No longer afraid

Although the river is vast and turbulent, it can only flow from high to low.

Although the desert is wide, it can't expand indefinitely.

Even if there is no reason for existence, there are rules for existence.

Although the God of food system is against heaven, it is also within the rules of heaven. If you don't have the mental power, you will end up begging like Ye Chen, holding a golden rice bowl. You can't throw it and sell it. Looking at countless treasures in the God of food system, you can't afford to buy one.

After thinking about it, ye Chen said to Jia Jiansheng, "there's nothing wrong. Although there's no absolute fairness in the world, it's just because of this that people have the will to fight. If all the people in the world are the same, there's nothing to fight for. Since there's nothing to fight for, what's the point of being a man? Do you wait to die? "

Ye Chen's words are full of steel like fighting will, and also inspired all the people in this room.

Especially Song Yang, he patted Ye Chen's shoulder and said firmly, "yes! What you said is right. You can't live like a pig when you're born. Someone feeds you when you're full. You sleep when you're full. From the moment you're born, you're waiting for death every day. What's the meaning of living?! The significance of a man's existence is to be competitive. No matter in terms of force or in any aspect, he should not be so slack as to give up fighting! "

Ye Chen grinned. He pointed to the poor and turbid people on the screen and said with a big laugh, "today we are here to watch them show off their heroism. Sooner or later, we will also stand on their heads!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone's face changed. Wei Qinghu said quickly, "Ye Chen, do you know what you're talking about? They are the strong men of the fourth heaven! Even Chitong, who was fighting with us in the cave that day, was just the peak of the third heaven

Ye Chen's eyes are burning, he turns to stare at Wei Qinghu, the cold voice of a word says, "how? Are you scared?! A little red pupil, blow up your strong heart?! Don't you have a dream?! Are you still a man?! To chase, to struggle, to clench your fist, one failure is not terrible, a hundred failures is not terrible, the most terrible is your surrender, because only you can stand up, you have the qualification to fall, if you like an ostrich, put your head into the sand, then you even have no qualification to fall, because you don't fight any more, A man who gives up the heart of competition has no meaning to live! "

When ye Chen finished saying these words, Wei Qinghu's face changed again and again. He suddenly trembled all over. At that time, he stepped back three or four steps and directly stuck to the wall. The whole person collapsed on the ground and took a deep breath. He only felt that he was weak all over, his eyes were absent, and his mouth murmured, "have I really lost the heart of the strong?"

Ye Chen turned his head and didn't look at him any more. He just said coldly, "if a person is defeated, I will respect him, just like Zhu Ming just now. Even if he died, he died with dignity and dream. He didn't give up fighting and fighting until he died. After we stepped into the cultivation, aren't we fighting for life with heaven? What we're after, isn't it

Is it a stronger and stronger life? "

"But you..." Ye Chen coldly said, "you have lost a real strong heart, defeated once, just like a lost dog, completely lost the courage to resist, and sharp fighting spirit. When you heard how strong others were, you immediately counseled like a bear. Were they born so strong? Aren't they as weak as you before? Don't you have a chance to be as strong as them? Don't you have a chance to be better than them? "

Said, ye Chen slightly shook his head, he sighed and said, "before you have a chance, but now you don't, not because you become weak, but because you don't have that heart, no steel will, can't get the ticket to the new world, can't go to the new world, do you think you still have the hope of becoming strong?" After these words came out, Wei Qinghu trembled like chaff. He licked his cracked lips and said, "I don't have any!"

Ye Chen said with a sneer, "no? No matter you don't or you do, I only talk to real men. You have lost the qualification to be my friend! "

Say, the leaf Chen then raised eyes to see toward the monitor, no longer pay attention to the Wei green tiger behind.

The Jackal standing next to Wei Qinghu sighed. He raised his hand and patted Wei Qinghu on the shoulder. He just wanted to say something, but Wei Qinghu suddenly stood up. He gasped, bit his teeth, stared at his bloodshot eyes, and yelled at Ye Chen's back, "I don't have it!"

"Good! Good!! Good Wei Qinghu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "I admit that I was afraid before, but now I tell you that I will never be afraid any more, that is, now I have no way to become stronger except to enter the new world, I will become stronger, I will become stronger than Chitong! I'll kill him, and I'll kill that man! I'll be stronger, I'll be

Ye Chen suddenly turned around, he silently looked at Wei Qinghu, suddenly stretched out his fist to him, tone light said, "if you will, then I will be happy for you, because you become a real man, I will feel, have you such a friend, is my honor!"

Wei Qinghu was shaking all over. He only felt a blank in his mind. But a moment later, he felt that what the man said went straight to the bone marrow and penetrated his heart. It not only made his chest full of fighting spirit and blood, but also made him feel incredible that in the man's eyes, It has a bright light like stars.

Slowly stretched out his right hand, Wei Qinghu raised his fist, and ye Chen's fist collided with each other. After the two people touched the fist, they looked at each other with a smile. Wei Qinghu said in a deep voice, "it's also my honor to be friends with people like you!"

At this time, Chen lie's face on the display changed. He looked at qiongzhuo, licked his lips, and said in fright, "that, qiongzhuo president, this time, Chen lie made a mistake."

With that, Chen lie bent down and clasped his fist.

"Hiss! Chen lie, as the owner of the Chen family and the super strong man of the fourth heaven, would even bow his head and admit his mistake? "

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