All the way in

"In other words, you're going to take part in the 100 man game, right?" Ye Chen said, "then get the top three and enter the new world?"

Song Yang nodded, he said in a deep voice, "yes, I have to, because I don't want to go on like this any more. I want to be strong enough. Only in that way can I live better than now!"

"Good!" Ye Chen patted his little friend on the shoulder and said with a laugh, "let's get the silver ring together and enter the new world!"

Song Yang grinned, just wanted to smile, but suddenly closed his mouth. Looking at Ye Chen, he said anxiously, "but... You should also know that those strong second generation are powerful existence, they are as thick as a mountain, people like us, I'm afraid..."

With a random wave of his hand, ye Chen's arrogance soared to the sky and said, "is it time to say these words? I believe that no matter who the opponent is, he can't win me. I have promised Shifu that I will never lose in my life and will win all the time. So, no matter who I am, stone or steel plate, as long as it gets in the way of me, I will smash him to pieces, and then walk all the way to the end of the road of the strong. "

Looking at Ye Chen beside him, Song Yang can't help but take a deep breath. He is suddenly ignited by the strong fighting spirit sent out by Ye Chen, and slowly clenches his fist. He also firmly says, "well, no matter who blocks him, we should try our best to kill him. The road of the strong is always full of thorns and disasters. If we want to have smooth sailing, we should stop at the original place

It's all right

"Well said!" Ye Chen nodded and said with a smile, "unless I stop at the same place, I will kill you step by step, but even so, although thousands of people stop me, I will go!"

Say, the leaf Chen also ruthlessly waved a fist.

Song Yang said, "OK, let's encourage each other. Originally, I came to you this time just to let you join me in the hundred man battle, but now it seems that I don't have to say. When we get to the hundred man battle, our brothers will join hands to win. I dare not say how easy it is, but the probability is not small."

Nodded, ye Chen said, "so the most urgent thing now is to improve your strength every minute, and before you take part in the hundred people's war, you have to gather all the points in the life and death competition. Without nine points, you can't even get the tickets for the hundred people's War."

With a smile, Song Yang said triumphantly, "in fact, I have already played a life and death competition. Obviously, if I can stand here and chat with you, it means that I have won."

Ye Chen a Leng, immediately is also in the heart for him happy, happy smile way, "that want to congratulate you, you can be regarded as early as I go out one step, if can win two games again, you can gather together integral."

Song Yang said, "that's right, but in the life and death competition, if you want to get points by winning in a row, it's just like gambling your life. You know, after winning in a row, you will allocate opponents according to the winning rate. As long as you choose the person who wins in a row, which one is not weak

Cruel man? "

"Choose a winning streak?" Ye Chen frowned, "what does this mean? Why don't I understand? "

"You don't know?" Song Yang asked in surprise, "haven't you inquired about it? In the competition of life and death, for example, I won the first game. At this time, I will have a choice. I will continue to compete in the second game. At this time, I will be assigned to the winning opponent who also wants to compete. My other choice is to air, that is, I will abstain at the beginning of the next game to ensure that my winning rate is 50%, In this way, we can meet opponents who are also 50% of our achievements. "

"But I still don't understand." Ye Chen asks a way, "meet an opponent to abstain?"? What if it's good? "

Song Yangdao said, "in fact, as long as we choose to fight in the air, the arena will not arrange opponents for us. We will only deduct our achievements, but we will not allocate opponents." Nodded, ye Chen said, "is that so? I see. That is to say, after you choose to fight in the air, your record will be deducted. But in order to ensure fairness in the arena of life and death, you will not give your record to those who win without fighting. So you have no opponent. Once you choose to continue to challenge, you will meet the same challenger, right? "

Song Yang nodded and said, "yes, after all, if you win a game, you can get nine points in nine games, and you can take part in a hundred person battle. If you win in a row, although the profit is large, the points in each game will double, but it is also difficult to win. After all, not everyone can sweep a thousand troops. It is not easy to win without a bottom card in the same level, What's more, for those who dare to challenge and win in a row, which one is not full of confidence? "

Hearing what Song Yang said, ye Chen nodded and said, "what you said is not wrong, but you should understand that the power of a warrior is more than life and death. If you flinch because you are afraid of failure, you will lose the chance to pursue victory. Even if you will lose, at least you have tried. It's not a shame to die on the road of running, but on the broken bed of your own home, What's the use of curling up and struggling all over your head? "

Song Yang looks at Ye Chen. He can't believe that this kind of philosophical words will come out of Ye Chen's mouth. After opening his mouth, he finally says, "Ye Chen, what you say is very reasonable. I... I seem to have lost my strong heart. I shouldn't shrink back. I should be indomitable. Even if I die, what can I do? It's just the price of being strong. "

Ye Chen laughs. He pats Song Yang on the shoulder and says, "you can pick up the lost heart of a strong man, raise your head, clench your fist, and then go forward. When we embark on the road of a strong man, I think we should have put life and death aside for a long time. It's better to think about how wonderful we can live than how long we can live!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Song Yang slowly clenched his fist. He opened his mouth in a low voice. His tone was as deep as iron. His words seemed to promise Ye Chen and swear to himself, "I will, I will. Even if I die, I will never give up my dignity as a strong man."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "well, let's join hands and fight all the way to his mother's new world from the arena!"

"Good!" Song Yang also laughed, "all the way to his mother's new world!"

The two men looked at each other and laughed. Everything was silent.

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