Angry Lin Wan'er

"Is it Qian Fanyu?" Lin Wan'er was also very annoyed and scolded in a low voice, "that damned guy bullied people so much that he used this way to deal with you!"

"Nothing." Ye Chen shook his head and said, "the more Qian Fanyu did not play according to the rules, the more he proved his inner panic. He was not sure that he would win us through the normal competition, so he took the risk and dealt with me in a black way."

Lin Wan'er nodded, but she still couldn't restrain her anger. She said with a lingering fear, "fortunately, you are lucky this time. If something happens to you, I really don't know what to do."

These words, Lin Wan'er feel some wrong, ye Chen scratched his head, his heart can not help but warm some moved, Lin Wan'er to his care is from the bottom of his heart, which makes him moved at the same time also some at a loss, do not know how to respond to her.

Wang Yi on the back seat giggles. He turns to look at the scenery outside the window of the car as if he didn't hear or see anything just now.

"Wan'er, you don't have to worry too much about me. Usually a few gangsters can't hurt me. I'm just thinking, if I were Qian Fanyu, this time my action failed, what kind of way would I take next time?" Ye Chen rubs his chin, and his eyes twinkle with the light of thinking.

Lin Wan'er was a very smart girl. She thought after she calmed down and said, "no matter what Qian Fanyu used

He has touched my bottom line and successfully angered me. Since he wants to play, I will make him pay the price of playing with fire. "

Ye Chen a Leng, immediately lose a smile way, "Wan son, this matter has nothing to do with you, you involve in, I'm afraid you will have something."

"Hey, hey." Wang Yi came to the spirit and leaned over from the back seat and said, "Ye Chen, you're worried. Even if you lend Qian Fanyu 120 courage, he doesn't dare to do anything to miss Wan'er, does he? If you know that you have offended miss Wan'er, I'm afraid Qian Fanyu will be scared to pee on the spot. "

Lin Wan'er didn't speak. She held the steering wheel with a little force. Her fingers turned white. There was cold light in her beautiful eyes. She was really angry this time. Maybe it was because Qian Fanyu used violent means to deal with Ye Chen.

"Do you mean I'm going to use that relationship?" Lin Wan'er thought in her heart. She hesitated for a moment and was hard to choose.

"Failed?" Xu Long was standing at his desk. A white faced young man bent slightly to report to him.

"Yes, boss." The young man sorted out his language and said slowly, "last time the bobcat attempted to assassinate him, why don't you kill him

The task was handed over to the jackal, who went to find Feng Tao, who was very good at Fuyuan Road, and used a man named Xue Fulong as bait to set up a game. "

"And then?" Xu Long frowned and asked, "I've heard of Feng Tao once or twice. He's really a character. He's not a man without brain. Jackal is not to mention that he's cunning and cruel. When he arranges, he usually calculates every variable, just like his name. He's patient and vicious. He can't make mistakes."

The young man nodded and said, "there's nothing wrong. Things are going well. Feng Tao called more than 20 people to ambush Ye Chen. Originally, it was inevitable, but there was a variable in it."

"Variables?" Xu Long's eyebrows are almost twisted into a knot in one's heart. He asks, "what's the variable?"

The young man raised his head. He looked at Xu long and said softly, "everyone didn't expect that ye Chen's fighting ability is stronger than we thought before."“ You mean he knocked everyone down? " Although Xu Long got the answer, his doubts didn't diminish. His face was gloomy and irritable. He screamed out, "I don't believe it! Even if a person can fight again, he can't do more than 20 people? Even if more than 20 pigs are piled up, they can be crushed to death! "

"First of all, ye Chen hid in the bathroom when he was under siege, and used the short blocking time to find the opportunity to call the police."

The young man pondered for a moment and said, "then he shot again after being broken. He quickly knocked down the two main leaders by thunderclap. He calmed down the scene for a short time. Before everyone started, he waited for the police to come to the rescue

"I'll see

Xu Long's fingers beat gently on the table, making a rhythmic sound. He didn't speak for a long time, and the young people didn't dare to disturb him, so they had to wait quietly.

"Ye Chen, it's not easy." Xu Long took a deep breath and said slowly.

The young man nodded and asked tentatively, "boss, what should we do now?"

"It's OK." Xu Long is a son of a noble family. His family has a lot of knowledge. He has been influenced by his father since he was a child, and he has more or less learned some of the city government. At this moment, although Xu Long is angry and wants to tear Ye Chen alive, he also knows what he should do now.

Anger can't solve the problem. He needs to be more rational and calm now.

After waiting for two minutes, Xu long, who had been silent for a long time, had a green face. He repressed the boiling emotion in his chest and said in a low voice, "you go to Ye's fast food on behalf of me."

"What are you doing there?" The young man was puzzled and asked.

Qian Fanyu patted the young man on the shoulder and said with a smile, "although Ye's fast food is competitive with our Qian's restaurant, we are small partners in a city after all. The chef of another family has been attacked. We can't take some presents to have a look?"

"Well?" In front of his eyes, the young man nodded and said, "the boss means to spy on the military situation..."

Qian Fanyu made a deep smile and said slowly, "you know."

"Yes, I do." The young man nodded with a smile, turned and went out.

In the office, Qian Fanyu was left alone again. After the young man left, his face became gloomy gradually. He whispered to himself, "Ye Chen..."

At this time, in the players' lounge of the food plaza.

Ye Chen doesn't know that Qian Fanyu sent someone to inquire about the news. He is cocking his legs, holding his chin in his right hand, thinking about the problem.

Leaning on the chair, ye Chen frowned and said to himself, "my system is really powerful..."

However, even if he wants to break his head, he can't figure out the origin of the system and how to use it completely, so he has to explore it slowly by himself.

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