Ye Chen's fan team

What he can be sure is that ye Chen has really offended Li Baifeng. The enemy of the enemy is his friend. Li Baifeng wants to get rid of Ye Chen by his hand. His goal should be ye Chen.

China's control of guns has reached a heinous level. All lethal guns, whether real or fake, are strictly controlled. If Qian Fanyu's black pistol is found, it will undoubtedly bring him disaster.

"Who is Li Baifeng's goal? Do you want to get rid of me by my hand, or do you want to pull yourself into the water in the name of Ye Chen?"

Qian Fanyu frowned deeply. This was the first time that he didn't have any control over a thing, and it was also the first time that he was afraid of the future.

"Forget it, just take it. Anyway, I don't need it. It's no different from a piece of scrap iron."

Qian Fanyu shook his head, turned on the light, stepped on the gas and drove to the distance.

When ye Chen wakes up, it's more than nine o'clock the next day. Ye Chen sits on the bed, pats his head, and finds that there is a faint sense of dizziness.

Ye Chen feels the recipe of Manchu and Han in his mind and finds that it has been absorbed completely.

"I have a lot of stamina, but fortunately I've absorbed all of it. I don't know what's going on now?"

Ye Chen said while opening the personal panel.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Level: 10

Mental strength: 466 points

Personality charm: 8 points

Experience: 7600 / 10000 points

Title: new born

Achievement: unexpected bad luck

Proficiency: temporarily unable to determine

”Damn it. How did your mental strength go up again? "

Ye Chen's eyes flashed a daze of color, last night his mental power in an instant exhausted, so he also fainted, but now the mental power is not only restored, but also has no small growth.

"System, what's going on?"

Ye Chen found that in the rules held by the system, whether it is strengthening the system or other things, mental power plays the same role as money in real life. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the growth method of mental power.

The system is silent, don't speak, after a long time, the voice just rang in Ye Chen's mind.

"The host level permission is insufficient, unable to query temporarily. Please upgrade the host as soon as possible."

Ye Chen didn't say anything more. He washed his face. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the long line outside.

"Boss ye, is the restaurant open today?"

"Yes, boss ye, since you've eaten here, I don't have any appetite for food from other stores."“ This elder brother said well. I didn't have a meal yesterday. I always wanted to have a meal in boss Ye's restaurant. Boss ye must help me. "

"My stomach already belongs to boss Ye. Please save my stomach."

Ye Chen listened to the people in front of the queue saying more and more outrageous, quickly said: "stop, stop, didn't I post a notice yesterday?"

"No, if boss Ye posted a notice, I would never come today."

”That's to say, I've been busy two days ago, but I haven't been busy all the time. Boss Dao ye, you come here. I'll come as soon as I have time. "

Ye Chen is at a loss. Yesterday he clearly remembered to paste the notice on the wall.

Ye Chen goes out to have a look, immediately silly eye.

I don't know when the notice posted yesterday has been torn in half, half disappeared, half pasted on the wall, swinging with the wind.

"Damn, who's so wicked, tearing my stuff."

Ye Chen a face of indignation of idea, a left half of the notice on the wall tore down, angrily into the house.

Three minutes later, ye Chen came out with a newly written notice. He stuck the notice on the wall with super glue in his hand.

Ye Chen coughed and said in a loud voice: "well, everyone, yesterday morning, I really posted a notice, but I don't know which immoral ghost tore it up for me. I'm very sorry for the consequences. But the food competition will be held for three days, so I don't have time to open today. But please rest assured that I will open business as soon as the competition is over, We will also prepare corresponding new dishes for you to taste. "

When ye Chen first said it, the people around him looked sad and disappointed, but when ye Chen said something new, everyone was in front of him.

"Boss Ye has come up with new dishes. There are times when you are bored with those dishes. It's better to have new dishes."

"That's right, but boss Ye's dishes are delicious, but the price is too expensive. For example, I haven't seen anyone order the 18 fried dragon subduing dishes. I don't know what the price of boss Ye's new dishes is?"

Voice a fall, everyone's eyes are turned to Ye Chen, quietly waiting for ye Chen's answer.

Delicious is on the one hand, but people can not afford to eat on the other hand.

Ye Chen said with a smile: "please rest assured that this new dish is absolutely in line with the public's consumption view, and the price of the previous dishes will be adjusted accordingly.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes were bright. Ye Chen continued: "I'm sorry, everyone. Today I have to compete. Another day I will open the door and wait for you."

The people around them all showed their understanding eyes.

"Let's go, come back another day, boss ye, the game is still more important."

"Did any of you go to the food competition?"

"No, what are you looking at? At the end of the year, with such a stable performance, we are almost catching up with the national football team."

"The competition of boss ye, do you want to see it?"

Many people's eyes were touched by this remark“ That's OK. If it's a competition, boss ye will bring out his new dishes, maybe. "

"It's reasonable. Boss Ye's cooking skills are obvious to all. Maybe it can help Dongcheng city get a better place."

"Yes, let's get ready. From today on, I'm a fan of boss Ye."

"Count me in!"

A crowd scattered, ye Chen looked at the crowd leaving, shook his head, closed the door of the restaurant, took a taxi to Dongcheng City Food City.

As soon as ye Chen came to the gate, the guard came up and looked at Ye Chen and said with a smile, "master ye, are you here? I saw your competition yesterday. To tell you the truth, I only have one word to describe your performance, I'm convinced

The guard said and thumbed up. Ye Chen laughed and didn't speak. He went in.

At this time, in the food city square, a group of strange painting teams, all dressed in red, suddenly poured in

I'm sitting in the audience.

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