
Ye Chen is looking at the situation calmly, just as the man in green wants to pounce on the woman. Ye Chen picks up the long halberd and thrusts it towards the man in green.

The man in green lifted it lightly and rose out of thin air, holding the woman in his arms. Ye Chen then waited for this scene, looking at the man in green toward the red haired woman. Ye Chen a halberd then toward the green dress man to stab.

Ye Chen's Halberd hasn't reached the man in green. The man wants to avoid it when he rolls over, but he doesn't expect Ye Chen. So it's a little stiff to hide.

Ye Chen is obviously aware of the rigidity of this one silk, turn halberd to poke down to the man in green. The man obviously didn't dodge the blow. Be stabbed on the body by Ye Chen.

The man in green protects the woman with red hair in his arms. He turns his back to Ye Chen and sticks to the halberd. He doesn't want to let go of the woman in his arms.

Ye Chen looked at the scene in front of him, and he sighed.

Ye Chen looks at the scene in front of him and sighs. He asks what love is in the world and teaches people to live and die together. Isn't he fighting for Lin Wan'er?

And this is not the same for men and women. With the scene of the man in green dying to save the red haired woman, ye Chen should give him a face.

Ye Chen pulls out the halberd of Fang Tianhua that pokes at the man's back with one hand, and hits the man in green with a whip leg. The man fell, but ye Chen didn't chase him.

Looking at the red haired woman who fell from the man's arms, she still said coldly, "today's matter, you abducted my woman, originally there was no doubt that she would die, but

I'm not a killer. You go. I won't embarrass you any more. " Ye Chen looks at the two people embracing each other, and doesn't want the couple to become desperate mandarin ducks, so he says.

The red haired woman looks up at Ye Chen, but she doesn't insist on stopping Ye Chen. She just doesn't say a word, holding the man in green to one side.

Ye Chen didn't take care of their leaving, but took Fang Tian's painting halberd and rubbed it from the ground to go upstairs. Fang Tian's painting halberd is stained with blood. Ye Chen's face is serious and cold. He goes straight upstairs.

The man on the top floor naturally didn't expect that ye Chen slaughtered the whole Qingyun building like a murderer. He can't believe Ye Chen can kill the four Dharma protectors on the fourth floor.

The man on the top floor is also very confident in the four Dharma protectors on the fourth floor, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque and Xuanwu. I think ye Chen is a loser

When it comes to any opportunity, it's impossible to defeat the most powerful person in Qingyun club.

But all this and the man thought not the same, ye Chen not only killed the four Dharma protectors, but also rushed to the fifth floor where the man was.

Lin Wan'er was tied to a chair and looked around helplessly. Fortunately, the man didn't do anything to Lin Wan'er. He just controlled her, and she didn't like the feeling of being controlled. Open big eyes, a tie a tie, also slightly with a few drops of tears, it is very poor.

The man on the fifth floor doesn't care about Lin Wan'er at all. He doesn't even mean to take Lin Wan'er to threaten Ye Chen. He doesn't believe Ye Chen can surpass the four Dharma protectors. Others don't know, but he knows the strength of the four Dharma protectors.

As a senior member of the Qinglong society, he followed the four major hair care and the eldest brother of the Qinglong society to climb up together. At that time, when the Qinglong society was first established, he worked together with the four Dharma protectors and the eldest members of the Qinglong society from the bottom.

It can be said that he also has a deep understanding of the strength of the four Dharma protectors. It can be said that the scale of Qinglong club has something to do with the four major hair care companies. The four major hair care companies, with their unfathomable strength, followed the elder brother of Qinglong club and him in the early years. The elder brother of the Qinglong society took the lead, and the four Dharma protectors led the way. It can be said that more than half of the mountains and rivers of the Qinglong society were fought by his four Dharma protectors. The strength of the four Dharma protectors was even more unfathomable. At that time, they were only a little lower than the mysterious elder brother of Qinglong society. However, the talent of the mysterious elder brother is also unfathomable. Over the years, he should have been much higher than the four Dharma protectors.

But he himself is not bad, think of here, the corner of the man's mouth showed a smile. At that time, he stayed at home, only by the inch tongue, it was already a piece of iron X city. It can be said that with his mouth, there was a bloody storm at that time.

It was he who swam among the various forces that made Qinglong Club grow stronger. It can be said that his contribution is better than that of the four major hair care companies.

After Qinglong Club became the largest guild in X city, the mysterious boss said that he wanted to pursue the progress of martial arts, so he abandoned Qinglong club and left.

It can be said that his eldest brother is also a martial arts maniac, and the creation of Qinglong club is just a hobby beyond martial arts. For this big brother, the peak of martial arts is his goal, not to be a big brother of underworld.

So after giving the gang to him, he left alone to pursue the so-called

Progress in martial arts.

The man thought of him and the boss in those years, thought of the boss to discuss countermeasures with him, he watched the boss practice martial arts.

The boss often criticizes him for not paying attention to his health. He is ill and often asks him to exercise. The man couldn't help laughing when he thought of it. He was very happy when he thought of the little things he had done with the boss before.

However, ye chending is not in a man's general good mood. After Lin Wan'er is abducted, he worries all the time. He broke into Qingyun building alone and slaughtered the first floor. Ye Chen was not nervous in this process.

But now to enter the last layer, he can't help getting nervous when he sees Lin Wan'er. He is very afraid. He is not afraid of other things, but afraid of Lin Wan'er being hurt.

He couldn't figure out what kind of mood he would feel if Lin Wan'er, who was regarded as his second life, was hurt.

Ye Chen immediately speeds up and goes to the fifth floor. When he comes to the fifth floor, Lin Wan'er is tied to the chair like an eye. His hands are bound to the chair, his eyes are full of tears, looking at Ye Chen, Wei qubaba's expression, ye Chen's heart is tight. But the heart that hangs however also put down.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to another man in the floor. He just flashed over and cut the rope that bound Lin Wan'er with his hands in a knife shape.

One hand around Lin Wan'er's neck, one hand around Lin Wan'er's leg, gently picked up Lin Wan'er.

After holding up Lin Wan'er, ye Chen looks at the red seal on Lin Wan'er's neck. Ye Chen, who stands up to heaven and earth, is fierce and murderous, just like killing gods

General Ye Chen, unexpectedly was to shed tears.

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