Basic body method

Zheng Yuan's face was still covered with a cold and gentle smile, as if he had a mask of hypocrisy. Under the mask, there was a cruel heart.

In front of the big screen, Wei Qinghu's eyes blinked at the development of the war situation. He couldn't help murmuring, "I didn't expect that Song Yang had mastered his courage and entered the second heaven..."

The Jackal standing next to him seemed quite calm. He patted Wei Qinghu on the shoulder, sighed and said, "he can enter the second heaven, which is enough to prove his talent and fortune. You see, his moves are basically based on the dragon soldier's short knife assassination, but the way he uses his courage is obviously not the simple and direct martial arts of the dragon soldier organization, Someone should have taught him

Wei Qinghu nodded, he said slowly, "yes, generally speaking, the 60th or more S-class killers are the second heavy heaven or more warriors, but with the dragon soldier's secret skill, even if they don't master the courage, the combat effectiveness of ordinary S-class dragon soldiers can't be underestimated, at least the common second heavy heaven warrior is absolutely not so easy to defeat the Dragon soldiers who can master the dragon soldier's secret skill."

Jackal nodded deeply. He also mastered the secret skill of dragon soldier through Wei Qinghu. After experiencing the power of the secret skill of dragon soldier, he didn't think he would be worse than the ordinary second heaven warrior.

Jia Jiansheng turned his head. He looked at Wei Qinghu and said with a smile, "don't forget your promise."

Looking at Jia Jiansheng's meaningful eyes, Wei Qinghu said, "since I have promised my martial uncle, I will never break my promise. Don't worry. After the challenge of life and death is over, I will help Ye Chen to sacrifice blood and pass on the secret skill of dragon soldier to him."

"Ha ha." Jia Jiansheng said with a light smile, "you are free. I don't care. It's just that if you make me unhappy, I won't make you happy."

Hearing these words, Wei Qinghu trembled all over. He was extremely unnatural and forced to hook the corner of his mouth. "Hey, hey, that, don't worry, I have absolutely no problem here."

With a smile, Jia Jiansheng didn't seem to take Wei Qinghu's promise to heart. He raised his eyes and continued to look at the battle of life and death on the big screen.

On the challenge arena, Song Yang was out of breath, and his courage on his arms was broken up many times. In the process of fighting Zheng Yuan, every time he met his opponent, he would shake all over, and his arms were extremely sore.

However, even so, he also faintly found that although Zheng Yuan's offensive was faster and stronger, the smile on Zheng Yuan's face was obviously more and more light, his forehead began to sweat, and the breathing between his mouth and nose became more and more heavy.

Song Yang's face was silent, but his heart was a burst of ecstasy, and he said in secret: "well, you Zheng Yuan, how can you fight so hard as soon as you come up? It turns out that you are weak. As long as I continue to hold on, your strength will be smaller and smaller sooner or later. It's time for me to perform."

With this in mind, Song Yang was calm. He began to give up the fight with Zheng Yuan. Instead, he used his courage to evade Zheng Yuan's attack by walking flexibly. He was extremely fast and rowed through the shadow of the road in the challenge arena. Although Zheng Yuan's attack speed was also accelerated, Song Yang's body method was very fast, It's not easy for Zheng Yuan to attack him.

"Is it the basic body method?" The Jackal could not help but ask, "this boy is really good at training."

"It's pretty good." Wei Qinghu nodded and said with admiration, "although the name of basic body method is called basic body method, it's very practical. It doesn't have any fancy movements. Just like short knife assassination, it's originally born for actual combat. With the addition of courage, this boy also uses it very well."

Jackal said, "yes, even some S-level dragon soldiers who have been famous for a long time will use this set of body method, especially this set of body method and dragon soldier's secret technique complement each other. If you can't master this set of body method, it's difficult to master the last shadow of dragon soldier's secret technique." Ye Chen was listening to the excitement they were talking about. He immediately became interested and asked, "is the jueying you mentioned a kind of secret art in the secret art of dragon soldiers?"

Wei Qinghu has nothing to hide about this problem. He nodded and said to Ye Chen, "yes, the Secretary of the dragon soldier is hierarchical. What jackal and I have mastered are all the first-class dragon soldier secrets. But even so, we can still greatly enhance our combat effectiveness. For example, the ghost is one of the dragon soldier secrets, It can increase the user's instantaneous movement speed about ten times. Although it can last for a short time, it is very effective in combat. "

Ye Chen has deep feelings for Wei Qinghu's words. He nods and says, "there is nothing wrong with this. If you can increase the speed of the instant movement by ten times, it is really a shocking situation. They are ten meters apart. The opponent steps out in front of them and raises his hand. It's unbearable for anyone."

Wei Qinghu said with a smile, "if you want to understand it in this way, it's no problem. In fact, it's true. Although the jueying secret skill sounds awesome, its duration is only one or two seconds. If you don't master the basic body method, it's really difficult to master this secret skill."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "doesn't that mean that I have to learn basic body method if I want to learn the shadowless secret skill?"

"So to speak." Wei Qinghu said, "but I will first use the way of blood sacrifice to thoroughly pass on the secret art of dragon soldiers to you. As for how far you can wake up, it all depends on you."

Ye Chen can't help asking, "what's the matter with this blood sacrifice? And inheritance. What do you mean? Why do you wake up after you pass it on to me? "

Facing these problems of Ye Chen, Wei Qinghu smiles and says, "you don't have to think about so many problems for the time being. When we start the blood sacrifice, you will naturally understand."

Ye Chen didn't get the answer he wanted. Although he was more or less curious, he now knows that this is obviously not a good time to ask questions.

On the big screen, Song Yang uses his basic body method to dodge back and forth. When he encounters an attack that he really can't dodge, he holds a knife to block it hard. But even if it's a hard block, he has to step back to remove the impact of his opponent's attack, so as to do his best

Can save their own strength, consumption of opponent's strength.

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