Underground square

"Ah GUI Wu screamed. She grabbed the broken wrist of her left hand and quickly turned her courage to stop the blood. She picked up the broken hand on the ground and knelt down on the ground. She said to Jia Jiansheng tremblingly, "Mr. Jia... I hope this can calm your anger, and I hope you can forget the unhappiness just now. I think GUI Wu owes you a life."

"All right." Jia Jiansheng nodded casually, then ignored the old woman kneeling in the same place, went straight to the inner room, pushed open another door in the room, and saw behind the door a downward stone step. Jia Jiansheng went down first, and everyone quickly followed.

After Jia Jiansheng and others left, GUI Wu was relieved. She was soft all over and sat down on the ground. She connected the broken hand to the broken wrist. She worked silently and bravely to connect the broken hand temporarily. However, before effective treatment, the broken hand could not play its original function, and it could only guarantee that it would not be necrotic for the time being.

But even so, Guiwu also put down a big stone in her heart. She wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. She couldn't help thinking of all kinds of legends related to Jia Jiansheng. With a long sigh, she wanted to shake her face and give herself a hard slap. She wanted to provoke the guy.

You know, whether in the new world or in the arena, this man, known as the "white wind swordsman", has never been an easy character to provoke.

However, no matter what, Guiwu was a little relaxed. After all, he provoked the man and almost couldn't survive, and he just broke his hand. Besides, it's not completely broken, and it can be cured. It's much better than those wronged souls who died in the hands of Baifeng swordsman.

Think of here, ghost Wu slowly relaxed breath, even can't help secretly celebrate.

And the people who followed Jia Jiansheng down the steps from that door did not know how far they had gone, and finally came to a huge iron door.

The iron door is painted with silver paint with demons, ghosts and Buddhas all over the sky. The shapes of demons are exaggerated,

It makes people shudder. The Buddha's expression is compassionate, solemn and respectful.

On both sides of the iron gate stood a tall man with bright eyes and sharp and alert eyes.

"Please stop!" Standing on the left side of the man stood out, he first looked at Ye Chen and others at random, and then put his eyes on Jia Jiansheng, Baoquan way, "go further, it's the underground square of my arena, according to the regulations, I want to see the ticket."

Can come to this place, there is no simple character, so standing on the left side of the iron gate, this man dare not neglect, tone light, posture is very low.

Jia Jiansheng didn't have any trouble for him. He just frowned and threw the ticket given by Lao Zhang. The guard raised his hand to take it and carefully investigated it. Then he respectfully gave it back to Jia Jiansheng and said, "please come in."

Another guard pressed it on the wall nearby. There was a round stone button. There was a loud noise. With the click of the mechanical gear, the iron door slowly opened to both sides, revealing a wide and secluded passage.

Jia Jiansheng rate advanced channel, ye Chen and others followed, they left look right look, it is very novel.

In a few people into the channel, the iron gate also began to slowly merge, restored to the original.

"Master, this is the underground square?" Ye Chen looks at Jia Jiansheng and asks.

Jia Jiansheng said, "the passage in front of us is the circular corridor leading to the underground square. There are many underground squares in the arena, and the styles are basically the same. After passing the circular corridor, we really get to the underground square."“ Is that so? " Ye Chen can't help asking, "how deep is the underground square?"

Without waiting for Jia Jiansheng to answer, Song Yang, who was standing on one side, said, "I think it's more than 100 meters deep, because I've been here once before. This kind of architecture is really amazing."

People chatting while walking, walking in the Huihuan corridor, like a ring like, a circle of walking down, until

At the bottom, everyone was shocked by the scene.

Jia Jiansheng is OK, the light in his eyes is flashing, more just emotion.

And ye Chen et al. Can say of go up dumbfounded.

There are many buildings on a large area of flat land. The simple attic and pedestrians turn it into a busy market. A huge building like the Roman Colosseum is located in the center of the square. The rest of the buildings are based on the Colosseum and radiate outward.

"Wipe, it's so big." Ye Chen couldn't help exclaiming, "this is more than an underground square. It's just like a small city."

Just as everyone was amazed, a tall girl in a suit and skirt came over. She bowed slightly to Jia Jiansheng, who was standing in the front with a smile, "gentlemen, welcome to the underground square."

"Well." Jia Jiansheng nodded, "we have two people here who are going to take part in the life and death competition tonight. Please help us arrange it."

This tall girl is the receptionist of the arena. Most of her contacts are martial artists. In Jia Jiansheng's body, she can sensitively detect a trace of the unique dignity of the strong, so she quickly nods and says to Jia Jiansheng, "please go to the rest area, both of them should have identity cards?"

Song Yang nodded, took out a black card the size of a bank card from his pocket, and asked the tall girl, "when will our competition start?"

This kind of black card is the identity card, which contains the identity information of the contestants, including the achievements and points. Before ye Chen came here, Jia Jiansheng also gave him one.

"Don't worry, sir." The tall girl said with a smile, "there are 11 competitions in the life and death competition tonight. After a while, 22 contestants will randomly select opponents and matches. I hope you can get a good result tonight."

Ye Chen asks a way in the side, "this little elder sister, I come for the first time, want to ask for a moment, these attic all are."

Where do people live? "

"Hee hee." The tall girl said with a smile, "Sir, as long as it's a house, it's a place for people to live. Our whole underground square covers an area of about 90 hectares. Based on Longmen arena, all the buildings radiated are actually businesses."

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