Poor and turbid

As soon as Chen lie's face changes, he must be the strong man of the fourth heaven who can ignore the courage of the fourth heaven. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to be as indifferent as Han Yujie, who can't play any role. But Chen lie is hot tempered after all. At this moment, he has to lose his temper. With a low roar, he says, "Han Yujie, I don't want to fight meaninglessly, but, I don't want to be provoked by others for no reason. If that boy kneels on the ground and admits his mistake to Laozi and kowtows three times in a row, I will spare his life. "

Everyone can see that after trying to find out Han Yujie's strength, Chen lie is obviously unwilling to fight with a strong man of the same level.

However, Han Yujie just smile, light said, "I have just said, although Jinwei's words are not good, but it is not wrong, that is to say, all of you are rubbish."

As soon as the sound of his words fell, the group of people who were ridiculed by the group immediately stood up. Countless pairs of eyes shot at Han Yujie, but Han Yujie turned a blind eye and stood in the same place.

This scene makes Chen lie feel more suspicious. The life and death competition in the duel arena is not common. It is held once a week on average, and it is also one of the most valuable competitions. Under the guidance of teachers, many aristocratic children and high-ranking disciples of the clan will visit the competitions in major clubs to increase their experience.

For example, at this moment, there are eight or nine super experts in the audience, and all of them are strong in the fourth day or so

If Weilai is launched, even the branch chairman of the arena branch here, qiongzhuo, can't suppress it. Where does Han Yujie get his confidence? Dare to challenge and ridicule again and again, is he still the strong man of the fifth heaven?

For a moment, Chen lie can't figure out Han Yujie's bottom card. In fact, in addition to Chen lie, several other super strong people in the audience can't sit still. Anyone who is regarded as rubbish will be angry and run away. However, Han Yujie's indifferent attitude makes these people uncertain about Han Yujie's strength.

If it's just the fourth heaven, even the top martial artists of the fourth heaven can't fight against all the people present. Even if the rest of the people don't interfere, it's just the fourth heaven martial artists like Chen lie. If they come to the top four or five casually, it's enough for him to drink a pot.

But where did Han Yujie find the confidence, he dared to pull all the strong people into the mud.

Chen's courage is moving faster and faster. Obviously, he can't wait for his hot temper. Although he is afraid of Han Yujie, he doesn't want to be sorry for himself. He bites his teeth, and the flame on his arm is burning. He yells in a low voice, "I don't care if you are a real bull or a pretender, If you really have the ability, then take my big fire magic fist and try it! "

At the end of the speech, Chen lie left a series of shadows in the same place. With the force of the wind, he immediately approached Han Yujie one meter away. Without saying a word, he came up and hit him with a fist!

Under this blow, the fire surged, the red flame rolled, the high temperature immediately shrouded the field, and the wood seats in the auditorium were faintly burned.

Chen lie's fist is wrapped in the fire, and he smashes Han Yujie with an irresistible posture.

Han Yujie's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic. He picked up the tiger knife in his hand. In an instant, the light of the tiger sword left a remnant in the air. On Han Yujie's right arm, there was a golden awn. It was like turning into metal. Under the light of the tiger sword, even the air was cut off!

"Let's go!"

With one blow and one knife, the fluctuating air caused by the battle trembled violently, and the fighters around turned to run for their lives. Some of them ran slowly and were caught up by the aftershocks of the battle. They were burned to coke or cut apart“ Hum

Just when the crowd was in a panic and screamed, a cold hum suddenly came. In the middle of the blow and the knife, an old man in black robe appeared. His sword eyebrows were erect, and his hair was white. He stood in the same place like King Kong. He clenched his fist with one hand and grasped Chen lie's fire fist with the other hand, and pinched Han Yujie's long knife with the other hand.

"It's the poor president!"

"Great, we are saved!"

"Poor and turbid? Didn't you think he was so powerful? Can we face the full attack of the two fourth heaven strongmen at the same time? "

"Well! He hasn't picked it up yet. It's too early to say anything. "

There was a lot of discussion, all of them stopped to run for their lives, one by one stopped to wait and see.


With a bang, Chen lie and Han Yujie both stepped back several steps. At each step, they had to crush a stone brick under their feet. Their faces turned white and they were terrified.

Han Yujie is OK. After half a step back, his face will return to normal. After two more steps, he will completely remove the impact.

And Chen lie's strength is going to be worse. He not only retreated four or five steps, but also turned red and his mouth overflowed with blood.

"Poor! You Chen lie widened his eyes. He looked at qiongzhuo and yelled, "do you dare to do it?"

Qiongzhuo looked at Chen lie like a fool. He said coldly, "in my territory, you dare to do it. What dare I do? I seem to have said just now that anyone who makes me unhappy will die! "

Chen lie was startled by Qiong Zhuo's eyes and moriran's tone. In addition to seeing the power of Qiong Zhuo just now, he was shocked

I shut my mouth and I didn't dare to say anything more.

However, qiongzhuo didn't mean to let them go like this. He said coldly, "you two openly fight here, that is, you don't pay attention to me. Since you don't pay attention to me, you certainly don't know me. Even if you know me, you don't have to have a deep memory. If you have seed, you can fight with me to win the big one, Lose to death

After the words of qiongzhuo came out, not only Han Yujie and Chen lie were stunned, but all the people present were stunned.

What is this operation?

As the head of the arena, Qiong Zhuo has now proposed a life and death gambling fight. Of course, it's not unusual. But the strange thing is that Qiong Zhuo's law enforcement method is not too wonderful. According to the rules of the arena, it must be strictly forbidden to fight privately.

What's more, when Han Yuqing and Chen lie were fighting just now, the aftermath of the battle killed several people instantly and caused a lot of people's lives, which had a great impact on the arena. Therefore, it's not surprising that qiongzhuo treats Han Yujie and Chen lie in any way.

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