Terrible fans

"Who are these people? A food competition is as good as a star concert."

Someone said.

"Who knows? I guess it's a fan of the chef. I'll know by then."

When ye Chen enters the Food City, he meets Zhang Baichuan and his party.

Zhang Baichuan stopped and said: "ouch, this is not our master Ye. I don't know if we have the knife today?"

Ye Chen gently smiles, takes out the kitchen knife from the wooden box behind him, Yang Yang said: "don't bother chef Zhang, I took the knife, but I don't know if it's sharp enough. Would you like chef Zhang to have a try?"

Zhang Baichuan see ye Chen a face of cheap kind, in the heart of nameless industry fire Teng of a rise.

"Try NIMA..."

Zhang Baichuan's words were finished, and the whole person rushed to Zhang Baichuan fiercely.

As if in an instant, the distance between the two people is three or four meters across by Ye Chen.

"What are you... What are you doing?"

Zhang Baichuan's pupil suddenly shrinks, looking at Ye Chen in front of him, his body trembles slightly, and there is a cold sweat on his forehead.

And a few people around also fierce stare big eyes, dull looking at Ye Chen.

"What do I want to do? Of course, I want chef Zhang to give me a try. Is my knife good? "

Zhang Baichuan slightly lowers his head and looks at the kitchen knife at his neck. His Adam's apple moves. Inadvertently, he sees Ye Chen's eyes. The whole person is shocked.

Ye Chen's eyes at the moment are like a hunter seeing prey, and the kitchen knife around his neck tells Zhang Baichuan a message all the time. If he has any action, ye Chen... Will kill himself without hesitation.

Several people standing around also can't calm down, quickly opened his mouth and said: "Chef ye, if you have something to say, don't use a knife if you don't agree."

"Master ye, we usually kill some small fish and shrimp. If you go down with this knife, brother Baichuan's life will be gone."

"Yes, master ye, if you have any dissatisfaction with brother Baichuan, how about asking brother Baichuan to apologize to you? Brother Baichuan

Zhang Baichuan was still in a panic mood. At this time, he heard someone reminding himself and quickly returned to his senses and said, "master ye, if you think what I've done is wrong, I'd like to apologize to you now. Can you put down the knife?"

Ye Chen didn't speak, but looked at Zhang Baichuan directly, with a smile on his face. Zhang Baichuan's whole body was hairy. Just about to speak, ye Chen slowly took back the kitchen knife.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm just joking with chef Zhang to ease the dignified atmosphere before the competition. You see, the effect is very good. Chef Zhang is sweating all over. Do you feel good now?"

Ye Chen grins, and several people around him almost spit blood.

Your sister's relief?

I'll put a knife on your neck. Will you try?

And Zhang Baichuan's face at the moment is gloomy as if to drip water, ye Chen looked at several people's angry expression, squinted and said: "you look a little unhappy, am I wrong?" An invisible aura instantly enveloped the whole audience, Zhang Baichuan several people excited Lingling hit a shiver, face quickly put on a pair of eager smile.

"We're not happy, master Ye. What do you mean?"

"Yes, we are very happy. There is nothing wrong with what master ye said. If you don't believe me, ask brother Baichuan."

Ye Chen moves his eyes to Zhang Baichuan. A man behind Zhang Baichuan says in a low voice: "brother Baichuan, for the time being

It's better to step back. "

Zhang Baichuan clenched his teeth and looked at Ye Chen. A smile more ugly than crying appeared on his face.

"I'm not upset. The game is about to start. Don't you go in, ye Chen?"

Ye Chen mouth slightly up, reached out, patted Zhang Baichuan's shoulder, said: "Xiao Zhang, when the game must use snacks, although your strength is really not weak, but there is still a distance from me, this champion you don't want to work hard, can also be a second."

Zhang Baichuan's face turned black as the voice fell. NIMA, what's Lao Tzu?

You're the second in the family.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Zhang Baichuan's eyes show a touch of resentment.

"Brother Baichuan, bear with it. We'll deal with him slowly after the game is over. He's a madman. You're against him now. It's yourself who will lose the last. The game is about to start. Let's go first."

Zhang Bai and Chuan took a deep breath, pressed down the irritability in his heart, and went to the food Square.

In the auditorium of the food plaza, a crowd of people dressed in red sat together, their faces full of excitement.

"Let's get ready. Boss ye will be here soon. We must show our momentum!"

"Who's inside? Yes, the one who raised the flag. I'll see boss ye go in later and straighten his waist for me!"

"And you banner pullers, it's not good to sit. Stand up later!"

If ye Chen were here, he would know who is speaking now.

Yuan Bin, a regular diner in yechen's shop, is also the second generation of rich people in Dongcheng city. At that time, when he saw the cocktail made by yechen at the banquet, he was immediately astonished. Then, he ate three meals a day in yechen's shop, and did not change his mind.

Ye Chen went to the gate of the square, and a man behind Yuan Bin suddenly called out: "boss Ye is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the flag bearer suddenly stood up in the next moment. At the same time, most of them still had several hands

Banner people.

Yuan Bin then stood up, holding Ye Chen's head high in his hand, and yelled: "all stand up for me!"

A "brush"

In the center of the auditorium, a piece of red short sleeves stood up in the shocked eyes of the people around.

"Come on, everybody, shout with me!" Yuan Bin took a deep breath and held his head up in his hands.

"Wulin is supreme. I'm afraid of kitchen knives. I'll unify the world for generations!"

"For thousands of generations, unify the rivers and lakes!"

The sound wave is higher than the wave, and countless people in the audience are in a mess in the wind.

"Shit, bullshit, bullshit!"

"At this time, I can't express my inner shock with words!"

"Poof, ha ha, ha ha, I'm afraid of kitchen knives. I can't do it. I have a stomachache when I laugh."

Ye Chen stands at the gate of the square, the whole person is in a daze!

"Shit, what's going on here?"

Ye Chen raised his head and saw his head on the canvas. He was speechless for a while.

"I thought these people were just talking and playing in the morning, but I didn't expect to come. Anyway, the low-key route I wanted to take before seems to be impossible."

Ye Chen's face is hanging light sadness, if be known what he thinks in the heart now, there will be a kind of impulse to rush to kill him.

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