Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2085: Doppelganger!


At this moment, a mysterious breath emanated from Ling Xiao's body.

A full moon rises from Ling Xiao's palm, intertwined with Tao and reason, contains the power of the law, bright and splendid, gorgeous and dazzling, flying towards the heavenly demon Saint.

Tongtian Yaosheng is still attacking the front with the fragments of the artificial jade dish, but what changed his face is that the fragments of the synthetic jade dish tremored violently. The next moment, he flew directly out of the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng and then merged into it. In that round moon!


The full moon glowed in that round, the endless chaos of mist filled, the sky dome oscillated, and flew back to Ling Xiao's body again at the next moment.

Ling Xiao directly sacrificed the forged jade dish, and then forcibly retrieved the fragment in the hands of Tongtian Yaosheng.


At the same time, the fist of Ling Xiao's invincible peerless emperor came, as if vast imprints of fists came from all directions, so that Tongtian Yaosheng had no resistance at all, only to resist!


This punch is invincible, directly penetrates the chest of Tongtian Yaosheng, leaving a trail of blood, floating in the void.

"Damn! What kind of treasure is that? Boy, I won't let you go!"

Tongtian Yaosheng’s eyes were full of shock, and he didn’t even think of the fragments of the jade dish in his hands. He was even taken back by Ling Xiao without knowing what means was used, and Ling Xiao’s attack was too fierce. There is no room for dodge.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao's indifferent eyes didn't answer the Heavenly Demon Saint at all. His punches were unparalleled in every aspect. Every blow had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. The fist of the Heavenly Emperor was fierce and overbearing. !


Although Tongtian Yaosheng tried his best to resist, he couldn't resist such a terrible attack. In the end, his whole body shook violently, and suddenly burst into a blood mist!


An ancient dan furnace flew out of the body of the heavenly demon saint, twirling and spinning, containing a very mysterious atmosphere, and was instantly caught by Ling Xiao in his hand!

"Sir Lord Saint is actually dead?!"

Those powerful monsters in Tongtian Palace are stunned, their eyes full of unbelievable looks.

Even the four generals of the tiger, leopard and jackal saw that this scene was all trembling, and the shock and anger in their hearts made the battle between the four of them instantly appear flawed.


Feng Qingyang's eyes lit up and caught the flaw. The silver spear in his hand suddenly penetrated the sky dome and instantly punctured the eyebrow of General Black Wolf, twisting his Yuanshen into a crush, and then lifting him Got up.

The eyes of the other three generals instantly turned red, but no matter how they broke out the strongest power, but the awareness between them and Feng Qingyang was still too great, and without the cooperation of General Black Wolf, the three of them quickly fell In the downwind, the last one did not escape, all were killed by the wind Qingyang!

Throughout the Tongtian Palace, many demon clan strongmen have lost their fighting intentions and surrendered directly.

The Heavenly Demon Saint and the four generals are already dead. What is the need for them to continue fighting?

"Eun Gong really killed Tongtian Demon Saint? Hahaha... We are saved!"

"Eun Gong is invincible and will surely become the son of Heaven's Choice!"

"I also believe that Eun Gong, even the Heavenly Demon Saint, can be beheaded. When Eun Gong is promoted to the three heavens, he will be able to sweep the heavens and pride immediately!

Xiao Shan and others who followed Ling Xiao were also extremely excited, and their eyes were full of extremely excited looks.

Ling Xiao powerfully bombarded the image of Tongtian Yaosheng, invincible in every aspect, sweeping everything, deeply imprinted in their hearts, making them difficult to forget in this life.

At this moment, their gratitude and admiration for Ling Xiao has reached an incomparable level!

"Huh? Is this actually just an avatar of Tongtian Yaosheng? What a mysterious method of avatar, even I was almost cheated!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, he didn't notice any defect of Yuantian Demon Saint's Yuanshen, he immediately reacted, and the Tongtian Demon Saint he beheaded was just an avatar.

No wonder he felt that it was very easy to kill Tongtian Yaosheng, even easier than defeating Hua Ziyang, because it was not the real Tongtian Yaosheng in front of him.

"Is it possible to make alchemy with avatars? No wonder I'm going to run away. I am afraid that this stove of immortality medicine is not easy. It just fell into my hands. I'm afraid that Tongtian Yaosheng is already mad?"

Ling Xiao laughed to herself, his eyes full of weird colors.


He gently opened the red hearth, and suddenly the flames spewed out of the red hearth, and three mysterious light medicines rushed out of it, and they contained extremely strong spirituality, as if they were about to burst out of the sky.

Ling Xiao had been prepared for a long time, and a huge palm fell across the sky, directly grasping the three immortals in his hands.

The three elixirs are shining with golden light, just like gold casting, with ancient and mysterious patterns on them. The mysterious medicinal fragrance diffuses, so that all the powerful demon clan around can't help but swallow. The look in his eyes was full of eager desire.

"Ling Xiao, what treasure have you found?"

Feng Qingyang also walked up happily and asked extremely curiously.

"If I didn't guess wrong! I'm afraid this is the legendary longevity Jindan!"

Ling Xiao said seriously, his eyes were full of shock.

"Jiangshen Jindan? It is the ancient time that a gold dan was swallowed into the abdomen. I can't help but die, as long as I swallow one, I can immediately proclaim the sanctified Jindan jindan?"

Feng Qingyang was also shocked with an incredible look in his That's right! It is the Jinsheng Jindan you imagined, but it has been lost in the ancient times. After all, the Changsheng Grass is so rare! I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Demon Saint was actually proficient in alchemy. He really used the longevity grass to refine the three longevity golden pill, but he was not at home, he should have been able to refine the nine-grade Shengdan, but he was barely Just make the Seventh Grade Saint Pill! "

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"No wonder he fled as soon as he saw us. He wanted to protect Jinsheng Jindan! Hey, the longevity Jindan, which is hard to be refined by Heavenly Demon Saint, is cheaper now! If he knew, he would vomit blood three liters. !"

Feng Qingyang laughed, his face full of cheerfulness.

"The three longevity Jindan give you one, and I will use the rest to heal! I am afraid that the body of Tongtian Yaosheng will not be put to rest, I really want to see that the avatar is so strong, and his body should be How powerful will it be?

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, a strong war intent appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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