
The next day, ye Chengang opened his eyes. Lin Wan'er is obviously frightened. Lin Wan'er, who always gets up early, hasn't even got up today. Ye Chen gently hugs Lin Wan'er and slightly closes her eyes. Obviously I want to stay with Lin Wan'er for a while. Ye Chen even hopes that time will stop at this moment forever. Time is quiet.

When ye Chen and Lin Wan'er kiss me, the second brother here has already brought people to Qingyun building.

"Go up, catch the living and clean up the dead. From today on, there is only one force of the black dragon gang in X city. " The second elder brother is commanding Xiaodi road with great power.

After hearing this, the younger brothers were obviously very happy and cried for a while. He listened to the second brother and began to go up to Qingyun building.

After about a few minutes, a man who seemed to listen to power stood in front of the second brother and said, "second brother, except for the second generation on the third floor, all the people in Qingyun building are dead."

Hearing what the man said, the second brother not only shivered. Qingyun building is the top center of Qingyun club, so it was completely destroyed. Second elder brother heart is very shocked, but he thought of Ye Chen hand Fang Tian painting halberd kill God expression, then also relieved.

"Of course, I'm your husband. How can I do without any face value?" Ye Chen looks at Lin Wan'er to say.

Lin Wan'er gives Ye Chen a white look and goes to hold Ye Chen's shoulder.

"Waiter, how much is this dress? I'll give you a knot now." Here Lin Wan'er takes Ye Chen and goes to the cashier.

The front desk of the cashier takes a look at Lin Wan'er and presses her calculator. Looking up at Lin Wan'er, he said, "a total of 85000 yuan, by credit card or in cash?" The waiter looked up at Lin Wan'er and asked.

"Swipe the card." Lin Wan'er went out almost without cash, so she looked at the waiter and said.

The waiter takes out a POS and hands it to Lin Wan'er. Lin Wan'er takes out a bank card from her bag, swipes it on the POS and reports the password to the waiter.

"Do you need to pack your old clothes?" The waiter looked at Lin Wan'er and asked.

"No, throw away the clothes before." Lin Wan'er looked at the waiter and said.

"Come on, I can't see your old clothes." Lin Wan'er looks at Ye Chen after settling accounts and says.

Ye Chen didn't say much when he saw Lin Wan'er check out, because for ye Chen and Lin Wan'er at this time, 80000 yuan is not an important thing at all. Not to mention the clothes less than 300 yuan.

After they had bought the clothes, they walked out of the shop. Wandering aimlessly in the street. This time in the street, there was no strange look in the eyes of passers-by. Although they were still shocked by Lin Wan'er's beauty, they did not have the strong sense of gap between goddess and loser when they walked together.

It's a sense of talent and beauty. I have to say that people depend on clothes and horses depend on saddles. It's worth the 80000 yuan.

Two people out of the clothes shop, in the street for a while, ye Chen stopped in a jewelry shop.

"Wait a minute. Let's go in and have a look." Ye Chen looks at Lin Wan'er in front of the jewelry store and says.

They walked towards the store and just walked in. After all, ye Chen was wearing a famous brand and accompanied by such a beautiful girlfriend. He is a successful person.

"Hello, what are you going to see?" The waiter looks at Ye Chen and Lin Wan'er and asks“ Just look around and buy her something. " Ye Chen looked at the waiter and said.

"This lady is very beautiful. I suggest that we come here and have a look at the jewelry specially designed for women." Said the waiter.

Without saying a word, ye Chen pulls Lin Wan'er to walk toward the women's jewelry.

Just walked past, ye Chen then saw the most center of that necklace, blue gem, outside match a white gold chain son. Complicated process. Luxury but not vulgar, beautiful but not cumbersome.

Ye Chen thinks of Lin Wan'er, who looks like an immortal. With Lin Wan'er's appearance, he can bring this necklace with him, which is beautiful to the core. Seductive and charming.

"That's the necklace!" Ye Chen pointed to the necklace and looked at the waiter.

"Sir, you have a good eye. This is the treasure of our store. Its name is angel's tears." The waiter took a look at Ye Chen.

"Oh, angel's tears?" Ye Chen looks at the waiter way.

"Yes, after wearing this necklace, you can't let the material flow into tears. The necklace can detect the ingredients in the tears. After the hand reaches the tears, it will turn from blue to red." The waiter looked at Ye Chen and explained in detail.

Ye Chen looked at the waiter, is also very satisfied, originally from this start, he secretly vowed, not to let Lin Wan'er hurt. Just as the angel's tears are good, ye Chen is going to wrap them up.

"Husband, they want this!" On the way, there was a woman who was very coquettish, exposed and perfume. Pulling a greasy middle-aged man.

"Yes, yes, you can buy it." The man didn't look at the thing that the woman pointed to, and said very richly.

"Well, I knew my husband was the best." The woman shook the arm of the man's arm and said.

"This, that's it. I'll take it." The woman took the man and came over, pointing to the tears of the angel.

"I'm sorry, this one has already been asked for." The waiter looked at the woman and said politely.

"Who wants it, him?" The woman is very disgusted to see ye Chen one eye. It's as if it's unbelievable.

Ye Chen calmly stares at the woman, as if looking at silly B looking at her.

"I'll take this necklace, OK?" The woman is condescending of looking at Ye Chen to say.

"I don't think you're a poor man to buy it, loser." The woman looks at Ye Chen way.

"Do you have gold on your face, or do you have a diamond in your back?" Ye Chen is very displeased and asks directly, to this kind of woman, say good to hear, is to know how to use the body, say bad to hear, is to rely on B upper position.

The woman's face at that time is a change, she naturally didn't expect Ye Chen to say so directly.

"You, you..." the woman seemed very angry and speechless.

"You what you" the leaf Chen looks at a woman, the imposing manner doesn't counsele of say.

"I, I..." feminine incoherence.

"I don't know what I am" can't even say, but it's a shame here.

"Husband, he bullied me." The woman ran to the greasy middle-aged man, hugged him and said.

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged man didn't get angry directly, but looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"I want the necklace first, you want to grab it, now you ask me what I mean." Ye Chen looks at the greasy middle-aged man and asks in reverse.

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