Outlet air bag

"If you insult my woman, I won't care with you. Let me have the necklace, and that's all." Greasy middle-aged man moved out a very generous expression, looking at Ye Chen said.

"You'd better take care of it with me." Ye Chen looks at the man playfully with his eyes like a clown.

The greasy middle-aged man was not happy at that time. He waved his fat body and punched Ye Chen.

"Pa!" See ye Chen light and nimble cut off the middle-aged man's one punch, turn body a slap to hit on the middle-aged man's face.

"Pa Pa!" The man is about to hide back. Ye Chen grabs the man's collar and pulls him back. He slaps him in the face again.

"Come on, get up and worry about one with me. You're the only one who's pretending to be in front of me. " Ye Chen slapped the man's head, only to feel that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and he fell to the ground. Ye Chen turned around and kicked a man to say.

After kicking, ye Chen seems to be a little disgusted to close the foot, looked at the man, and looked back at the woman.

Ye Chen raised his hand and tried to fan it, but he stopped in the air. He looked at his hand, shook his head and said to himself, "dirty, really dirty."

The woman's face was abnormal, like eating excrement, but she didn't dare to speak more.

"Get out of here. Don't disgust me. I'll see you again and again." Ye Chen looked up at them and scolded.

The man raised head to fiercely stare Ye Chen one eye, turn round to run, even the woman all ignore.

The acrimonious woman looks back at Ye Chen. She turns around and sees clearly the situation. She turns around and goes out with the man.

Ye Chen doesn't want to argue with them. In Ye Chen's opinion, they are just two flies, which can be killed easily.


Do you care about a mosquito? Slap me and fly away before I die. Who cares about it. Ye Chen thinks so.

"Take out the necklace! Let me see. " Ye Chen looks back at the waiter.

"Yes, sir. I'll get it for you now." The waiter looked at Ye Chen, turned to say to Ye Chen, and then began to take the necklace.

I saw the waiter take out a small plate, with a similar pliers items, the necklace clip out. Put it on a blue plate.

Although the waiter is very careful to take out the necklace, but ye Chen did not pay attention. Take the necklace from the plate and turn around. Gently help Lin Wan Er wear on the neck.

Although Lin Wan'er didn't speak, she was very happy in her heart. It's not that I like this necklace, but that I love my family and love ye Chen. Naturally, I like the gift from ye Chen.

Ye Chen looks at Lin Wan'er's beautiful face with a blue necklace. A noble and elegant temperament suddenly appeared. I don't know if it's the necklace that sets off people, or if it's noble.

"Wan'er, you are so beautiful." Ye Chen looks at Lin Wan'er affectionately and says.

Lin Wan'er looks shy and looks down at Ye Chen, blushing. It's like a teenage girl meeting her favorite son.

After Lin Wan'er puts on the necklace, ye Chen looks at the front desk attendant. "How much is it?" he asked the waiter

The front desk looked up at him and said, "ten million, 20% off. You can give eight million. Ye Chen takes out his bank card, takes Lin Wan'er's hand, and walks towards the door.

After two people go out, ye Chen takes Lin Wan'er's hand for a while, but sees a magical scene at a corner.

See only a few Liuli Liuqi dress up, dye yellow hair, look like a little gangster, blocked Ye Chen's way.

Ye Chen naturally doesn't want to talk with these dregs. As soon as he goes to the left, he pulls Lin Wan'er and wants to leave. The Yellow haired youth who took the lead stood in front of Ye Chen.

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen looks up at the Yellow haired man with a fierce face.

Huang Mao was startled by Ye Chen's sharp and fierce eyes, but then he slowed down. After all, ye Chen was the one who looked as white as a small white face. How could it be so fierce.

After yellow hair eased over, it was very calm to sort out the next hairstyle. Looking up at Ye Chen, he said: "brother, take people's money to eliminate disaster for others. I took other people's money to teach you." Then he looked up at Ye Chen.

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen looks at Huang Mao and a group of men behind him playfully.

"I'm sure you can't get away with this beating today. Just let me beat you. You're happy and we're happy. Let's make friends. " Huang Mao looked at Ye Chen and said with a natural smile. After that, he also looked at Lin Wan'er beside Ye Chen.

"That's what I said. Why don't I give you a sum of money directly? It's OK to spend money to eliminate disaster." Ye Chen or a face of fun, a pair of cynical expression looking at the yellow man.

Huang Mao looked at Ye Chen and said, "I think you're a Taoist too. I'll tell you the truth today. You can't get away with this fight today. I, Liu Qiang, depend on this to eat. If I accept your money today, I will be hungry tomorrow. Even if I call you and you give me money to call back, I can't break the rules. "

After listening to what the man said, ye Chen didn't expect a little gangster to pay attention to principles. He thought that little gangsters like this were just eating, drinking, whoring and gambling

Drink. There is no principle.

After hearing Huang Mao's words, ye Chen also put away his playful expression. Looking at Huang Mao, he said, "you go, you can't beat me." Ye Chen a face is just color of say.

"Ha ha ha, it's really funny. Look at your thin arms, thin legs, oily face, and a little white face. And he said, "you can beat us." Before Liu Qiang spoke, the burly man behind him refused. Get up to change to look at Ye Chen to sneer a way.

"Pa!" A voice came out, and the crowd did not respond. The burly man's body flew upside down. It's like a broken kite flying backward two or three meters away. All the people looked in the direction of inverted flight, but saw the man falling on the ground, and the dust around him was shaken out by the man's falling force.

They all looked at each other in surprise and stood back beside Lin Wan'er, gently holding Lin Wan'er

Ye Chen of Wan'er's little hand. I really don't know how such a greasy faced Xiaosheng can blow the burly man out.

"Come on, don't waste my time here." Ye Chen looked at Liu Qiang and said.

Huang FA's Liu Qiang didn't leave, but he didn't start at Ye Chen. He just looked at Ye Chen and said, "today, all the causes are attributed to the employer. Brother, if you don't care with us this time, I'm sure Liu Qiang will repay us next time. Go

Liu Qiang said to Ye Chen, after all, he is not stupid, ye Chen they certainly can't beat, but he also want to protect the reputation, that must find a vent bag.

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