Break one's own hand

The night passed quickly.

In the northwest of Dongcheng City, there is a road leading to Moli town. Moli Town, as its name suggests, is a small town built in the desert. It has a long history. It existed more than 2000 years ago in the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. In that year, Huo Qubing went on an expedition to Xiongnu, and once stationed troops here to recuperate.

Today, many foreign guests come to the old and remote town. Cars drive into the town one by one, and all kinds of off-road vehicles hang photos of the provinces.

It's nearly 10 o'clock in the morning. Two black off-road vehicles with photos taken by Dongcheng city come far away. The first one is Jeep free light, and the second one is Audi Q5. When they get outside the entrance of the town, both vehicles stop.

At the entrance of the town, an old man in a straw hat came forward. He was haggard, skinny, and dry. He raised his eyes and glanced at the two cars here. Then he walked around leisurely.

"Do you know the rules?" The old man asked impatiently.

From the window opened by jeep free light, Jia Jiansheng's head stretched out. He looked at the old man and said with a smile, "Lao Zhang, you're OK."

The old man, who was called Lao Zhang, saw Jia Jiansheng and immediately shivered. He almost peed on the spot, shivering all the time. As he wiped his sweat, he said respectfully in a trembling voice, "Oh, it's uncle Jia. Please come inside, just like before. I'll get you a special parking space."

Jia Jiansheng shook his head and said, "don't worry about me. I'll ask you something."

Lao Zhang quickly craned his neck and asked, "Uncle Jia, I don't know what your problem is

"Is Qin Ji there?" Jia Jiansheng asked casually.

Lao Zhang shivered all over. His face changed again and again. After all, he said in a trembling voice, "that... I don't know. You should understand that I'm a doorman."

Looking at Lao Zhang's smiling face, which is more ugly than crying, Jia Jiansheng waved his hand and said casually, "forget it, give me the admission ticket. You can cool off."

"Oh, yes, here are your tickets." Lao Zhang took out a famous gilded poster from his pocket, on which was written two words: Dou Dou.

Jia Jiansheng picked up the famous post, then closed the window, and two cars entered the town one after the other.

In the car, next to Jia Jiansheng sits Ye Chen. Ye Chen touches his nose and asks Jia Jiansheng, "master, the challenge of life and death is here

Where to fight? "

Jia Jiansheng pushed his mouth forward and said faintly, "below this small town, there is a huge underground square. No one knows who built it. For hundreds of years, it has been one of the places where life and death duel."

"One of them?" Ye Chen asked, "that is to say, there is more than one place like this where life and death duel?"

Jia Jiansheng said, "of course, there will be at least one place in every province, even in foreign countries. The new world has huge resources, and the arena under its hands is also amazing."

Nodded, ye Chen way, "well, but no matter where the game, I will not lose."

After the car entered the town, ye Chen began to see that the narrow roads of the town were full of young people with steady steps, and occasionally older people with bright spirit and sharp eyes“ Are these warriors? " Ye Chen turns his head and says to Jia Jiansheng.

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said, "that's right. In this small town, there are few ordinary people, and because the challenge of life and death is set up here, it attracts too many warriors. After a while, try not to provoke right and wrong. After all, there are a lot of good and bad people. Who knows what kind of people Tao will meet, even if he meets a silly fork, But if you meet some strong people with strange temper, you will suffer a lot. "

In the driver's seat, it was Song Yang who was sitting. He nodded and said, "thank you for telling me that I won't cause any trouble."

In this Jeep free light, Song Yang is driving, behind them are Jia Jiansheng and ye Chen, while in the back of this car, on the Audi Q5 are jackal and Wei Qinghu. They are afraid that they are far away from Jia Jiansheng, and they are wrapped with dumplings by Chi Tong, so they dare not stay too far away, so they follow.

Two cars stopped in a small town on the open space, ye Chen and others jumped out of the car, looking around to observe the environment.

Wei Qinghu also jumped down from the Audi Q5, went to the car and said to Jia Jiansheng, "uncle, where are we going now?"

Jia Jiansheng light said, "you come with me."

They followed behind Jia Jiansheng and turned left and right in the small town. Then they found a humble house and pushed the door open.

There was a strange looking old woman standing in the house. She gave Jia Jiansheng a squint. Her serious face was suddenly full of laughter. There was a trace of awe and shock in her eyes. She stepped forward two steps and said to Jia Jiansheng, "it's Mr. Jia who has come. It's a long time no see. I don't know where Mr. Jia has been these years, We old friends haven't heard from you at all

Jia Jiansheng sneered and said casually, "it's said that Gui Po people can foretell, GUI Wu. You might as well give me a hexagram to see where I've been in these years."

As soon as the eyes of the old woman, who is called GUI Wu, shrink, she hears a cold killing intention from Jia Jiansheng's tone, which makes her shiver in an instant. She kneels down on one knee and pleads for mercy. "Master Jia is calm. The old woman can't speak. She boldly inquires into master Jia's direction. Please don't give me the same insight."

Jia Jian gave a cold hum and said lightly, "you just know where you are wrong. I don't need to report anything to anyone. No matter who it is, don't try to test Lao Tzu. This time, I don't want to give you the same opinion for the sake of your clan leader. Just leave one hand."

As soon as GUI Wu's face changed, she trembled and said in a startled voice, "master Jia, master Jia, please forgive me, please."

Jia Jiansheng glanced at GUI Wu lightly. He said slowly, "if you've heard of my character, you'll understand that every second you delay, I'm more likely to repent."

"Hoo Hoo Hoo." GUI Wu's eyes changed, her face was tangled, and she suddenly clenched her teeth. With a low roar, she raised her hand and cut it on her left wrist. There was a faint transparent flicker on her right hand, but in a moment, her left hand was cut off by Qi wrist.

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