Taste of blood

In the audience, the audience had already started shouting.

"What's the matter? Why is he hiding? If you can fight, you can fight. If you can't fight, you'll get out of here. It's very uncomfortable! "

"Yes, this man is not a man. I look so bored."

"Zheng Yuan is still very powerful. You see, his courage seems to be a rare one."

"Yes, yes, the five element boldness is relatively common, but this kind of variant five element boldness is really rare."

"It's nothing. For example, my cousin's uncle's mother-in-law's neighbor has a child. Now he has mastered the courage. It's a variation of the wood attribute and the thunder element's courage. It's much stronger than the ice attribute."

Although there was a lot of noise in the ring, the two people on the ring had their own thoughts. Song Yang dodged Zheng Yuan's folding fan attack again, and his eyes suddenly lit up, because he found that Zheng Yuan's action was obviously slow. When he recovered the folding fan, his arm was obviously shaking and stagnating.

"Good chance!" Song Yang's heart is very happy. The knife in his hand suddenly counterattacks back, and cuts Zheng Yuan's arm hard.

Under this knife, his courage surged like a tide. Song Yang vented his anger that he had been beaten by pressure all the time

The repressive force is like the magma in the volcano.


This potential in the inevitable blow, let Song Yang high mood, but also successfully attracted the eyes and attention of all the people present.

Everyone looked at Song Yang and his knife, including Zheng Yuan. He was also looking at Song Yang's knife. However, Zheng Yuan didn't show his panic. Instead, he put a little smile on his lips.

Song Yang is very close to Zheng Yuan, and they are almost face to face. When he sees Zheng Yuan's expression, he feels tight in the moment. He says something wrong, and then he's going to withdraw the knife. But Zheng Yuan doesn't want to let Song Yang go.

He laughs and drinks. Zheng Yuan grabs Song Yang's wrist, and his folding fan hurts Song Yang's abdomen.

"Ha ha ha, do you think I have no strength? Ha ha, you look down on me. I'm waiting for you. If you don't attack me, how can I find a chance to fight back against you? " Zheng Yuan laughed like this. The cold air of his folding fan suddenly burst out. Song Yang only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and then a cold to the bone marrow filled his whole body. In a moment, it penetrated into the flesh and blood, and the internal organs of his body immediately became a layer of ice crystals.


The audience in the audience were stunned. In just one second, there were two biggest turns and counter moves in the war


First, Zheng Yuan shows his weakness and shows his weakness, which leads song yang to cut off Zheng Yuan's arm.

But at this time, Zheng Yuan wants to seize Song Yang's wrist in an instant, and has to poke into Song Yang's belly all the time. Cold ice's courage invades Song Yang's body in an instant, and Song Yang is like a wild boar that is about to freeze to death. His whole body is shaking, his eyes are wide open, and he looks at Zheng Yuan in vain, as if he has lost the chance to win.

The referee standing on the edge of the challenge arena blinked. He took the first two steps to check the current situation of Song Yang and confirm the result of the game. But at this time, Song Yang's mouth was grinning, and his face was blue with cold. Looking up at Zheng Yuan, Song Yang roared, "with a son of a bitch like you, do you want me to lose here?"

Zheng Yuan's heart bristles when Song Yang looks at him, but after thinking about it, he doesn't know what he needs to be afraid of this man. He simply laughs and says, "I don't know if you will lose here, but at least if you don't do something now, you are likely to freeze your internal organs into ice and eventually die here, in this arena, In my hands, too. "

Song Yang grinned, "of course I know this, so I'm going to do something now. I'll ask you if you're afraid?"

"Afraid?" Zheng Yuan asked inexplicably, "what should I be afraid of? Afraid of your ferocious face? It's really terrible to see you look like that. But you can't scare me. I've been a thief since I was a child. Although I'm afraid of something, I'm not afraid of ugliness. "

Song Yang said with a smile, "is that right? I don't know if you've ever heard of a kind of thing called longbing pill... "

Before the words fall, Song Yang suddenly burst out a powerful wave of courage. He roared, and was forced out by Zheng Yuan's cold ice courage. Then he grabbed Zheng Yuan's neck, and the short knife in his hand was as fast as lightning. In a short second, he stabbed more than ten knives one after another, and the knives were all inserted in Zheng Yuan's chest.

Transparent courage flows back and forth on the blade, and invades Zheng Yuan's body unscrupulously, rolling back and forth in his flesh and viscera, impacting and destroying his organs and tissues.

Zheng Yuan's eyes widened, and he didn't even have time to respond to what happened, and he didn't know how Song Yang burst out so powerful.

However, he did not need to understand now, let alone understand the cause of this matter. The scene in front of him gradually became blurred, and a sharp pain came directly into his mind.

With a sudden roar, Zheng Yuan burst out his last courage. The folding fan that he inserted into Song Yang's body suddenly burst open. The fragments of the folding fan and the explosive ice courage mercilessly attacked Song Yang's belly, even his internal organs.

Song Yang trembled all over his body. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and his wounds were countless. For a moment, the blood gushed, and his courage could not be suppressed.

However, even so, he didn't mean to let Zheng Yuan go. With a roar, he ignored the injuries he had suffered. He held Zheng Yuan's head in his left hand, stabbed Zheng Yuan's throat with his right hand's knife mercilessly, and then cut Zheng Yuan's half neck with a fierce cross cut!

The blood gushed out everywhere. From Zheng Yuan's frightening wound, the hot blood gushed out one meter away. However, Song Yang was so close that he was sprayed all over his face.

"Bah!" Song Yang raised his left hand. He wiped the blood on his face and spat it. He laughed and said, "people who like to pretend to be forced, even the blood is very forced."

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