Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2145: Demon Seal!

"It's going to change!"

Someone looked at Ling Xiao above the void and muttered to himself, his eyes full of awe.

Jiuyang Yaosheng was slashed by Ling Xiao, even the reincarnation of the Holy Son begged, but in the end it was still difficult to escape, only the Sky Demon Young Master fled in embarrassment.

Everyone was shocked and in awe at Ling Xiao's fighting power. The scene was silent, and even his breath was stopped intentionally or unintentionally.

Ling Xiao stood in the sky, the radiant glow of the whole body rose, the black hair flew, and the eyes seemed to have the moon and the moon, and the palm of the palm was floating in the atmosphere of chaos. The breath of the whole person was extremely vast and mysterious.

His eyes swept the crowd, but no one dared to look at him, and he could not help but bow his head.

"Senior Wood, An An, where is he?"

Ling Xiao fell from the void, the breath slowly converged, walked to Mu En, and bowed his hand toward Mu En.

"It's a real hero, the young master said before that you can solve the Jiuyang demon saint. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect you to do it! Young master he..."

Mu En sighed softly, but he didn't finish a sentence, and suddenly his face changed greatly.

"Not good! Young Master suffered a backlash from the demon clan seal, Master Xiaoxiao, you will follow me soon!"

Mu En's eyes were full of extremely anxious expressions, and instantly turned into a streamer, shooting towards the depths of the demon holy city.

"Has suffered the backlash from the demon seal?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were shocked. Although he didn't know what the Demon Seal was, he thought that the old goat was in danger. He was a little anxious in his heart and chased toward Mu En without thinking.

"The old goat is in danger? Go away, go!"

The white dragon horse also groaned, and Xuewei was picked up, and Feng Qingyang followed, all chasing towards Mu En.

Hearing the news of the old goat, Bailongma and Lingxiao are very excited. After all, they haven’t seen each other for more than ten years. Although Bailongma often fights with the old goat when he is in the lower realm, the relationship is excellent. I couldn't help but want to find the old goat.

At this moment I heard that the old goat is in danger, and Bailongma's concern is also true.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The crowd turned into streamers, and the speed was almost extreme, and the void was torn apart, and the technique of moving the void was performed, and soon came to the center of the holy city of the demon.

It was a magnificent and ancient palace, which was rolling and filled with radiant light, and the qi was translucent, and it seemed to be serene and peaceful, but at the moment, it sprayed an infinite amount of light from the depths of the earth, exuding the trembling power fluctuations. .

Many people rushed out of the palace, their eyes full of terrified expression.

The force emanating from the depths of the earth gave them a strong sense of crisis, as if they would be torn to pieces at any time.


The blazing divine light rises, looks extremely violent, contains chaotic and disordered power, vaguely can be seen, there is a small sun deep in the earth's center, exuding endless light and heat, where the disc sits two Very vague figure.

"It's an old goat!"

Ling Xiao was shocked. Although he couldn't clearly see the faces of the two figures, he instantly recognized the very familiar breath, which was the old goat.


Ling Xiao was like a flash of lightning, and he shot into the depths of the earth involuntarily. The speed was almost extreme.

Surrounded by a twisted void, the endless divine light is thin, Ling Xiao can feel that the closer to the old goat, the more chaotic law surrounding him becomes more horrible, as if it can tear everything apart.

In front of him, the bright sun exudes a blazing demon light, ancient, majestic and mysterious, vaguely containing the breath of all spirits, majestic, ancient and mysterious.

Ling Xiao rushed toward the depths of the Divine Light, the flesh glowed with crystal light, and there was a faint chaos. The chaotic energy and light around him couldn't help him.

Soon, Ling Xiao saw the figure of the old goat.

Deep in the center of the earth, the old goat sits in front of a bright sun, and there is an old man with white hair. Both of them have exploded in a vast and terrifying cultivation wave, pouring power into the bright eyes. In the sun.

It can be vaguely seen that in the bright sun, there is an ancient and mysterious big seal ups and downs, which looks very mysterious.

Runes, like little tadpoles, are wrapped around the ancient seal of that side, which makes the ancient seal of that side radiate incomparable horrible power fluctuations, and the surrounding voids are distorted, and a vast world, an endless god, emerges faintly. The fierce beast roared, shaking the sky.

However, at this moment, the old goat and the old man with white hair are not in good condition.

The old goat's shiny black hair was all burned to ashes and turned into bald hair sheep. There was even a trace of golden blood spilling around his body, and his face was very pale.

The old man with white hair was also confused, and the vast Shengwei disappeared, and his body was crumbling, as if he would be exhausted at any time.

And in that bright sun, the ancient seal was trembling violently, as if flying out of it at any time.

Ling Xiao could feel that as long as the ancient seal flew out, there might be something bad happening.

"Ling Xiao? Hahaha... I knew that the old kid from Jiuyang Yaosheng was killed by you. It's not bad. I haven't seen it for more than ten years. You still have the same style, and I'm about to catch up with half of my style!"

After the old goat saw Ling Xiao his eyes lit up, and he said with great excitement.

Ling Xiao was both angry and funny and said, "It's all about this time, do you still have the mood to say this? What's going on? What can I do for you?"

Ling Xiao didn't rush, but asked aloud.

"Wow! I didn’t expect that the old kid from Jiuyang Yaosheng was still mad at him. He didn’t completely refine the demon seal, but he left a ray of distraction in the demon seal. After the old kid was killed, he immediately detonated this ray of distraction, causing a powerful backlash from the demon seal!"

The old goat said very depressed.

"What is the demon seal? How can I help you refine it?"

Ling Xiao asked about the key points.

"Yezu Yinyin is a cohesive heavenly treasure, a treasure for the luck of the Yaozu, and also the control center of the Yaozu Holy City. Only by controlling the Yaozu Yin can you control the power of the Yaozu Holy City and become the guardian of the Yaozu Holy City. Thank you! Fortunately, the old kid did not completely refine the demon seal, otherwise you want to kill him, I am afraid it is not so easy!"

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