no matter the first warrior or the fifth warrior, they can use broken fist. It's simple, rough and very effective."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up immediately. He looked at Jia Jiansheng and couldn't wait to say, "master, teach me quickly. I just feel that my attack power is too weak."

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