Zhang Baichuan's little moves

Mayor Du looked at Ye Chen's action, frowned and said: "now it's more than 20 minutes. It takes at least half an hour to steam a kind of food. Can he finish it at his present speed?"

Gao Liushui shook his head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, this boy is very strange. He should have his way."

Another time, Hiro okinata carefully cut the Kobe beef he brought from Japan. After all the procedures were completed, the steamer was already steaming hot.

Most of the players in the square also put the prepared food into the steamer and began to steam.

In front of yechen's platform, the assistant watched yechen put all the things into the gourd. In a secret way, he said, "brother, what do you want me to do for you?"

Ye Chen mysterious smile, the other half of the gourd closed, put in the arms of the assistant said: "don't worry, just wait a moment."

After adding water to the steamer, ye Chen opened the lid, pointed inside and said, "the inspiration for what I made this time comes from Japanese sushi. You jump in with a gourd and let it absorb people's anger. When it's ripe, it must be very delicious."

Assistant silly, looking at Ye Chen in front of than the people's steamer, in the wind messy.

Nima, let me jump in with the gourd in my arms. The gourd is not ripe. I'll steam myself first.

"You're not kidding, little brother. I'll cook the gourd before it's ripe."

Ye Chen looked at his assistant and burst out laughing. He patted his shoulder and then stopped laughing. He said solemnly: "don't worry. After my strict calculation, the steamer will never steam you. Well, it's eight at most. OK, go in quickly."

After listening to what ye Chen said, the assistant's face suddenly turned black, your sister's, isn't this playing with me? I gave you the gourd today. I'll see how you finish the competition.

The assistant had a smile on his face. He just wanted to let go and throw away the gourd in his hand, but he found that he couldn't move. The smile solidified instantly.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Why can't I move?"

The assistant's face flashed a flustered color. He wanted to speak, but he found that no matter how he spoke, he couldn't say a word.

Ye Chen cold smile, the corner of the mouth slightly up, looking at the look flustered assistant, the face is full of playful color.

"Why, is it too heavy? It's OK. Let me help you

When ye Chen patted the assistant's back just now, he sealed several acupoints of the assistant, resulting in the appearance of the assistant.

Ye Chen holds his assistant in both hands and walks slowly towards the steamer. A look of panic flashed on his assistant's face. Looking at Ye Chen's expression of deep cold, he knows that ye Chen is not lying. He will really throw himself in.

At that time, even if he does not die, half his life will be gone.

"Damn it, what are you doing?"

"Long posture, long posture. What's new? Hot eyes."

"God and man are worthy of being God and man. They are extraordinary when they make a move."

"The old fellow of the live room, hurry up, drop the linen, and what the plane rocket is going to brush up!"

Ye Chen holds his assistant and stands in front of the steamer on the first floor, throwing it forward fiercely“ Shit! God and man have lost their heart and are crazy. It's very important to steam people! "

"No, no, this kind of sky blowing performance is really the model of our generation."

No one thought that ye Chen would steam another person in public. If he did, he would be no different from a fool.

Mayor DU on the judging panel frowned tightly and didn't say a word. Gao Shuishui said that it was not good to know that ye Chen had played too much, which had aroused mayor Du's antipathy.

And the assistant's body just touched the steamer, and the acupoints on his body immediately untied. He jumped out of the steamer and stood in front of Ye Chen. His face was gloomy and seemed to drip water.

"Well, you have the guts. Wait for me!"

With that, the assistant walked toward Zhang Baichuan's place. Ye Chen looked at the assistant's back and didn't say a word.

"I'll see who wants to plot against me behind my back."

Ye Chen said low and close the lid of the steamer. This gourd chowder is a good dish of their old Ye family. He had never cooked it before because he had no taste, but today he decided to make it.

An hour later, when ye Chen opened the lid of the steamer, a strong fragrance came out. When mayor Du came over, ye Chen saw that his face was not very good-looking, but he still passed.

The remaining 100 in the first round were eliminated by another 50, and the host announced that the next competition would be held the next day.

Busy for a whole day, ye Chen back to the restaurant, upstairs, just lying in bed, he heard a knock on the door.

Ye Chen opens the door and finds Gao Liushui standing outside.

"Master Gao, why are you here?"

Gao Liushui said: "if I don't come again, you'll turn the world upside down."

The leaf Chen hey a smile, didn't say what, met high water to come in, sat opposite.

"Well, now let's talk about what's going on. I asked you to represent our Dongcheng city in the competition. It's good for you to run to represent Zhouhai City alone?"

Ye Chen looked at Gao Shuishui, a helpless color flashed on his face: "master Gao, it's not my fault. The chef of Dongcheng city doesn't want me, so I have to find a reason to participate in the competition. Today, in the second competition, the person who has been standing next to me wanted to disturb my competition, and I also spent a lot of effort to get that person away."

A burst of high water speechless, throw people into the steamer, you ye Chen dry out.

But ye Chen said that this person can't make trouble without any reason. He must have been instructed by some people, which should be paid attention to.

"Do you know his identity?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, but that person is the assistant of the chef on platform 138. I see that. Oh, yes, that person is the one who didn't let me into the east city team before."

Gao Liushui thinks about it a little. Among the seven people who participated in the competition in Dongcheng City, only four are left, and the platform 138 is Zhang Baichuan.

"I think I know who that man is." Gao Shuishui sighed, looked at Ye Chen with a complicated look and said, "you have a festival with Qian Fanyu, right?"

Ye Chen was stunned, and then nodded: "before he wanted to invite me to his hotel as a cook, let me refuse, and then something happened, he wanted to fight me for a long time."

"That's right. Do you know the identity of Zhang Baichuan?"

High water voice a meal, deeply looked at Ye Chen one eye: "Zhang Baichuan's is the chef of Qian's hotel!"

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