Eager to win

Ye Chen cast a big screen and stared at Zheng Yuan for a long time. He couldn't see the depth of the man at all. His eyes jumped and he was slightly shocked.

"Hoo." In front of the challenge arena, Song Yang slowly breathes out a breath. He jumps up to the challenge arena and moves his wrist. Song Yang calms down without expression.

As a professional killer, Song Yang's childhood training is to kill as the ultimate goal, he is never afraid of fighting, and even can be said that he was born to fight.

On the other side of the challenge arena, Zheng Yuan also lightly jumps up. He smiles, caresses his chest with one hand and bows to Song Yang.

Song Yang coldly looked at him, and did not make any unnecessary action, and then said sarcastically, "don't be hypocritical here. In the last battle of life and death, you tore your opponents into eight pieces. Put away your hypocritical etiquette, I will let you know what kind of injury will be colder than the knife."

With that, Song Yang pulled out his knife from his waist and gently pulled a flower. He looked at Zheng Yuan and said faintly, "you are a terrible opponent, but I think I am more terrible than you."

Zheng Yuan smiles a little. There is a warm smile on his soft face. He looks at Song Yang genially and says softly, "if it's more terrible, then I really want to have a try, hehe."

As he said this, Zheng Yuan's smile became more and more happy. The corners of his mouth slowly opened, revealing white teeth. Although he was very warm, the cold in his eyes became colder and colder.

An old man in light blue jumped up. He glanced at them and said coldly, "I'm the referee of this competition. You are all warriors who have participated in the competition of life and death. I don't want to introduce the rules. In short, you just know it. Because it's a winning streak, I have to remind you once again that once you win, All points gained through the game will be doubled

Song Yang and Zheng Yuan both nodded and understood that they were looking at each other, and their eyes toward their opponents were full of killing intention.

The referee looked at Song Yang and Zheng Yuan again to make sure they were all ready. Then he nodded and said in a cold voice, "you'd better remember that no matter what the reason is, once you violate the rules, I will kill you. OK, the game starts now!"

With the referee's order, both of them stepped forward. Zheng Yuan held a white jade folding fan in his hand. He pointed the way to Song Yang. Song Yang's face changed. His dagger waved and stood up to cut the folding fan!


The courage exploded at the contact point of the two men's weapons, and a fierce force exploded. Song Yang's wrist was shocked, and the whole man retreated five or six steps in succession.

Zheng Yuan also stepped back three steps in a row, but his anger flashed on his face. Suddenly, he stepped on the ground and jumped on it again.

With the waving of the folding fan in his hand, Zheng Yuan's white courage is flowing. There is even a layer of tiny ice crystals on the folding fan. His eyes lock on Song Yang, and the folding fan in his hand cuts down like a blade.

Song Yang's heart sank. He could feel that Zheng Yuan's boldness was much stronger than his. Moreover, this boldness was not ordinary physical training boldness, but very difficult element boldness.

Seeing Zheng Yuan's folding fan coming, Song Yang didn't dare to neglect it. He got down from the horse with a low roar, his shoulders trembled, and his transparent courage on his arms shook. With a knife in his hand, he cut directly at Zheng Yuan's folding fan.


Song Yang directly to his arm a hemp, arm galloping courage have been shaken away a lot of body, he is back half step. Looking up at Zheng Yuan, Song Yang only thinks that this man's courage is terrible. Even if he can't block it, he can't stop the man's folding fan.

In front of the big screen, ye Chen grinned. He couldn't help saying, "Song Yang has just entered the second heaven. He's not very proficient in the use of courage, and he can't compare the number of courage and the use of martial arts with Zheng Yuan

"The man of the world."

Hearing Ye Chen's worry, Jia Jiansheng, standing beside him, said faintly, "although Song Yang has just entered the second heaven, his opponent is not very strong. Maybe he just happened to win the first game. You see, when he is attacking on the move, he often habitually compresses his courage on his arm and takes the folding fan as the carrier, Hit it with all your strength. "

Ye Chen stares at Zheng Yuan in the big screen for a long time. Slowly, the light in his eyes becomes brighter and brighter. Turning around, he can't wait to say to Jia Jiansheng, "yes, generally speaking, when attacking, although he will try his best to run his courage, in order to prevent his opponent from attacking him, They will also leave part of their courage for defense, and they will run their courage on their legs for movement. Every time Zheng Yuan attacks, he does his best, and even his legs don't have the courage to increase movement. "

Jia Jiansheng nodded admiringly. He looked at Ye Chen, laughed, and then said, "your observation is very sharp, but do you know why he did it?"

Ye Chen thought for a moment, and then said slowly, "in my opinion, Zheng Yuan's courage works like this. It seems that he wants to end the battle quickly. Most of the fighters who want to fight quickly are short of endurance, or unwilling to entangle. Judging from Zheng Yuan's state, he should be a warrior with insufficient endurance, and the number of courage is even less than that of Song Yang, So he wants to end the battle quickly and is not willing to spend it with Song Yang. "

Jia Jiansheng nodded and said with a smile, "what you said is right. Zheng Yuan is eager to win. He has put all his courage on his hands and launched a crazy attack. But just because of this, his performance in other aspects is not so perfect.

In the challenge arena, Song Yang did not have the observation power of Jia Jiansheng or Ye Chen. He fought Zheng Yuan seven or eight times, and all of them retreated several steps. After several times, he quickly retreated to the edge of the challenge arena.

"Damn it Song Yang roars. Zheng Yuan's attack power is as strong as dynamite. In the collision of weapons, he has an unimaginable impact. It's like an elephant hitting his own dagger. Song Yang tries his best to stop it, but his arm is numb. Even the dagger is a little unstable.

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