e medically treated

With that, Song Yang raised his leg and kicked Zheng Yuan out with one foot. He rolled out all the way. Zheng Yuan was lying on the ground with blood gushing out. He had been motionless for a long time, and obviously had no life.

What happened in the challenge arena shocked all the audience. They never thought that the match would end in this way. What's more, Song Yang, who had been defeated, would turn around in this way.

"Hey, hey, hey." Song Yang's Scarlet face was stained with blood, and he squeezed out a proud smile. His white teeth, under the contrast of blood, seemed so cold. Looking at the referee on the field, Song Yang asked hoarsely, "I don't know how long I can stand, so, are you really not going to announce the result of the game now?"

Song Yang's words reminded the referee that he coughed twice and recovered from the shock. As the referee of the life and death challenge, he was also able to judge the winning match in succession. He was a very experienced person, and he was not surprised at the death struggle in the challenge.

However, what really shocked the referee was not Song Yang's cruel way of killing, but Song Yang's counter killing. In his opinion, Song Yang would definitely quit. However, he didn't expect that Zheng Yuan didn't kill the defeated Central Committee. On the contrary, he killed Zheng Yuan by unimaginable means.

Walking to the center of the ring, the referee raised his arm and announced in a loud voice, "I judge the result of this game,

Song Yangsheng

With this remark, there was a burst of applause in the audience. Although the applause was as rare and weak as barefoot trampling on the concrete floor, there was heartfelt admiration in these applause. What they admired was not all Song Yang's fighting ability, but Song Yang's perseverance and perseverance.

Most of the audience here are martial arts, and a large part of them are pulling their own disciples or the younger generation of the family to watch the game.

Although for various reasons, these younger generation did not fight on the court, watching this level of competition will also give them more experience and fighting experience. Naturally, these people are happy to see a wonderful game.

On the big screen, Dafei's figure switched out again. He said to all of you with a smile, "let's thank Song Yang for his wonderful game for us. Let's also congratulate him on becoming the biggest winner tonight. After winning the winning streak, he will get double points. In the last game, he got one, And with the two points of this winning streak, his current score is three points. Let's give him a round of applause and congratulate him on his way to the strong. "

Another burst of sparse applause came, and many people put their bets on Zheng Yuan. Although Song Yang won, he was not happy and even hated him. But in the arena, he didn't dare to make trouble. But even the strong men in the fourth heaven consciously shrunk their heads.

After all, not long ago, two famous and strong men of the fourth heaven were planted here. One was missing his arm, and the other was crushed into a dungeon and left to be slaughtered.

With such a lesson, who dares to live long?

At this time, Song Yang was in front of his eyes and fell on his back in the challenge arena. However, although his face was full of blood and his breath was weak, there was a smile on his mouth and a smile of victory.

Ye Chen can't sit in front of the big screen in the lounge. After Song Yang is stabbed in the stomach by Zheng Yuan's folding fan, he wants to rush out. But before he makes a move, the war situation has reversed.

At the moment, seeing that Song Yang won, he was relieved at first, but before that, Song Yang fell to the ground“ Song Yang

With a cry, ye Chen ran out of the lounge without saying a word. He ran all the way along the entrance. It didn't take long for him to come to the challenge arena. With a jump, ye Chen jumped up without hesitation.

Slightly panting, ye Chen Ran to Song Yang, first checked his pulse and breathing, the whole heart is hanging up, Song Yang's present state is obviously not very good, his courage is weak, breathing and pulse is also very slight, if the gas is hanging silk, it is obvious that he is going to die soon.

"Whew, whew, whew"

The four figures jumped up like flexible apes. They were all dressed in white, with a middle-aged man at the head. He first glanced at Ye Chen, and then said faintly, "you don't have to worry, give it to us."

Ye Chen frowned. He looked at the four men and asked, "who are you?"

After the referee announced the result of the match, he still didn't leave the arena. When he heard Ye Chen ask, he said casually, "young man, your name is Ye Chen, right? You don't have to worry about anything. Song Yang is OK. These people are all medical personnel. Let them have it."

Ye Chen heard the referee say so, is also slightly relieved, but he obviously still worried, turned to the head of the medical staff said, "Sir, how is he? Is there any help? "

The medical staff, while checking Song Yang, replied, "don't worry, he is seriously injured now, and many organs and meridians of his body have been damaged to a great extent, but after our treatment, he should be able to get out of bed in a week."

Ye Chen this just slowly relaxed a breath, his hands clasp a fist, bow body a gift, serious right color say, "that troublesome a few, still ask everybody to bother, he is a good lad."

The leading medical staff took a look at Ye Chen, nodded and said, "don't worry, we will try our best, and this is our work after all, so it's no trouble."

Said, two medical staff to Song Yang carefully put up, gently put on the stretcher, four people like to come when, jump down the challenge arena, fast galloping away.

Ye Chen watched the medical staff go away with a long sigh. He also turned around and jumped off the challenge arena. He raised his feet and went to the direction of the rest room.

"Mr. Ye Chen." The tall girl who is waiting under the challenge arena quickly welcomes her. She looks at Ye Chen and asks with concern, "how about Mr. Song Yang? Is he going to be ok? "

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