Fang Liping

Ye Chen did not speak, but asked the system: "system, how much money do I have now?"

System: "according to the rules between the host and the system, the system will recover 99% of every income. Now the pig has a total of 401 yuan."

Ye Chen a burst of speechless, also just enough Qingling tuition.

Ye Qingshan looked at Ye Chen and said, "Chen Er, if you don't have so much, you don't have to be too embarrassed. If you borrow less, you can go to other places to gather together."

Yechen back to God, quickly said with a smile: "Uncle don't worry, money enough, I go downstairs to get you."

With that, ye Chen went downstairs and opened the deposit box. There were a pile of red banknotes and one yuan in it.

"Well, there's only one dollar left."

Ye Chen Tucao a sentence, upstairs to give money to make complaints about three uncle.

"Third uncle, this is 4000 yuan. Take it. It's very important when you go to college. Go back and pay the tuition. Let Qingling go back to school."

Ye Qingshan took the money tremblingly and looked at Ye Chen's sincere eyes. The corners of his eyes were slightly moist: "ah, well, third uncle, thank you chen'er."

Say ye Qingshan will bow down, ye Chen quickly stop way: "third uncle, Qingling is my sister, have difficulty can help, all is a family, so see outside do what, the weather is not early, I'm not big here, third uncle you first make do with one night, and then go back tomorrow."

Ye Chen says, take out a quilt to spread on the ground from the cupboard, toward Ye Qingshan to smile a way: "three uncles, I sleep on the ground tonight, you sleep on the bed."

After hearing this, ye Qingshan hesitated and said, "chen'er, you're very tired every day. Third uncle sleeps underground. You're tired

Go to bed. "

Ye Chen lightly a smile: "three uncles you don't worry, nothing."

With that, ye Chen lay on the ground, busy for a day, and soon entered the dream.

"Third uncle, you are going back early this morning. Will you not stay for a while?"

Early in the morning, ye Qingshan woke up, packed up and went to the bus station.

"Don't wait. I'll go back to pay for Qingling's tuition."

Ye Qingshan said so, ye Chen will no longer retain.

"Uncle, I'll see you off."

Ye Chen followed Ye Qingshan to the entrance of the alley, and a couple came face to face.

"Oh, it's Ye Chen. Where are you going with this old beggar?"

Behind Ye Qingshan, there was a voice full of irony.

Ye Chen turns round, looking at the person who talks, the facial expression slightly one coagulates, cold voice says: "what do you come to do?"

In front of Ye Chen stood a couple. The man was wearing a dark blue suit, the woman was wearing heavy makeup, a mink coat and precious jewelry.

These two people are none other than Li Niannian's parents, Li Baifeng and Fang Liping“ My baby daughter has been with you for so long, you have to give me an explanation? "

Fang Liping looks at Ye Chen and ye Qingshan's clothes, and her face flashes a strong color of irony.

"Forget it, how can you marry my precious daughter just because you are poor in Ye's family? My daughter was blind before she took a fancy to you."

Ye Chen didn't say anything. He once followed Li Niannian to their home. If she wanted to marry Li Niannian, Fang Liping also made several requests. But she had already broken up with Li Niannian. What would she do with them?

"Uncle, let's go."

Ye Chen helped Ye Qingshan to the other side. Fang Liping saw that ye Chen didn't respond to him. She was furious and screamed, "Ye Chen, I tell you, if you want to marry my daughter, you can't have one less condition!"

Third uncle stopped and looked at Ye Chen and said, "is that your future mother-in-law?"

When ye Chengang wanted to speak, ye Qingshan frowned and said, "chen'er, a man should be married, a woman should be married. Now that there are candidates, it's not too much for the woman's family to ask for some money. I'll go and ask what's going on."

Ye Chen looks at Ye Qingshan and walks towards Fang Liping. He grabs her arm and says with a bitter smile, "third uncle, I really don't need it. I actually..."

Ye Chen's words haven't finished, he is interrupted by Ye Qingshan.

"Chen'er, your parents are not here, and the third uncle is your parents. It's up to the third uncle to ask."

Ye Chen sighed and stretched out his hand in the air.

Let's not say that he and Li Niannian have broken up. Even if they don't break up, he can't get together with Li Niannian in his life.

Because the demands Fang Liping had made to him were too unrealistic.

What kind of things with an annual income of over 10 million, single family villas and million luxury cars? What Fang Liping said to Ye Chen at that time was no different from daydreaming.

Ye Qingshan broke away from ye Chen, went to Fang Liping and said with a smile, "this is my mother-in-law. I'm Ye Chen's third uncle. I..."

Ye Qingshan had not finished his words, but was rudely interrupted by Fang Liping.

"Who is your mother-in-law? I don't care who you are. Tell ye Chen if I can fulfill those requirements. If I can finish them, I will break up with Niannian. Those who want to remember Niannian will be able to line up half of the east city. Don't take a shit in the manger!"

Fang Liping's words were extremely mean. Ye Qingshan stood awkwardly on the ground and didn't know what to say. After a long time, she tentatively said, "I don't know what the conditions you said are?"

Fang Liping looked at Ye Qingshan up and down, and immediately giggled: "Oh, Li Baifeng, do you see that? This is the most ridiculous little story I've heard in my life for so long. This boy really wants to marry Niannian. What kind of virtue does a toad eat swan meat without peeing?"

Li Baifeng and so on in my eyes flashed a touch of banter color, coldly said: "what nonsense do, want to know that a few conditions, directly take the past to see not good."

Fang Liping also nodded her head, raised the famous brand bag in her hand, and said with a smile, "it's boring to stand here and say it. I'll take you to have a look."

Ye Qingshan nodded, quite dignified said: "well, after all, children's marriage is a major event, ye Chen, the third uncle is not in a hurry to go back, first to do your thing." Drop - drop——

Li Baifeng drove the car over, rolled down the window, a look of impatience flashed on his face: "hurry up, can't we? Our husband and wife still have something important."

Yeqingshan should a, then pull yechen together on the car.

All the way, the car soon came to the downtown sales department.

Li Baifeng and Li Niannian get out of the car, take a look at Ye Qingshan and ye Chen, and say, "let's go in and have a look."

As soon as Fang Liping and her husband and wife went in, they met a sales lady, who said with a respectful smile, "Mr. and miss, what can I do for you?"

Fang Liping took a look at Ye Qingshan and ye Chen behind her and said haughtily, "take us to see the villas in the city."

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