Tiger vegetable

As soon as sun Hai patted the table, many people quickly lowered their heads.

On the other end of the line came a lazy voice.

"Boss sun, get people ready. I'll pick them up tomorrow afternoon."

Sun Hai didn't speak. After a while.

"Why doesn't boss sun talk?"

Sun Hai took a breath, with a bitter smile on his face, and said, "young master Bai, there is something wrong with Miss Qiu."

"What's the problem?"

Sun Hai heard the rare dignified color in Bai Shao's tone, and said slowly: "in the evening, I wanted to see Miss Qiu and transfer the place by the way, but I didn't expect to be followed. That person's skill is a little strong. Miss Qiu... Was taken away."

The other end of the phone suddenly came a burst of light laughter: "unexpectedly, in Dongcheng City, there are people who dare to touch my baizifeng."

As soon as the words changed, even sun Hai could hear the aggressive meaning in Bai Zifeng's words.

"Boss sun, I'll let it go. Do you know the identity of that person?"

Sun Hai's eyes flashed a touch of joy, nodded and said: "I know, that man opened a restaurant in the west of the city, named Ye Chen. His skill is extraordinary. I suspect that he has some other background."

Before the sound of sun Hai's words fell, Bai Zifeng began to laugh: "boss sun, I think you may lack a new understanding of my Bai family. In this Dongcheng City, except for a few people who can wrestle with Bai Zifeng, what do you think ye Chen is one of those people?"

Sun Hai said with a smile, "it's impossible, but --"

Before sun Hai finished speaking, he was interrupted. Bai Zifeng, the other end of the phone, said impatiently, "OK, I'll go to meet Ye Chen when I have time. As for the matter of Qiu wannong, you don't need boss sun to intervene. I'll do it myself."

Voice down, Bai Zifeng hung up the phone, sun Hai threw the phone on the table, a long breath.

Lying on the bed, recalling what happened tonight, ye Chen couldn't sleep. He took out the seeds from the drawer and buried them in a flowerpot. Holding his nose, he opened the bag of ripening agent and went in.

"Mysterious seed? I don't know what will grow

Ye Chen put the flowerpot out of the window, closed the bed, and looked forward to it. He lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously.

The next morning, the window suddenly came a chirp of birds, ye Chen frowned and woke up.

"Why is it so noisy?"

Ye Chen rubbed his sleeping eyes. As soon as he opened the window, more than a dozen birds flew in front of him. A smell of flowers came to his nostrils.

Ye Chen a Leng, looked at the flower pot next to, found that the seeds buried last night, now has drawn out a colorful bud.

"Shit, what's growing out of this?"

Just when ye Chen was in a daze, there was a sudden sound of a car in the roadway. Ye Chen looked from a distance, and a yellow Ferrari slowly drove in and stopped all the way to his door.

"For me?" Ye Chen looked for a long time, and no one came down from the car.

"Interesting. Early in the morning, I'll see who it is."

Close the window, leaf Chen washed face, then walk downstairs, open the door, deep

Looked at the door of the car, did not say a word, re-enter the room.

It is Qian Fanyu and Zhang Zibiao who sit in Ferrari.

"It's a drag. We don't have enough money. Shall we get off now?"

When Zhang Zibiao looks at Ye Chen, he is filled with anger.

"Less money, what should we do?"

Qian Fanyu turned his head and looked at the two people in the back row. He said with a cold smile, "when you go in, look at me."

"Don't worry, there is little money."

Four people get off, Qian Fanyu takes the lead to walk in, see ye Chen, the face is full of smile.

"Boss ye, I heard that the business is not very good. I brought some brothers to support boss Ye. I'll introduce him to you."

Ye Chen took a look at the three people behind Qian Fanyu, and said faintly, "don't introduce them. We all know each other."

Zhang Zibiao naturally need not say, and the other two Ye Chen also met, that is, the two little gangsters who were beaten by him in the first club in the east city that day.

Qian Fanyu gently smiles, sits opposite Ye Chen, knocks on the table and says, "I don't know what good dishes boss Ye has here for us to taste. Of course, I absolutely believe in boss Ye's craftsmanship, but to satisfy these brothers behind me, I just don't know if boss Ye has that kind of heat."

Ye Chen looks at the smile on Qian Fanyu's face, and says in his heart: "it's not good who comes."

Qian Fanyu took a look behind him. The two younger brothers immediately stood up and slapped on the table.

"Boy, if we don't make our brothers comfortable, we'll smash your shop today. Believe it or not?"

Ye Chen looked at Qian Fanyu and pointed to the two people behind him. He said faintly, "you're a little money. Are you mixing with such people?"

"I'm so special. How --"

The little brother behind him had not spoken, so he was interrupted by Qian Fanyu.

"My two brothers are a little grumpy. Boss Ye is better to serve the dishes."

Ding Dong~

"Release task: angry tiger dish, as a man who wants to become a god of food in the future, how can he not take the hand of the cuisine."

"Task request: ask the host to use the collected anger value to make a spicy tiger dish, task reward: invite a beauty."

Hear beautiful woman reward, ye Chen's eyes, brush of once bright: "I depend on, system you this reward can?"

"Please complete the task as soon as possible. The material has been provided to the host. Task failed: punish the host for being single for 30 years."

Ye Chen suddenly speechless, single for 30 years, this is to his old Ye family peerless?!!

Ye Chen stood up and went to the kitchen. The two younger brothers behind Qian Fanyu came up quickly, with a flattering look in their eyes: "Qian Shao, Zhang Shao, are we still doing what we just did?" Qian Fanyu nodded: "yes, Zibiao. You can call someone to come here later. Today I will smash his shop!"

Kitchen, ye Chen looked at the tiger dish on the plate, showed a devil like smile.

"One hundred percent anger is worth savoring. Today, I don't believe in spicy food."

Ye Chen came out with a plate and put it at Qian Fanyu's desk.

"Tiger food, try it all."

Even Qian Fanyu and Zhang Zibiao had a big finger movement.

"Isn't the boy cooking a terrible meal? It looks good. "

Zhang Zibiao whispered in front of Qian Fanyu.

Qian Fanyu looked at Zhang Zibiao: "no, let's try it together."

Zhang Zibiao took four pairs of chopsticks, one person divided a pair and said, "then try it."

Four people chopsticks at the same time, one person put a clip into his mouth, chewed twice, four people at the same time stare big eyes, motionless standing on the ground.


The younger brother behind Zhang Zibiao suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. His lips swelled into two big sausages. Just as the other boy was about to speak, he turned his eyes and fainted.

"You, you..."

Zhang Zibiao had to finish his words, and his head had been heavily hit on the table.

"You... You are so cruel!"

When Qian Fanyu finished, he felt as if there was a fire pouring into his head and he fainted.

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