
Ye Chen looked at the four people lying on the ground twitching, straight at the tiger dish on the table, murmured: "I can't imagine that the tiger dish with 100% anger value is so fierce?"

Ding Dong~

"Congratulations to the host, the angry tiger dish of the mission has been completed."

When the system finished, it was silent.

"System, where's my reward?"

The voice of the system rings in Ye Chen's mind: "please don't worry, the reward will be issued later."

Ye Chen nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Nanshan.

When the phone was connected, ye Chen said, "doctor Jiang, how are you these two days?"

On the other end of the phone came Jiang Nanshan's laughter: "it's very good. Is there anything vice president Ye wants to do with me today?"

Ye Chen heard Jiang Nanshan's words and said, "don't tease me, doctor Jiang. I really have something to trouble you."

Jiang Nanshan laughed and said, "Xiao Ye, you can speak."

"I have four people here who have just had a meal and have to eat a dish of tiger food. Now they are all hot and dizzy, so I want to ask Dr. Jiang to send some doctors over and take them to the hospital."

After hearing what ye Chen said, Jiang Nanshan said half jokingly: "are you kidding, Xiao Ye? Can you make people dizzy after a meal?"

Ye Chen looked at the ground, looking at the four people's twitching body, his eyes could not help but burst out a smile.

"Dr. Jiang, I didn't lie to you. You can come and have a look."

"OK, I'll come later."

Jiang Nanshan then hung up. Not long after that, the sound of an ambulance rang out. Jiangnan mountain came in with some doctors and looked at the four people lying on the ground. Jiang Nanshan had a strange look on his face.

"Is it spicy?"

Ye Chen nodded, pointed at Qian Fanyu and said, "it's what they insist on. It's nothing to do with me."

Jiang Nanshan also recognizes Qian Fanyu, rings out the resentment between Ye Chen and Qian Fanyu, and instantly knows it. He doesn't say anything. He asks several doctors to lift Qian Fanyu into an ambulance.

In the evening, when ye Chen was about to close the door, the voice of the system suddenly sounded: "the task reward has been issued, please check."

Ye Chen a Leng, haven't had time to speak, the door suddenly walked into a beautiful shadow, ye Chen turned to see, frowned and said: "are you?"

The woman is wearing a pair of sunglasses and a round hat on her head. She completely covers her face. Her black legs are exposed outside. With a black professional dress, she gives people a cool feeling.

Ye Chen looks at her figure, don't know why, feel a little familiar.

"Don't you know me so soon?"

The woman took off her round hat and sunglasses, reached out to Ye Chen and said with a smile: "thank you for saving my life before it's too late. I forgot so soon."

Ye Chen looks at the face of that beautiful country and city, the whole person can't say a word“ System, you said the beauty invitation is autumn evening strong

The proud voice of the system rings out: "the final interpretation right of the task belongs to the system, and the host has no right to question."

Ye Chen a face is speechless, stretch out a hand and autumn evening thick palm to hold together, smile to say: "Sun Hai wants to send someone to harm me, looking at him out of the gambling house, so I follow him, didn't expect to save you finally."

Ye Chen said and then released his hand, sat on one side, said with a smile: "nothing is not on the three treasures hall, autumn elder sister you come today is not just to thank me?"

Qiu wannong nodded and sat opposite Ye Chen. He said with a smile, "Ye Chen, you guessed right. I really want to ask you for help."

Autumn evening thick voice, and then said: "the day after tomorrow there is a party, ye Chen, can you go with me?"

Ye Chen a Leng, pointed to point to oneself, half jokingly say: "autumn elder sister you are not joking, let me accompany you to go together?"

Autumn evening thick nodded, looking at Ye Chen said: "yes, the party in the day after tomorrow, if ye Chen you don't want that even."

Autumn night thick eyes flashed a look of disappointment, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Chen stood up, walked to the body of autumn evening thick, said jokingly: "how can I not want to? It's my honor to serve the big star qiuwannong. "

Finish saying still squeezed to squeeze eyes, looking at Ye Chen funny appearance, autumn evening thick Chi a smile: "that agreed, the day after tomorrow evening I come to pick you up."

Ye Chen watched qiuwannong leave, echoed the look of qiuwannong just now, and said with emotion: "I can't imagine that qiuwannong, a beautiful woman with iceberg temperament, has such a lovely side."

At noon the next day, Jiang Nanshan called and said that Qian Fanyu's four people were awake. Ye Chen casually asked a few questions and didn't say anything.

In the first hospital of Dongcheng City, Qian Fanyu was lying on the bed with a gloomy face, while Zhang Zibiao, who was lying on one side, was also livid.

"Zhang Shao, I didn't expect that we were put together by Ye Chen."

When Zhang Zibiao thought of the tiger food he ate at that time, he felt very sour and cool. What was that special dish?

Bang Dang!

Qian Fanyu grabs the glass at his head and throws it on the ground. The glass crumbs all over the ground. There is a chill in Qian Fanyu's eyes: "I will let Ye Chen kneel down at my feet one day and beg me. Qian Fanyu has written down this hatred!"

As usual, there was still no one in the restaurant. One day later, with a sigh, ye Chen closed the door and went upstairs.

The mysterious seed planted in the flowerpot has drawn out the note, and ye Chen's eyes show the color of expectation.

"I don't know what this seed will look like in the end."

A night without words, the third day in the evening, outside the restaurant lights up a lamp, ye Chen sitting on the table in a daze, suddenly the phone rings.

"Hey, what are you doing? It's time to go."

Ye Chen a Leng, subconsciously ask a way: "how do you know?"“ Look out there. "

Ye Chen looks up and finds that Qiu wannong is standing outside the door of the car, smiling at Ye Chen.

"Wait for me. I'll get dressed."

On the other side of the car door, Lulu gets out of the car, takes a look at Ye Chen who goes upstairs and says, "sister Qiu, I really don't know what you think. There are so many childe brothers in Dongcheng city who want to invite you to go with them, but you refuse. What's good about this person?"

Lulu curled her lips and said, qiuwannong turned around, cold: "Lulu, yechen is my life-saving benefactor, I hope you pay attention to the propriety when you speak in the future."

Hearing the voice of qiuwannong, Lulu also realized that she had said something wrong. She vomited her tongue and said nothing more.

Ye Chen finished saying then hung up the telephone, trotted all the way upstairs, put on the suit and walked out.

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, autumn evening thick eyes also flashed a different color.

Ye Chen long is not handsome, at this time wearing a black suit.

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