The momentum is compelling

After all, as the branch president of the arena, qiongzhuo has the power to adjudicate the lawbreakers. However, as long as he is a normal person, he will certainly shout a large crowd to attack and kill the two guys. It's simple and easy, and the key is safe and fast.

However, qiongzhuo didn't want to fight with a warrior. He even proposed that the winner was the boss. Such a declaration is tantamount to telling them that if they win qiongzhuo, it is tantamount to pulling down the problem just now?

However, even so, Han Yujie and Chen lie are not willing to gamble with qiongzhuo. The reason is very simple. Even if they didn't go all out, they also used seven or eight points of strength. But with their joint efforts, they were defeated by qiongzhuo.

This made Han Yujie and Chen lie murmur. Thinking like this, Han Yujie said with a smile, "15 years ago, I also participated in the battle of 100 people in this punishment meeting. At that time, you were still the vice president. I didn't expect that 15 years later, the adult has not only become the president, but also has a great strength."

Poor turbid light looked at Han Yujie one eye, eyes suddenly flashed a trace of memory, he suddenly light said, "Oh, I remember, you are 15 years ago, the leader of the hundred battle, then the Dragon Silver Ring, is you take it."

Han Yujie quickly nodded, he said with a smile, "it's just that I got away with it."

Looking at Han Yujie, qiongzhuo said, "yes, 15 years ago, you were just the second heaven. But today, 15 years later, you are already the strong man at the top of the fourth heaven. Your strength has improved very fast."

Han Yujie shook his head and said, "Mr. President, I'm joking. I can only fool some honest people with my little skill. It's not very useful at all. Compared with Mr. President, it's very different. Even if I was a strong man at the top of the fourth heaven, I couldn't understate it like you, In my opinion, you are the strong man of the fifth heaven now, aren't you

With that, Han Yujie also peeped to see qiongzhuo's face.

However, poor turbid slightly shook his head, his face flashed a trace of bitterness, light said, "not yet, I guess my life will stay in this position."

"And who are you?" Han Yujie obviously doesn't believe it. If he doesn't arrive at the fifth day, it's impossible to block the attack between him and Chen lie like this.

However, qiongzhuo's face showed that he had not lied. Suddenly, Han Yuqing seemed to think of something. He could not help crying out, "the fourth heaven is perfect, half step is the fifth heaven?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was surprised. Many people who have heard of this realm are surprised.

But ye Chen, who had been watching the show for a long time, scratched his head. He turned to ask Jia Jiansheng, "master, what is great perfection?"

Jia Jiansheng said faintly, "the so-called great consummation means that the martial arts practitioners have reached the limit in this realm. As you know, each realm is divided into four levels: the initial stage, the middle stage, the late stage and the peak. Great consummation means a higher level after the peak."

"Higher level?" Ye Chen doesn't understand of ask a way, "why still have higher level?"? Shouldn't we go straight from the top to the next level? "

Jia Jiansheng said with a slight smile, "theoretically speaking, it's just like this. After reaching the peak of the first realm, martial arts practitioners directly break through and enter the second realm, and so on. But some martial arts practitioners with obsessive-compulsive disorder have to complete this realm before they are willing to break through and enter the next realm, although the realm cultivated in this way has a solid foundation, His strength is far superior to that of the same level. However, he also wastes a lot of cultivation time. He may even linger in a relatively low level all his life and miss the opportunity to advance to the next level. " At this point, Jia Jiansheng's voice became slightly admired. He looked at the poor turbidity on the screen and exclaimed, "but the ambition of these people has to be admired. If they want to reach a higher level, they must have a more solid foundation. The strength of the seven generals is amazing. All of them are super strong in the sixth heaven. Almost everyone knows that, They all cultivate each realm until they are fully accomplished, and then they go to the next realm. That's why they can stand at the highest point. "

"Since almost all people know that, why don't they all practice the realm until they are full

What about it? " Ye Chen can't help asking.

Jia Jiansheng said with emotion, "not everyone has amazing talent. Some people stay in one realm for ten years, but they can't advance to the next realm. Some people practice for thousands of miles, and they can even cross three realms in ten years. The gap is all different from person to person. The reason why the seven generals of Yuxia can stand at the highest point is that they are able to make progress, Of course, it is inseparable from their efforts, but their talents are all far beyond ordinary people. "

Ye Chen nodded his head and said, "that is to say, compared with the seven generals, the cultivation talent of ordinary people can't support the consumption of time. If it's normal cultivation, if it takes ten years for ordinary people to advance from one realm to another, it may only take three years for talented people at the level of the seven generals, And in order to climb to the highest point, they have enough time and energy to cultivate every realm to the full. They can't do it with ordinary people. They don't have enough time for normal cultivation. How can they squeeze out time to polish their foundation? "

Jia Jiansheng nodded admiringly and looked at Ye Chen. He said with a smile, "that's the truth. There has never been a fair thing between heaven and earth, and there has never been a fair person. On the earth, in the mountains and valleys, where have you ever seen the same height? Hilly desert, where have you seen the same size? Fairness is just a luxury. "

Ye Chen nodded with deep feeling. He suddenly thought that he had the God of food system in his hand. He could do so much more than others. If he had enough mental power, he could even fly up on the spot. He could fight whoever he wanted, kill whoever he wanted, and kill all the seven generals and Dragon Kings.

Even if they work hard, they are all scum to themselves, just like a useless struggle. However, although the reincarnation of heaven is not absolutely fair, it also gives countless restrictions.

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