Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2086: Heavenly Demon Saint's anger!

Changsheng Jindan is an ancient sacred pill. It is based on eternal grass. It can even be refined into nine grades of sacred pill, which can prolong life for millions of years and contain incomparable life substances.

Although Tongtian Yaosheng only refined the Seven Grade Shengdan, it was considered to be very precious. Ling Xiao could feel that the two longevity Jindan were enough to make his cultivation completely healed.

And Feng Qingyang wants to condense human respect, but also needs the majestic life material. This longevity Jindan can be said to save Feng Qingyang's decades of hard work.

"Let’s leave Tongtian Island first. You killed Tongtian Yaosheng’s avatar and robbed his long-lived Jin Dan. I’m afraid he will be back soon!"

Feng Qingyang said slowly to Ling Xiao.

"Let's go back to the holy city of human races first! I need to find a place to practice hard, use the longevity Jindan to heal, and wait for me to go back to the holy city of human races after I get out of the customs. Before that, don't you have a conflict with Tongtian demon holy!

Ling Xiao said.

"Okay! Then be careful. The holy city of humans is not far from here. This is the order of the human race. You can go to Qingyang Pavilion when you arrive at the holy city of humans!"

Feng Qingyang nodded and handed Ling Xiao a token filled with chaotic colors, with the words "person" carved in the ancient seal characters.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao put away the Terran Order, and then stood up and flew towards the distance!

"Let's go too! I have a hunch that when Ling Xiao goes out, I'm afraid the pattern of the holy city of humans will change!"

Feng Qingyang stared at Ling Xiao's back and said slowly, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

"The structure of the holy city of human races will change? I'm afraid it's impossible! The arrogance of all races is extremely terrifying, and they are all super powerhouses in the three worlds, especially the emperor of my human race, and even rumors that he has reached It’s the third heaven, and he doesn’t seem to like Ling Xiao!"

A follower of Feng Qingyang said incredulously.

"Hey, let's wait and see!"

Feng Qingyang did not explain, but smiled slightly.

Feng Qingyang took several of his followers and left Tongtian Island, heading towards the holy city of the human race, and got a golden eternal life. Feng Qingyang also intended to retreat to practice and strive to be able to condense his respect in one fell swoop. .


Holy city of human races.

The Heavenly Mantra Palace is the residence of the Heavenly Mantra disciples. It is majestic, guarded, and intertwined with powerful rune formations.

In the Heavenly Mantra Palace, a young man in a black robe with a pointed monkey's gill and a young man with double pupils sat opposite each other, and had a great conversation.

Suddenly, the young man in black robe with sharp-billed monkey cheeks stood up directly, his whole body was violent and unmatched, and his eyes showed monstrous anger and killing intent.

"Behead me and rob me of Jin Dan, I will kill you!!!"

The young man in black robe almost roared out, the killing intention was like substance.

He is the celestial demon saint. At this moment, he felt that his avatar Ling Xiao was destroyed, and even his hard-working longevity Jin Dan was taken away by Ling Xiao, so that his hatred for Ling Xiao reached the extreme.

"Brother Tongtian, who is so bold and dare to cut off your avatar and steal your long-lived Jin Dan?"

The young man with heavy pupils in his eyes wears a white robe, looks chic and handsome, the eyes are filled with mysterious symbols, and the whole body is intertwined with truth and reason, which looks extremely mysterious.

The young man with double pupils in his eyes is the son of Tianzongzong, Muyuan!

At the moment, a look of surprise appeared in Muyuan's eyes.

The tremendous horror of Tongtian Yaosheng has already condensed the respect, even if it is not far from the second level. Although his avatar is not as powerful as the body, if he wants to cut his avatar, he must have at least The strength of the three worlds.

"His name is Ling Xiao, and he is with Feng Qingyang's bastard.

Tong Tian Yao Sheng Han said, the killing intentions of the whole body rose fiercely, shining bright light.

"What?! Cultivation of the Eight Saints?"

Muyuan's eyes flashed, and he was completely shocked.

The eight-turned half-sage's cultivation base can kill the avatar of the heavenly demon sage, which made Muyuan feel a little weird, and had a strong curiosity about this person named Ling Xiao.

"Although he changed his name to Ling Xiao, but I can recognize it, he is fighting the battle of Heavenly Strength, and the treasure in his hand is Fan Tianyin! He should be Long Aotian!"

Tongtian Yaosheng coldly said.

"Long Aotian? It seems that he didn't die. Although Huaxiong Saint and Uncle Chen Shi announced to the outside world, they also guessed that Long Aotian didn't die. It should have entered the ancient chaotic land! In this case, then this kid Let me do it myself!"

Muyuan said faintly that there was a strange sharpness in his eyes.

The double pupil in his eyes is as bright as a star, obscured by the light of chaos, and contains a power that penetrates the human heart.

There is a trace of fear in the eyes of Tongtian Yaosheng. He is well aware of the power of Muyuan, and the double pupil in the eyes is a peerless supernatural power he cultivates. Once urged to have the power to destroy the world.

The cultivation of Muyuan and Tongtian Yaosheng are the same, but no one has seen his real combat strength.

"Okay! Brother Got shot, this Long Aotian will surely die! And I suspect that Long Aotian has many traits in his body. When he is killed, we will share the traits in him!"

Tong Tian Yao Sheng Han said.


In the chaotic sea area, in a huge mountain range under the sea, Ling Xiao directly opened a cave house, hiding in it to prepare for healing.

His primordial spirit, mental strength, and Daoyuan's origin were all deeply damaged. He could not heal when he relied solely on his own resilience, but these two long-lived Jindan let Ling Xiao see hope.

"I hope Changsheng Jindan will not let me down!"

Ling Xiao sits in the cave house, the longevity Jin Dan in the palm of his hand is buzzing and The light is shining brightly, intertwined with the power of the mysterious law, full of spirituality, as if wanting from the palm of Ling Xiao Escape

Ling Xiao's eyes were full of expectation, and then swallowed Jinsheng Jindan directly.


The entrance of Changsheng Jindan melted like a vast torrent, and immediately rushed towards Ling Xiao's limbs and corpses, and exploded directly.

That is the purest essence of life, which contains the power of life's origin, surging and surging, just like the vast sea, began to nourish Ling Xiao's injury.

Ling Xiao sprayed a thin ray of light all over his body and was enveloped by the bright light. The breath began to gradually increase, forming various mysterious visions behind him.

The energy eruption of Changsheng Jindan is all-round for Ling Xiao's healing. The physical body, the primal spirit, the heart power and the holy power are enveloped by life energy, and the damaged parts are constantly repaired, and they begin to sublimate in a perfect direction.

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