Imperial chef apprentice

In Ye Chen Lengshen's time, in Yuan Bin with people hoarse, suddenly came a voice in the crowd.

"Welcome to Archbishop Ye!"

Voice down, countless people's eyes, even red, hoarse Yuan Bin also stopped shouting.

"Welcome to Archbishop ye?"

Yuan Bin murmured, his eyes suddenly brightened, his hands waved, and the people behind him immediately stopped shouting.


Yuan Bin coughed twice, stood in the audience, clasped his hands and bowed deeply to Ye Chen.

"Welcome to Archbishop Ye!"

Ye Chen a Leng!

The people around him were stunned, and the people behind him immediately took a breath.

"Damn it, boss yuan 666, I have to take it!"

"Lord Ye? It's so horrible. "

The crowd behind him looked at Yuan Bin's figure in front of him, full of emotion, and then bowed to ye Chenqi.

"Welcome to Archbishop Ye!"

The whole square was silent. Many players in the center of the square looked at Ye Chen strangely. One of them, wearing a blue chef's suit and a thin face and sharp mouth, looked at Ye Chen with disdain: "clown."

And a fat young man standing beside him said with a smile: "Zheng Yuan, it seems that this chef named Ye Chen is very thin. Welcome."

Fat Chef said, Zheng Yuan more scorn.

"Jiang De, as a cook, he still has to speak with his real skills. It's just a shame to make a fuss like this

It's just a joke. "

Zheng Yuan said, looking around, frowning and saying, "where are Jiangda and Zhao Ye?"

Jiang de shook his head and said, "I don't know. They didn't wake up when I came here. It's estimated that they will be here soon."

On the other side, ye Chen, looking at Yuan Bin and others, was deeply stunned on the spot.

Even he himself had to accept that Yuan Bin's brain hole would be so sober and refined.

"It's really special. It's a talent."

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing. He gave Yuan Bin a thumbs up and walked into the competition field.

When Yuan Bin saw Ye Chen's gesture, he couldn't help but raise his head and flashed a proud color on his face.

"See, boss yuan praised me. I'll go to a restaurant for dinner later. This is the rhythm of every minute plus chicken leg discount."

With the passage of time, the remaining 50 people have arrived at the venue, and among the chefs in white clothes and hats, only two groups of people are outstanding.

The first is Ye Chen in black sportswear, and the other is Zheng Yuan! The four were dressed in chefs' red, orange, cyan and blue suits with different patterns on them, which made them very noble.

"Who are those four men?"

"I don't know. It looks like someone owes them money."

"Shh, you don't know the identities of those four people. Don't talk nonsense."

"This brother is very right. I want to say that among the contestants, these four are really proud. I didn't expect that they would take part in this competition."

Someone recognized the emotion in the words and seemed to highly praise the four people. He said quickly, "brother, I know

Who are these people? "

The person who was questioned nodded, straightened his waist, coughed twice, and said, "in his old age, the imperial chef of the former dynasty took four apprentices and taught them all the cooking skills. These four apprentices are the four apprentices of the imperial chef."

All the people who heard about it were wide eyed and couldn't help saying, "Damn it, imperial chef apprentice, is it true or not?"

"With the craftsmanship of the old imperial chef, what these four made means that they were once eaten by the emperor?"

"Needless to say, it's imperial food. Do you understand it?"

Many audience eyes show the color of fanaticism, and Zheng Yuan four faces in the square are more proud.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, looked in the past, and happened to collide with Zheng Yuan's eyes.

Zheng Yuan looks at Ye Chen, his eyes show a strong color of irony, just a look, then don't turn your head.

"Damn, what's the look in this kid's eyes? When did I offend him?"

Ye Chen curled his mouth and didn't speak any more.

Suddenly, a harsh sound came from the stereo on the high platform, and the noisy square quieted down at this moment.

The host stepped onto the stage and said with a smile: "audience, players, after yesterday's fierce competition, you can see that there are only 50 contestants left, but we still have to go through four rounds of competition to get the real champion. Let's wait and see who will be the winner in the end!"

After a pause, the host continued: "please take three judges to your seats."

Voice down, high water three came out from the backcourt, sitting on the judges.

After a burst of warm applause, the host said in a loud voice: "now I announce that the third game of the preliminary competition officially begins. The theme of the competition is soup, and the specific form is unlimited."

The voice falls, a lot of chefs act quickly, ye Chen's eye is bright, on the face hangs a smile: "such as

If you make soup, the vegetable soup distributed by the system yesterday will come in handy. "

Ye Chen took out all kinds of vegetables from the bag behind him and began to cut them bit by bit.

Not far away, Zhang Baichuan looked at Ye Chen's action and said with a cold smile, "I thought this boy would come up with something strange. If this thing is used, it should be vegetable soup."

The chef next to him also said with a smile: "if it's vegetable soup, no matter how delicious it is, it will definitely be defeated." Zhang Baichuan nodded, his eyes showed a touch of irony, and said: "the theme of soup is about taste and shape. Vegetable soup is too common, and there is no advantage in both taste and shape. I'd like to see if this boy can make this soup into flower?"

Zhang Baichuan no longer talks. He looks at the food on his table and the four of Zheng Yuan not far away. There is a strong sense of war in his eyes. The presence of the four of Zheng Yuan undoubtedly brings them an invisible pressure. This time, he also wants to take out his own mace and step down the four of Zheng Yuan.

Spectator Seats

Some people observe the four of Zheng Yuan, while others look at Ye Chen's movements and ingredients, and can't help but show a puzzled color.

Zheng Yuan sat in front, also frowning tightly.

"God Man... Oh, no, leader Ye is not normal this time?"

"Brother, you said that leader Ye was the chef in black sportswear. I think it's quite normal. What's wrong?"

Someone is puzzled to ask a way.

A mysterious color appeared on the face of the former Speaker: "did you come yesterday?"

"I didn't come yesterday, so come and have a look today."

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