men and women

"You stay here now. I'll go in and get ready." Liu Ke turned to a group of people behind him and said that he came to the store with a machete.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my shop?" "the man in the shop pointed to Liu Ke, who took the lead.

"Pa!" Liu Ke saw the waiter pointing at him and saying so many useless words. I was a little angry and slapped the waiter in the face.

Ye Chen slaps the waiter in the face with his backhand, picks up the machete and cuts towards the waiter.

"Smash it for me. All the industries of Qingyun club today will be ours from tomorrow."

Liu Ke, with his people, has more than 30 forces in X city. In a moment, Liu Ke will destroy it. Without the support of the headquarters, the seemingly powerful Qingyun will be like a thin film, and it will be destroyed as soon as it is touched.

Ye Chen here is about to go upstairs. But in front of a man and a woman blocking the way, the man dressed in a green, the woman all red, a man and a woman gently holding hands. Looking at Ye Chen coming towards them, his face was serious and dignified. Looking at Ye Chen with a straight face.

Ye Chen is still very cold. He has taken off the third floor for a long time. He can't take off any more. He wants to rescue Lin Wan'er quickly.

Looking at a man and a woman in front of him, ye Chen didn't say much. Take out Fang Tian's painting halberd and attack them with one halberd.

I saw just hand in hand two people instantly scattered, each took out a three inch dagger, toward the middle of Ye chenci.

Ye Chen waves the halberd of Fang Tian's painting to block their attack.

Two people originally very confident, double dagger attack appears momentum matchless, but ye Chen Long halberd block in two people's side. With a wave of his backhand, he stabbed them. Fang Tianhua's Halberd was sharp on both sides. This stab, obviously under the killer, toward two people.

They are also old hands. They know how to keep one inch long, but they can only turn around and flash away. Ye Chen a body can't two use, when the opportunity to give up the woman, a halberd toward the man with.

The man turned around, and his long hair suddenly stood up, with a fierce momentum.

"Roar!" The man roars at Ye Chen. Body shape side flash, toward Ye Chen, with a strange direction toward Ye Chen poke.

Ye Chen doesn't pay attention to, head to side, get up with a leg elbow toward male

Knock it off.

The man originally held a dagger and poked at Ye Chen's head, but the move was old. Ye Chen this hide behind of elbow son, the man hide have no can hide. It's a tough one.

"Bang!" After the man got this, he flew backward and drew an arc in the air.

At the same time, the woman who retreated was behind the long halberd of Ye Chen. Immediately step forward, toward Ye Chen poke.

As soon as ye Chen hit the man, he saw the woman stabbing him with a dagger.

Ye Chen is not a bit flustered, Fang Tianhua halberd to the sky at will a throw. The body shape is slanted, one hand grasps the dagger which the woman pokes.

Drag the woman to and fro directly, the woman hides also less than, the body follows Ye Chen

I'm going to pull it at a slant. The center of gravity was unstable for a while. Ye Chen clenches his fists and combines his waist with his horse.

Bend your right arm slightly and swing your elbow toward the woman. This elbow seems to use the whole body strength. Ye Chen's momentum is fierce. As if to destroy a woman directly with this elbow. The woman is hit by this elbow of leaf Chen, feel five zang organs all turn to gush up. He felt uncomfortable all over and flew back directly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

A red arc in the air is very beautiful, but the woman's expression is very sad.

Ye Chen used the dark strength of Tai Chi in this elbow. Although it was one elbow, it also melted the power of several oxen and several elephants. Under one elbow, the Qi and blood in the woman's body rolled and couldn't be suppressed.

After the woman flies upside down, she immediately crosses her legs to suppress Qi and blood. But his face was still uncomfortable, and his Qi and blood were not suppressed. After that, he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. Turn the palm of your hand to rest.

The leaf Chen of this side is after one elbow hits to fly a woman, stretch out a hand to catch the square sky painting halberd that falls from the sky. Just want to take advantage of the victory, directly defeat the woman at one stroke.

The cyan man in the rear stands up and pours at Ye Chen. The cyan man with the dagger didn't come at random as before.

The cyan man walks towards Ye Chen step by step. Holding a dagger and observing Ye Chen, like a poisonous snake.

Ye Chen naturally noticed that the man couldn't attack the woman. He was also aware of the blue man coming towards him. He was very alert. After all, ye Chen didn't want to be stabbed by the man in green with a dagger.

Two people vigilantly watching each other, the man in green suddenly body movement, holding a dagger toward Ye Chen poke.

Or a very strange angle, toward Ye Chen poked past. The leaf Chen just exposed a silk of flaw, the green dress man then toward the leaf Chen poked to come over.

Ye Chen has been watching the man in green, the man's body just moved, toward Ye Chen poke. Ye Chen sees this scene, turn round very light then dodged the green dress man this sharp blow.

After dodging the man's attack, ye Chen attacked the man in green and waved the halberd.

This side of the man a hit, body shape immediately push. The red haired woman opened her eyes and patted toward the ground. The figure was raised directly.

When the woman got up, she went straight to the man in green. They were just like the beginning,

Hand in hand, very harmonious.

"Give you a chance to get out of my way, or you will die." Ye Chen looks at a pair of men and women hand in hand, the facial expression is cold way.

"You killed my third and fourth brothers, and you tried to break into the fifth floor. Today, my husband and wife will not let you in even if they die. " Men and women are very serious and resolute looking at Ye Chen, seemingly very angry said.

"You Qingyun will dare to kidnap my wife. You should know from the moment you start. You have to pay the price. Since you don't want to, let Ben die with them. " For ye Chen, Lin Wan'er is the bottom line. A dragon has scales, a wolf has spines. The behavior of this green cloud meeting has already touched the bottom line of Ye Chen's heart.

So this green cloud meeting, in Ye Chen's heart has been put into the list of destruction.

Ye Chen thought of here, mercilessly grasped long halberd. I looked at the couple.

Flash toward two people, a halberd then delimited to two people. Two people instantly want to flash, ye Chen a halberd homeopathy inverted row edge row to the other side of the red haired woman..

The woman is about to hide back. Ye Chen waves the halberd of Fang Tian's painting. A magical rotation instantly marks the way for the woman, and a blood line spurts out. On the other side, the man in green still has his future and reaction. Ye Chen fills the woman's body with a foot, and flies backward with a thread of blood. The man in green wants to catch the woman in a moment. He rushes towards the woman and wants to hold her out of thin air!

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