I'm going to the new world, too

"What little thing?" Ye Chen asked, "can't it be money? That's no problem. How much do you want? "

Shaking his head, Song Yang said with a smile, "money for me is just a number to deal with survival. In fact, as the expeller of the dragon soldier organization, I don't have to abide by the rules of the organization. I can kidnap, rob, or even steal people's safe."

Ye Chen is surprised of ask a way, "that you before still receive alive to kill why?"

Song Yang Dao said, "just like you are a cook, the skill to make money is cooking. I am a killer, and my profession is like this. Except killing people, I can't do anything else, and..."

"And what?" Ye Chen asks a way, "how to say a half to get stuck? What do you mean

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Song Yang hesitated for a moment, and then said with a smile, "it's no use talking to you. Later, you may have a chance to know, but I think it's not now. Today I'm here for something more important to me."

"Well?" Ye Chen frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

Song Yang looked at Ye Chen, he said slowly, "I don't know if you've ever heard of the new world, where is the real strong

I want to be stronger, so I have to go to the new world now. Moreover, I have been expelled by the Dragon soldiers. It's almost impossible for me to achieve something in the secret art of the Dragon soldiers. "

"The new world?" Ye Chen smacked his lips. He looked at Song Yang and said with a smile, "in fact, I'm still very surprised. You even know the new world. Who told you that?"

Song Yang stares big eyes, he can't believe of looking at Ye Chen to ask a way, "do you also know new world? However, in addition to those with top strength, only through special channels can we know the existence of the new world. But... I think, you... "

Ye Chen smiles, he says with indifference, "do you want to say that I don't have the qualification to know?"

"No, no, No Song Yang waved his hand and said, "I don't mean that. I mean... Er, I didn't expect you to have news of the new world, because... Because I also..."

"Old song." Ye Chen laughs and says, "when did you become so unsophisticated? In a word, you have to stammer. It's really boring, like a girl."

Hearing Ye Chen's sarcasm, Song Yang's face turned red instantly. He gritted his teeth and said to Ye Chen, "I want to go to the new world. That day, at pier 3, your strength is higher than me, so I also hope you can go with me!"

"The new world?" Ye Chen said, "that's the place I definitely want to go, but it's not easy to go there

For a single thing, you must first complete the registration form. "

As soon as Song Yang's eyes brightened, he looked at Ye Chen and said excitedly, "you really know something about the new world. Even if you know the nomination certificate, then I don't have to cover it up any more. My nomination certificate is to win the dragon pattern silver ring in the arena, that is, to win the top three in the hundred people battle."

Ye Chen eyebrows suddenly wrinkled up, he looked strange to Song Yang, asked, "you say the first three? But shouldn't the dragon pattern silver ring be the first to have it? "

Song Yang was stunned at first, and then asked, "why do you know so clearly? Can't you... Your nomination... "

With a wry smile, ye Chen said helplessly, "yes, I want to enter the new world, and my registration is also the dragon pattern silver ring, but I don't understand why you said it was OK to get the top three results. How did I hear that in addition to the first place, other people in the hundred people war can't get the dragon pattern silver ring." Song Yang scratched his head and said bitterly, "it seems that your news is still not well-informed. Originally, in previous competitions, the first place won the silver ring of dragon pattern, but this hundred person battle is different. Because there is a strong second generation, the rules have been changed in the arena. The top three can get the silver ring, but only the first place can get the silver ring of dragon pattern, The second and third place are tiger pattern and lion pattern

Ye Chen frowned, "strong second generation? What's the strong second generation? "

Song Yang replied, "although the arena belongs to the subordinate industry of the new world, many powerful forces or strong people regard it as the best place to train their descendants. In this battle of 100 people, there are three or four strong two generations. They are all the children of aristocratic families or apprentices of famous strong people, and they have a very high probability of winning the first place, But even if they get the dragon pattern silver ring, it's almost impossible for them to join the new world. After all, they have enough powerful backstage. "

Ye Chen, after all, is a person with active mind. He was so touched by Song Yang that he immediately responded. Looking at Song Yang, he asked thoughtfully, "that is to say, in order to screen out suitable new people, the new world lowered the standard? The reason is that these strong second generation's random entry? "

"So to speak." Song Yang shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "in addition to the new world, there are two sects in our country. The first is the great Buddhist temple, the second is the Xiaoyao temple. One Buddha and one sect are very powerful sects in our country, but their structure is rigorous and the order is strict. Compared with the loose and free new world, they can be said to be the real sects, and the leader is just like the emperor, Holding the power of life and death is quite different from that in the new world. After all, in the new world, it is completely free research, free cultivation, free trade and free play. It can be called the holy land of practitioners! "

Hearing Song Yang say this, ye Chen's heart immediately has a general outline. Although Ye Chen has not entered the new world yet, he is already full of great expectations. He thinks of the battle armor of the old Tang Dynasty and the training robot from the new world. He can see the whole body from a glimpse, which shows the free atmosphere of the new world.

Seeing ye Chen's thoughtful appearance, Song Yang continued to say slowly, "so, the free and open new world is the place where the real strong gather. In that place, everyone is walking on the road of the strong step by step with their own blood, sweat and efforts, especially the conclusion that has affected the whole cultivation world, is the effort and research of many scholars, but not the research

Almost all of these scholars came from the new world. "

Ye Chen nodded heavily. Although Lao Tang was just a weak old man, he could make such magical armor and robots with his scientific knowledge and understanding of martial arts. It has proved his strength and that martial arts civilization relies not only on Inheritance and learning, but also on thinking and wisdom.

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