Back to the city

Along the way, the sand and the rocks were flying, and the branches and leaves were flying like rain.

"Drink!" Ye Chen roared. He dodged the sparring robot's fist, clenched his right hand, pulled his shoulder back, and then hit the sparring robot on the chest.

This punch is covered with courage like waves, which vibrate back and forth, with strange fluctuations. These fluctuations are fine and high frequency, and even the air around is shaking wildly!

"Look at the move, broken fist!"

With a roar and ye Chen's fist, the robot's chest immediately began to deform and twist. It took three steps in succession. Finally, it even flew backwards and slid out on the ground for three or four rolls in a row. It barely stopped.

"Good." Jia Jiansheng, who was watching the battle, clapped his hands. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "your broken fist has been very skilled, and you are more and more proficient in the use of courage. Even if you are a warrior who has been immersed in the second heaven for many years, it's just like this."

Hearing what Jia Jiansheng said, ye Chen could not help scratching his head. He said with a simple and honest smile, "it's nothing. It's nothing. I think I still have room for improvement."

"Well." Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "it's good to be not arrogant and impatient. I hope you can keep this kind of mind in the future cultivation process. Only when you are calm enough can you improve your strength."

Nodded heavily, ye Chen said, "understand, master."

Jia Jiansheng glanced up and down at Ye Chen and said with a smile, "your footwork is very clever. Although it's simple, it's very fast. It's very suitable for your opponent's close combat. It's also very effective in dodging his opponent's attack."

Ye Chen grinned and said casually, "this is what I'm thinking about. I can't hide well. I hide in disorder."

"Ha ha, it seems that your fighting instinct is still very high." Jia Jiansheng said with a satisfied smile, "anyway, tomorrow is your life and death competition. You have a good rest tonight. Let's start tomorrow morning."

Ye Chen nodded. He clenched his fist slowly and said in a loud voice, "don't worry, master. I won't lose. I'll win all the time. I'll win all the time until I win the new world!"

Jia Jiansheng laughs. He goes up to Ye Chen, slaps Ye Chen's shoulder heavily and says with a laugh, "young man, you not only have to win all the way to the new world, even if you enter the new world, you have to win all the way for me. You know, there is no end to the road of a warrior!"

"Good!" When ye Chen heard what Jia Jiansheng said, his blood immediately began to boil, especially when he said, "the road of a warrior has no end!" What's more, ye Chen has a kind of vision and desire for powerful power.

He nodded, looked at Jia Jiansheng, and said, "master, I promise you that no matter how many battles I have, no matter how fierce the enemy is, I will always win. Since there is no end to the road of the warrior, I will always win to the end!"

Jia Jiansheng laughed and nodded. He said to Ye Chen, "let's go. Let's go back to live tonight."

Ye Chen Leng Leng, he looked at Jia Jiansheng and asked, "are we going back?"

Jia Jiansheng white Ye Chen one eye, not good spirit of say, "hum, how?"? You're used to living in the woods, and you don't want to go back? "

"Where there is, there is no such thing." Ye Chen quickly waved his hand and said, "these days, I haven't bathed or brushed my teeth. My body is rancid. I've long wanted to go back to wash and brush my clothes."

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "let's have another competition and see who gets home first."“ It's a success Although Ye Chen knows that Jia Jiansheng is very fast, even if he has two more legs, he can't catch up with others, but he is young and energetic. When he doesn't admit defeat, he immediately rolls his arms and sleeves to have a competition.

Jia Jiansheng stood in the same place and said lightly, "I can let you go one mile first."

Ye Chen retorted, "Hey, your old man is old. Maybe your legs are not sharp. I'll let you have a kilometer."

"Good boy." Jia Jiansheng said, "I can't see my shadow for a while. When you cry, you can accompany me to practice robot. You can follow me!"

With that, Jia Jiansheng jumped forward and rushed out more than ten meters in an instant. After receiving the order, the robot also rushed out with Jia Jiansheng.

Although Jia Jiansheng's speed is very fast, the robot can give full play to the strength of the third heaven warrior, which naturally includes the speed equivalent to it.

So it's not hard for the robot to keep up with Jia Jiansheng, who doesn't use all his strength to move.

Ye Chen saw that Jia Jiansheng took the lead and immediately roared. He was full of courage. His whole body jumped out of the distance of seven or eight meters. Then he tried to speed up and catch up with Jia Jiansheng who was the leader in front.

At dusk, many stars are shining quietly in the night sky which is not completely dark. In the dense forest, three figures are chasing each other. The speed is as fast as horse flying ape. The figures are moving and jumping one after another.

After all the three figures disappeared in the dense forest, in the rustling shadow of the trees, a small figure in black slowly came out of the shadow. He looked at the surrounding scenes and murmured, "Jia Jiansheng, I finally found you. Hehe, your news is worth 300 spirit stones. If that adult knows about you, I'm afraid you won't feel very well, ha ha ha. "

With the speed of Ye Chen and others, almost as fast as the running horse.

Before long, they went into the downtown area of Dongcheng city. For fear of causing a riot, the three walked along the sparsely populated path, and gave the robot a piece of clothes picked from the scarecrow.

Soon, the sign of Tongji clinic was far away. Jia Jiansheng didn't use his best. He was swinging back and forth about ten meters in front of Ye Chen. It seemed that he would win.

Ye Chen is hanged in the back, although clench one's teeth, try one's best to run forward, still can't catch up with Jia Jiansheng, can only blush, the neck is thick of wheeze big wheeze to keep.

As soon as Jia Jiansheng is about to go to the door of Tongji clinic, ye Chen's steel teeth bite, and he roars. He presses all his remaining energy on his legs and jumps like a white horse. He flies directly to the door of Tongji clinic from a distance of about ten meters.

And at the same time, hit Jia Jiansheng with a broken fist!!!

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