Here comes Song Yang


Ye Chen's voice just fell, Yan Xiren, who was protected by him, was pretty. She stared at Ye Chen's big watery eyes and said, "is it really easy to touch? I dare say mine is better than hers. If you don't believe me, try it! "

With that, Yan Xiren pulled his trouser legs up, revealing a smooth snow-white.


Ye Chen suddenly froze, he first looked at Li Jiaying, and then looked at Yan Xiren, foolishly stay in the same place, a pair of don't know how to do.

At this time, Jia Yingying, who was standing on the side of the battle, also came up. Although she didn't speak, she looked at Ye Chen affectionately. Half a day later, she said gently, "Ye Chen, where have you been these two days? How do you feel like you are dirty?"

Ye Chen scratched his head. He took the opportunity to loosen his ankle, and then casually said, "well, I went to the mountain with my master to train. I'll take a bath first, and we'll talk later."

Say, ye Chen rushed to the bathroom with the speed of running for life, and left the three women's eyes behind.

When ye Chen left, Yan Chong looked at Li Jiaying hummingly and said, "look, it's all your fault. I scared brother Qiang away!"

"Blame me?" Li Jiaying widened her eyes and sarcastically said, "I don't know who rolled up the trouser legs just now. I was scared. When the boy grabbed my ankle, it was easy to touch. Do you understand? It's better than yours

"Eh?" Yan Xiren said without thinking, "that's because brother Qiang didn't touch me. If you touch mine, it will surely prove that mine is better than yours. If you don't believe me, we can try him again."

"Try it, try it!" Li Jiaying raised her little face and boasted, "I dare say that my skin is the best. You can't catch up with me in that hand feeling!"

"Hum!" Yan said, "I don't want to see which one of us is whiter. You know, in order to make brother Qiang like it, I went to apply for a maintenance membership card. Do you understand the international top technology? Do you know what a milk bath is? As far as my skin is concerned, I call myself second. Who dares to say first? "

"Yo Yo." Li Jiaying rolled her eyes and said, "is it too much? You think you're rich? Wait, I'm going to apply for a membership card, and I'm fit. Can you match me? I have Mermaid line, do you? Fat woman

"Well, how dare you call me fat woman?" Yan Xiren said with an angry smile, "are you afraid you don't want to live? How about another fight? "

Li Jiaying said with a cold hum, "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"?! Look at the legs

Wei Qinghu and jackal are watching with relish, and they have to comment from time to time.

Jia Jiansheng shook his head. He said with a bitter smile, "this boy is really a magnet to attract girls. However, he has the style of Laozi in those days."

Hiding in the bathroom, ye Chen breathes a sigh of relief. Among so many beauties, it is undoubtedly the double suffering of willpower and psychological endurance. He sniffs his right hand, and there is still a trace of fragrance on it. He shakes his head. Ye Chen suppresses his agitation.

Open the shower, ye Chen with cold water wet body, also water out the heart.

After washing, ye Chen came out of the bathroom. He didn't bring any clothes to change, so he went out barehanded, wearing a pair of Jia Jiansheng's beach pants. Pulling a plastic sandal, ye Chen walks along the corridor step by step. His eyes twinkle, his palms keep opening and closing, and his right hand moves like water. He constantly shakes his own courage, so as to gradually master the operation mode of "broken fist".

Although the destructive power of "broken fist" is amazing, and it's easy to use, effective and convenient, ye Chen is not satisfied with the relatively slow attack speed. A complete "broken fist" must first use its own courage

And then shock your courage and bombard you.

Those who are proficient in the use of "broken fist" can do it all at once, and the speed is relatively fast. However, ye Chen is obviously not very proficient now. Whenever he has free time, he should first study his own martial arts skills, so that he can strike faster and harder than his opponent in use.

"Ye Chen!" At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Ye Chen subconsciously turns to see, he looks a happy, grinning way, "Song Yang?"

The man who stopped Ye Chen was tall and strong. He was dressed in black, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was injured in the first battle of the third wharf. Later, he quietly killed Song Yang, Hu Peng's Dragon expelling soldier.

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen said with a smile, "your boy looks very good. I thought you would lie down for a few days after you were injured last time. I didn't expect that not only did you work two days ago, but now you come to me again. You are very energetic."

Song Yang goes to Ye Chen's side and slaps Ye Chen's shoulder with a smile. He laughs and says, "I'm not the same. I thought you would die. As a result, I can't find a scar on you now. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would have thought what happened at that time was fake."

Twitch the corner of his mouth, ye Chen smiles. In fact, he is also surprised at his own situation. From the first battle of jiangtan to now, he has gone through many battles, but the scars on his body are strangely healed, even without leaving a scar.

Thinking of this, ye Chen suddenly thinks of the waste pill that he bought with a lot of money, and the golden energy that runs in his body. He can't help but be overjoyed. It seems that he really won the grand prize. This so-called waste pill doesn't blow himself up because of the unstable energy explosion, but has a magical recovery ability.

Although I don't know what causes this pill to have a mutative effect, at least now it makes Ye Chen become an immortal Xiaoqiang.

But he didn't show off such things. Instead, he said with a faint smile to Song Yang, "it's just luck. What about you? Isn't it spiritual? "

Song Yang said with a smile, "I'm also lucky. I didn't hurt the root. It's just a trifle."

Although Song Yang said so, ye Chen still saw the flash of light in Song Yang's eyes and seemed to be dodging something, unwilling to answer this question.

"All right." Ye Chen said, "you come here to find me, should be more than just to chat so simple?"

Song Yang said, "in fact, mainly to chat, but well, secondly, there are some small things I want to talk to you."

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