God Man

Ye Chen tears flow all over the face, slowly came out from the toilet.

Looking at the audience and players staring at themselves, ye Chen coughed and went out from the gate of the square with his hands on his back.

There is a food market near the food city. Just as ye Chen walked in, a peddler in black sportswear on the roadside said: "little brother, why don't you go to the food competition and go to the food market?"

Ye Chen turned around and said with a smile, "I just came out from there. I'll go back to buy some dishes."

Ye Chen saw the gourd on the vendor's stall. His eyes suddenly brightened. He pointed to the green gourd and said, "boss, wrap it up for me, and then cut another two tomatoes, green onions, garlic and beef into a Jin."

Looking at Ye Chen, the vendor hesitated and said, "little brother, since you are going to watch the food competition, it's not good to buy after the competition. It's really inconvenient to hold so many things."

Ye Chen a Leng, shook to shake head a way: "I am not to watch the match."

"And what do you do?"

"I'm in the game."


The peddler was shocked. Looking at Ye Chen, he couldn't say a word. He packed up the things and gave them to Ye Chen. He held out his thumb and said, "brother, you're a bull. This is what you want. It's 86 yuan in total."

Ye Chen Fu money, and then said: "brother, where do you sell kitchen knives?"

"Kitchen knife? Don't tell me you don't even have a kitchen knife? "

Ye Chen nodded and said: "yes, it's because there is no kitchen knife and I'm afraid it will affect the next performance, so I have to do it quickly."

The peddler looks at the leaf Chen of a face earnest, pointed to the front to say: "there is."

Three minutes later, ye Chen, holding a green gourd and a kitchen knife, walked into the square. All the people in the audience of the square were paying attention to the ceremony, which was very popular.

"You see, what is that thing held by the god man?"

"Damn, it's so big. It looks like a Japanese melon."

Everyone talks, ye Chen holding a plastic bag onto the platform, will take out all the things, slowly cut up the vegetables.

"It turned out to be a big gourd."

"Pay attention, brothers. We need to steam gourd in this match."

"I'll bet it's no ordinary gourd. Comrades are quietly waiting for the operation of God and man."

Many more people have taken out their mobile phones and broadcast live.

"Brothers and sisters in the live room, Dongcheng city food competition surprised the god man. The second competition has already started. The god man wants to steam the gourd, pay attention to the red heart, and make a little gift."

Chongtian Hong stood in front of the platform, with a look of excitement: "Jun Watanabe, Mr Tian Hejun, this round of competition is undoubtedly the most suitable for us in Japan, this competition we do sushi."

On the other side, Zhang Baichuan's face was overcast, and he was staring at Ye Chen tightly.

He promised Qian Fanyu that ye Chen could not even enter the qualifier. Now that he has entered the second round, he can never let Ye Chen enter the next round. Zhang Baichuan went to his assistant and whispered, "when you go to that person, you must remember that no matter what method you use, you don't need to let him finish the match smoothly."

The assistant nodded and went to Ye Chen's side. Ye Chen looked at the person who came, frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's OK. Just come and have a look. I'll..."

Assistant words haven't finished, then be interrupted by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen put down his kitchen knife, raised his hand and cried out: "referee, someone here wants to interfere with my cooking."

The host on the platform looked over, and the assistant quickly said, "I didn't disturb him, so I'll have a look."

Finish saying then one face is proud of looking at leaf Chen.

"Yo, it's very smart. Do you know how to learn from your father?"

The assistant didn't even think about it, and complacently said, "of course..."

Just said a, then realized wrong, immediately shut up, some angry looking at Ye Chen way: "almost touched your way, I stand here today, you don't want to finish the game."

Ye Chen put down his kitchen knife and looked at his assistant. Then he suddenly grinned and said, "brother, you have nothing to do standing here. I have something to do now. Do you want to help me cut the vegetables?"

Assistant eyebrow eye a pick, looking at the leaf Chen cut off very neat ingredients, heart immediately happy bloom, patting chest said: "nothing, package in me."

Ye Chen nodded, fiercely turned around and ran toward the outside.

The audience on the square was shocked, and even Gao Shuishui looked at Ye Chen running out.

"Did the friends in the studio see that? After fifteen minutes, the gods went out again. I was very excited about this action of the gods. I want to know what the gods are going out for. The babies in the live room are awesome. Double click on comment 666. Let's start with a little gift!"

The peddler saw Ye Chen slip away and ran to come over again, the whole person also was whole ignorant circle.

"Brother, aren't you a match? Why are you running out again? "

Ye Chen waved his hand and said helplessly: "don't mention it. I'm going to steam this round. I forgot to buy the steamer. Do you know where I can sell it?"

Looking at Ye Chen, the peddler was speechless: "before you bought a knife, there was a steamer nearby. You..."

What else does the peddler want to say, but ye Chen has already run out.

"Do you have a steamer, boss?"


"Good, two of the biggest!"

Five minutes later, ye Chen walks into the square with a steamer that is two people wide and three stories high. The mobile phone in the audience also aims at Ye Chen for the first time.

"Comrades, have you seen the steamer running not far away? Oh no, it's the man of God holding the steamer. Have you seen clearly? The steamer is very big. Those who want to know what the man of God is going to do next, please don't leave the studio. I'll help you later!"

Dong ~ Ye Chen heavily put the steamer on the platform, looking at the chopping board cut pieces of food, deep in the eye flashed a touch of fun, but the expression on his face was very flustered.

"Brother, how can you cut the vegetables like this? I have to compete. How can I compete later?"

Looking at Ye Chen's anxious face, the assistant couldn't help laughing in his heart, but a touch of apology appeared on his face: "I'm sorry, I haven't cut vegetables much, what should I do now?"

Ye Chen looks at the assistant, the bottom of his heart laughs: "want to calculate me, I'll play you to death later!"

Ye Chen sighed and said, "originally, I wanted to make a dish that ye Chen is very good at, but it has been cut like this, so I can't make it. Well, can you do me a favor later?"

On hearing the help, the assistant said in a hurry: "well, after all, it's my fault to cut the vegetables like this. It's also right to help."

Ye Chen cuts the gourd, takes out the gourd seeds, and then puts the cut vegetables and beef in.

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