Third uncle goes to the city

Ye Qingshan sighed. This was the sixth person he asked, but no one knew.

"Where is my brother's restaurant... I don't know if I can find it. Even if I find it, I don't know if my brother's son will lend it to me."

There was a struggle on Ye Qingshan's face. He was hesitating to go back,

Zhao Liang came out of the alley. When he passed Ye Qingshan, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"When are there beggars in Dongcheng?"

Looking at Zhao Liang's back, ye Qingshan clenched his teeth and said in his heart, "if I can't find it for the last time, I'll go back and sell my house. I have to go to school for Qingling."

Ye Qingshan stepped forward and tried to squeeze out a smile: "wait a minute, big brother."

Zhao Liang stopped, turned around, raised his head and said, "what's the matter?"

"I'd like to ask my elder brother if he knows there is a Jian Ye Ji restaurant near here?"

Zhao Liang looked at Ye Qingshan, his eyes flashed a touch of unexpected color, taste Ye Qingshan turned twice: "what do you want to do with Ye Ji restaurant?"

There was a glimmer of joy in Ye Qingshan's eyes. He knew that the man in front of him must know ye Ji restaurant, so he quickly said, "is there only one young man named Ye Chen in the restaurant now? I'm his third uncle. I've come to the city to see him."

As soon as ye Qingshan's voice fell, Zhao Liang quickly changed his face and said with a smile: "Yeji restaurant, I'm sure you know that you are Lao Ye's brother. It's a pity that Lao Ye died, but Lao Ye gave birth to a good son."

Ye Qingshan was stunned. As soon as he wanted to say something, Zhao Liang took Ye Qingshan's shoulder and said, "my name is Zhao Liang. I'm the landlord of the Ye family. The restaurant is in the alley. I'll take you in."

Looking at Zhao Liang's sudden change, ye Qingshan is a little flattered, but he is also aware of Zhao Liang's simplicity

Liang's attitude change must have something to do with Ye Chen.

As soon as he entered the alley, ye Qingshan's eyes widened. On one side of the small alley, there were all kinds of luxury cars. In the deepest part of the alley, ye Qingshan saw the Yeji restaurant on the sign.

"Here we are. Lao Ye's family has been renting my house for more than ten years.

Ye Qingshan looked into the restaurant and found that all of them were people with luxurious clothes and extraordinary temperament.

Ye Qingshan was a little cramped, but he did not dare to go in.

"Stunned, I told you I was also stunned when I came yesterday. Leng was wandering for a while before I went in. Ye Chen was inside. I'll go in with you."

Zhao Liang went in with Ye Qingshan. Looking at Ye Qingshan's clothes, many people frowned.

"How come everyone comes to master Ye's restaurant?"

"That's to say, look at what you're wearing. It's not as good as a beggar. It affects your appetite."

"That is, no matter how skillful master Ye is in cooking, I can't eat with such a person."

Hearing the comments around, ye Qingshan's face suddenly turned pale. Zhao Liang looked at the people around him, but he said with a smile in his heart: "fortunately, I know that this is Ye Chen's uncle. I think ye Chen will also appreciate me." Zhao Liang coughed and yelled to the kitchen: "Ye Chen, your uncle is here."

People around to eat a Leng, looking at Zhao Liang's look, ye Chen's third uncle?

Ye Chen is cutting vegetables. Hearing Zhao Liang's voice, he puts down his kitchen knife.

"Is it the third uncle who came and wanted to take him into the city before?"

Ye Chen said and came out of the back kitchen.

Looking at Ye Qingshan, ye Chen hurried over and said with a smile, "how did you come, uncle? You sit first."

Ye looked around and found that there was no seat. He was too busy. He felt his head awkwardly: "uncle, you see, my business is too busy here. Would you like to go upstairs first?"

"Well, good."

Ye Qingshan answered and went upstairs. Zhao Liang looked at Ye Chen with a smile in his eyes and said, "Ye Chen, just now your third uncle couldn't find a place. I just went out and brought him here."

Ye Chen nodded and said: "thank you very much."

Zhao Liang's face, smile immediately become brilliant incomparable, know ye Chen is inherited his love.

"Well, I think you are very busy, so I won't disturb you and leave first."

After Zhao Liang left, there was a flash of embarrassment on the faces of the people sitting in the restaurant.

Ye Chen although in the mind doubts, but also didn't say what.

"Just a moment, everyone. Your food will be ready soon."

Ye Chen goes into the kitchen, and the people in the restaurant begin to talk about it.

"I didn't expect that the man who looked like a beggar was master Ye's third uncle."

"It seems that ye master is indeed like hearsay that simultaneous interpreting is not very good."

"You can't look good. Master Ye has extraordinary cooking skills. I heard that Chairman Wang Zifu exchanged a villa for master Ye's top cocktail formula. I don't know if it's true?"

"I've also heard that if it's true, master ye will make a lot of money."

Many people are envious. Although they are also valuable, the villas in the center of the city can not be owned by anyone. They are more of a symbol of status.

After a while, ye Chen will continue to bring out the meal, the restaurant's voice gradually reduced.

It's getting dark, and the people who come to eat also leave one after another. Ye Chen simply tidies up the restaurant and goes upstairs.

Looking at Ye Chen came up, ye Qingshan also stood up, said with a smile: "Chen son, busy?"

Ye Chen's face flashed an apologetic color: "third uncle, let you wait for a long time."

Ye Qingshan waved his hand and said, "it's OK, uncle. It's OK."

Looking at Ye Chen open mouth, want to say what but didn't say.

Ye Chen went to Ye Qingshan's side and sat down. He said with a smile, "uncle, you must have something to do with me. Uncle, just say it straight."

Ye Qingshan sighed and said: "chen'er, the third uncle came to the city mainly for the sake of Qingling." Ye Chen's mind, all of a sudden reverberated up when he was a child Ye Qingling's appearance, said: Qingling sister what happened

Ye Qingshan's face flashed a wry smile: "Qingling will take the wine college entrance examination next year. It's also strange that the third uncle is incompetent. He can't even pay Qingling's tuition fees. The school teacher said that if Qingling doesn't pay her tuition fees again, she won't be allowed to go to class. The third uncle also knows that the elder brother and sister-in-law died early. Chen'er, you live a hard life, but for Qingling's sake, the third uncle still has to open this mouth."

Ye Chen nodded and said, "the college entrance examination is really important. How much do you need, uncle?"

When ye Qingshan heard that ye Chen was so cheerful, his eyes flashed a touch of joy, and he quickly said, "Chen Er, the third uncle doesn't borrow much. Qingling's tuition is 4000 yuan."

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