Revenge is an eye for an eye

"Damn, I wish I had a manual." Ye Chen scratched to scratch a head, some fury of say.

However, although Ye Chen said so, he was quite satisfied. After all, I'm afraid that this kind of magic Taobao is only owned by himself in the whole world. Think about it carefully, how lucky he should be. If he didn't have such an artifact as the God of food system, he would have lost his restaurant and camped out on the street. How could he have such a scenery now.

Think of here, ye Chen silently provoked the corner of the mouth, knowing a smile, full of confidence.

On the side of an unknown road, a dull man who left Hu's Hotel squatted on the road. He had a cigarette in his mouth and cigarette butts on the ground beside his feet. His skin was dark, long and inconspicuous. He was dressed up as a migrant worker and could not attract people's attention.

"Failed." The dull man puffed out smoke. He narrowed his eyes and murmured in an almost inaudible voice.

On the path, there were vehicles and pedestrians passing by from time to time, but no one was looking at the man who looked like a migrant worker.

The numb man's right hand subconsciously stroked a tattoo on his left wrist, which was the head of a jackal. The sharp teeth came out of the wolf's mouth. The whole tattoo was lifelike, and his eyes were frightening, as if he were alive.

"... ha ha..." the dull man suddenly laughed. He twitched his mouth twice, narrowed his eyes slightly, took down the cigarette end in his mouth, pressed it on the ground and crushed it out.

"The pride of jackals, never give up." On the gray face of the dull man, a flush of excitement suddenly appeared. He silently clenched his hands and gave out a roar close to the beast in his voice.

"Tut Tut, ye Chen? No matter who you are, you're dead. " The dull man is like a real jackal. The cruelty in his eyes is like the ice that cannot be assimilated. He looks at the sky and whispers.

At the end of today's food competition that night, ye Chen temporarily won the second place in the individual competition. The first place was a man named tongheguang.

However, this is not important, tomorrow is the qualifying match, the last elimination, for the champion's position, ye Chen potential in must win.

At this moment, ye Chen has more important things to do!

Ye Chen, wearing a black sportswear, lurks in the shadow area of Fuyuan Road's special-shaped billiards hall downstairs. His smart eyes are spinning around and staring at the door of the special-shaped billiards hall without blinking.

Now it's more than eight o'clock in the evening. Ye Chen is moving his fingers and his eyes are more and more sharp. He is waiting for people from the special-shaped billiards hall to come out.

"Hey, hey." Ye Chen said to himself in the shadow with a weak and inaudible voice, "no matter before or now, I'm the same

For a person who has revenge, let me investigate this time to see who is behind the scenes. However, no matter who he is, as long as he bites me, I will smash his teeth one by one. "

At this time, in the special-shaped billiards hall, those social youths are sullen, smoking, it seems that they are in a bad mood.

"Damn it The black faced yellow hair said angrily, "although boss Feng has pulled us out and told us not to take care of this matter, we have to get back this field, and we can get back this face!"

"No mistake Xue Fulong's face is full of rebellious and unruly. He grabs the pop-up can beer, gululan goes to half a bottle, and says in a hate voice, "I didn't expect that ye Chen was so deep hidden that he even practiced martial arts."“ What does he practice? " Huang Mao asked.

A little brother standing next to him blinked and said, "I heard it today. The man who came with Ye Chen said, what's his name? Dragon subduing Luohan boxing!"

"Dragon subduing Luohan boxing" Huang Mao's eyes widened. As soon as he started fighting with Ye Chen today, he was knocked over by a blow. He really didn't know the stem. Now it sounds like the name is a little too sharp.

Xue Fulong waved his hand bravely and said, "don't care what luohanquan is. Next time I see him, I'll smash him with a brick. How can he pretend to be forced?"

In the crowd, I don't know who said, "today, why didn't you throw a brick over him?"

"This..." Xue Fulong was very embarrassed and couldn't speak.

Huang Mao clapped his hands and said, "if I didn't despise the enemy today, how could he beat me?"

"Yes, yes." Huang Mao was obviously very authoritative among these young people, and the rest of them nodded their heads to express their conviction.

"The music beat is too heavy, alcohol is working..." at this time, Huang Mao's mobile phone suddenly rang, he took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and looked at it, his face changed.

"Hello, brother Tao, yes, it's me." Huang Mao's voice changed a little. He picked up the phone and said carefully.

Huang Mao, for a while, put down the phone lightly, took a breath with lingering fear, and slowly relaxed.

"Brother Tao?" Xue Fulong's eyes twinkled with excitement. He obviously adored this brother Tao.

Huang Mao wiped his sweat and said, "yes, I may have to go to the taste bar later. Brother Tao has something to ask me for."

Xue Fulong immediately came over and said with a smile, "take me with you."

Huang Mao thought about it, nodded slightly and said, "OK, you can go with me."

"Yeah, that's great." Xue Fulong is obviously very happy.

In the shadow of the downstairs opposite the special-shaped billiards hall, ye Chen, dressed in black sportswear and hiding himself in the corner, gradually became impatient. He once wanted to rush in and catch people, but he still restrained himself.

Just when ye Chen wants to leave and is ready to give up, two people come out from the door of the billiards hall.

"Hey, hey, it's a narrow road." Ye Chen waited for a long time, and finally got the result. He said with a low smile, "it's you two unfortunate children again. You can't blame me for being beaten. I'm waiting at the door. Who let you out?"

Huang Mao and Xue Fulong, who are going to taste the bar, come out from the door. They talk and laugh while walking along the sidewalk.

“eonbaby。” Ye Chen sneers repeatedly, he put up his sportswear collar, quietly following behind them.

Fuyuan Road is originally an old street. Due to the limited consumption capacity of the residents, many taxis don't go here. They are all red electric tricycles, commonly known as Sanshanzi.

The special-shaped billiards hall is full of bad youths who often engage in shady business. Therefore, as their base, this billiards hall is also in the remote corner of Fuyuan Road.

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