Is it easy to touch?

Jia Jiansheng is suddenly surprised, but he is not flustered. His mind moves. Ye Chen only feels that a heavy steel plate like a hydraulic press is pressed on his body. He is just like a basketball that is slapped on the ground. He directly falls to the ground and screams endlessly.

"Well?" Jia Jiansheng said with a sarcastic smile, "boy, how dare you sneak on me with your Kung Fu?"

Ye Chen's pressure suddenly disappeared with Jia Jiansheng's danger. He sat up from the ground and looked at Jia Jiansheng with a bad smile. "Master, we have to use extraordinary means in extraordinary times. If we talk about who is fast, I'm afraid I can't match my father even if I have four legs. So, if I want to win Master, I have to use some means that can't be on the table."

Jia Jiansheng's face suddenly changed, because he saw that the place where ye Chen's buttocks were sitting was the entrance step of Tongji clinic, and he was still a step away from the step.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jia Jiansheng laughed. He pointed to Ye Chen and said with a knowing smile, "good boy, good boy, I didn't expect you to win me, and you won in my best place. It's good."

Scratching his head, ye Chen said sheepishly, "master, don't praise me. I'm still a little bit forced to figure out what I look like. If it wasn't for the last moment, I would not have won."

Jia Jiansheng's face slowly became serious. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "no matter what, if you win, you win. The right to speak always belongs to the winner. You can say whatever you want, and the process is not important. No one cares what you win by. Everyone will only remember the person who wins."

He nodded heavily and said to Jia Jiansheng, "what master taught me is that my apprentice wrote it down. However, I didn't break my promise to master. No matter before the new world or after entering the new world, the road of martial arts has no end, so I won all the way to the end, Master, even if I fight with you, I haven't lost. "

Jia Jiansheng laughed and said, "it's good. You didn't lose, and you won beautifully. Even Laozi was won by you!"

Ye Chen embarrassed smile way, "luck luck, if next time again, I'm afraid I won't win."

"Then try to keep winning." Jia Jiansheng said with a smile, "if you can handle it easily, why do you want to use your brain?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Hey, I know, but master, let's go first. I want to take a bath. It's too delicious for me."

"Yes." With a wave of Jia Jiansheng's hand, the three of them walk into Tongji clinic. The robot in Scarecrow clothes moves behind Jia Jiansheng.

As soon as ye Chen pushed the door in, he saw two figures in the hall of the room. It's a pleasure for you to come and play.

When ye Chen takes a close look, he is shocked to find that the two figures are not others, but Lin Wan'er and Li Jiaying.

Lin Wan'er was wearing white sportswear, while Li Jiaying was wearing black sportswear. They fought fiercely.

Around the hall, Jia Yingying is nervously watching the development of the war. She holds a handkerchief in her hand and stares nervously at the two fighting girls in the middle of the hall.

In another place, the Jackal and Wei Qinghu were wearing gauze and were watching the duel with relish. They nodded from time to time and talked in a low voice. It seemed that they were discussing which of the two girls was more powerful.

"Why?" Ye Chen frowned tightly, he couldn't help but wonder to say to himself, "when did the little girl Wan'er learn kung fu?" Jia Jiansheng, standing beside Ye Chen, smiles. He says to Ye Chen, "it should be taught by Jiaying and Yingying. You see, Lin Wan'er's moves are almost the same as Jiaying's. she is light, quick, dexterous, and good at attacking with her legs. It's the family martial arts of Jia family -" six Wings Butterfly legs. "

By Jia Jiansheng's mention, ye Chen also sees that Lin Wan'er's and Li Jiaying's moves are almost the same, and ye Chen knows Li Jiaying's skills. Usually four or five hooligans are not her opponents at all.

At the moment, she is fighting against Lin Wan'er, obviously not with all her strength, but with a way of guidance and accompaniment to exchange martial arts skills with Lin Wan'er. Although Lin Wan'er has sweat on her clean forehead, she has made rapid progress, and has gradually found the key in her leg skills.

"Look Li Jiaying gave a light drink, and saw her left foot tip up to support the ground. At the same time, her whole body was spinning like an elegant ballerina, but it was full of killing spirit. She raised her right leg high, aimed at Lin Wan'er's little head, and swept across.

Lin Wan'er didn't have time to react more. In her hurry, she could only hold her head in her hands and withdraw half a step. At the same time, she tilted her neck back to lift her head back, trying to avoid Li Jiaying's high sweep kick.

However, Li Jiaying obviously expected Lin Wan'er to make such a move, and her high sweep kick failed unexpectedly.

However, in the moment of Li Jiaying's kick, she didn't take back her right foot. Instead, like a Tomahawk, she hit Lin Wan'er's body straight from the top of her head!

"Be careful!"

Just when Li Jiaying was about to hit Yan Xiren, a figure with a gust of wind came to Li Jiaying in an instant.

This figure is exactly Ye Chen. He looks cold and stern. He grabs Li Jiaying's wrist and shakes his head. "Jiaying, you win.

Li Jiaying's left foot supports the ground, and her right foot is grasped by Ye Chen. But her basic skills are very solid, and she is still very stable. She looks at Ye Chen white, and hums coldly, "cut, that's not to say?"

Ye Chen holds Li Jiaying's ankle in his hand. His white and smooth hand makes Ye Chen feel like a wave in his heart. He can't help but move his fingers and hold it gently.

"You..." Li Jiaying also felt Ye Chen's finger movement, her pretty face was slightly red, subconsciously twitched her right foot, but soon, her face turned red, holding up her small face to look at Ye Chen, blinked, she summoned up the courage to ask, "easy to touch?"

"It's slippery, soft and easy to touch." Ye Chen subconsciously said so.

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