Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2146: The new guardian!

"But as long as I can refine the demon seal, I can become the new guardian of the demon holy city! You come in time, otherwise it will be harder to wait for the demon seal to escape and you want to get it at the same time! The five secret techniques of Zulong, True Phoenix, Xuanwu, White Tiger and Kirin helped me suppress the demon seal and thoroughly refine it!"

Said the old goat quickly. Mobile terminal


As his words fell, the demon seal seemed to become more and more unstable, spraying infinite amounts of divine light, and the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling violently. The violent vibration of the little sun seemed to break apart at any time.

"it is good!"

The **** of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the terrifying power of his body burst out, and a palm fell down towards the demon seal!


The thunder was dazzling, Ling Xiao was like an erupting divine sun, with endless light and heat blooming. There was a sound of dragons and tigers roaring through the sky, and there were nine days of Fengming, Xuanwu fighting the sky, and the suppression of Kirin. Mysterious sight.

In Ling Xiao's body, the endless fairy light rose, and the phantoms of the ancestral dragon, true phoenix, basalt, white tiger and unicorn sacred beast appeared at the same time, but it looked lifelike and exudes great coercion, as if it can tear The emptiness of the Quartet is magnificent!

Ling Xiao urged the five secret techniques at the same time. Behind him, it seemed that the ancient and mysterious world of the five parties appeared. The momentum was magnificent, and it was suppressed at the same time!


That round of bright sun blasted away, and the demon clan's light was shining brightly, exuding divine light, trembling slightly, trying to escape through the void.

But Ling Xiao suppressed the sky and the sun, and the phantom of the five sacred beasts came down, and at the same time wrapped in the power of the five worlds, directly suppressed the demon seal!


The fierce trembling of the demon clan seems to be fixed, and it instantly stops in the void.

In the palm of Ling Xiao, the ancestral dragons, true phoenixes, basalts, white tigers and unicorns are woven into the five-color divine light, just like the five chains of order gods, directly suppressing the demon seal.

"Hahaha... Sure enough, it works! Ling Xiao, hold on, I'll refine the demon seal!"

The old goat's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly.


The stream of light flashed around him, and the blazing divine light behind him suddenly appeared a vast and ancient world, exuding all the power fluctuations that engulfed it, and the immortal and ancient Shengwei burst out from it.

In that world, a majestic swallowing force spread towards the demon seal, and the old goat's expression also became dignified, and he began to refine the demon seal.

"This is... the heaven that swallows heaven?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a trace of surprise. He didn't expect that the old goat had even practiced the Heaven Swallowing Mystery to such a degree that he had reached the state of great perfection.

Heaven Swallowing Saint Realm is a sign of the great achievement of Heaven Swallowing Mystery, but Ling Xiao has been stuck at the level of Heaven Swallowing Divine Sea, and has not yet condensed the Heaven Swallowing Heaven Realm, and did not expect the old goat to walk in front of him.

Condensing the Heaven Swallowing Heaven Realm, which also represents the attainment of the old goat’s attainment of the Avenue, has reached an unfathomable point. He used the Devouring Avenue to refine the Demon Seal, but there is a way to refine the Demon Race. Trends.


It seems that the Demon Seal also felt no strong threat, and began to tremble violently, a Tao symbol rose from it, and the terror fluctuated like a thunder, and it collided with the five chains of order God and wanted to break away. Xiao's repression.

At the same time, a vast and mysterious breath rushed towards Ling Xiao's arm and spread directly towards Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge.



The sound of Longyin shakes the sky, the roar of the beast tears the earth, and the terrifying breath spreads, even pulling Ling Xiao's consciousness into an ancient and mysterious wild world.

Above his head, a terrifying and gigantic beast overwhelmed the sky, and his wings hung down like a cloud of heaven, fighting fiercely in the sky.

As for the earth, countless wild beasts killed their eyes, sinking the earth from all directions, and the seawater poured into it, forming a vast ocean, submerging the earth and mountains.

Ancestral dragon, true phoenix, white tiger, basalt, unicorn, three-legged golden black dragon, archaic dragon elephant, Bai Ze, gluttonous, poor... many ancient **** beasts and holy beasts that only exist in the legend, all show up and emit A terrifying atmosphere.

"Is this an ancient mark left by the demon seal?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook. Although he knew all this in front of him, maybe it was just an ancient mark left by the demon clan, just an illusory scene, not a reality, but that kind of breath was still too real, so he couldn't help it. God shakes.

Like dreaming back to the ancient times, Ling Xiao experienced a battle between countless strongmen of the demon clan in ancient times. That battle shattered nine days, sunk the Nine Nethers, and penetrated the worlds, and billions of living beings died. That war.

If the average person is struck by this terrifying breath, I am afraid that he will lose his mind instantly.

But Ling Xiao still persevered!

His Yuanshen was rock-solid, the vast breath, the scenes of the tragic battles of ancient wars, and the courageous power of hundreds of millions of demon clan powers, could not help Lingshen’s Yuanshen, instead, it was to refine his Yuanshen. The nourishment makes his Yuanshen more and more crystal clear.


The old goat sits in front of the demon seal, refining the demon seal with no swallowing the road, his eyes are dazzling, and the whole person exudes a vast coercion, as if it was the rebirth of the ancient emperor. In a violent shock.

There is a symbol of the ascension of the demon clan, and the mysterious scene emerges, as if it contains a mark of time, recording the reproduction, glory and birth and death of the demon clan, so that the Sifang sky dome is violently oscillating.

However, the old goat swallowed the demon clan with no engulfing the road, and suppressed it to and slowly refined it!


When the old goat completely refined the demon clan, the demon clan gave off a reluctant whispering sound, and at the next moment, it burst into immense light, like the rising sun!

And the old goat emptied into the sky, surrounded by chaotic air, and the demon seal floated above his head, making him look more mysterious and majestic.

"A new guardian is born!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Mu En suddenly shook his body, and his eyes showed a non-excited look.

No one knew the meaning of the demon clan more clearly. He got the demon clan and completely controlled the holy city of the demon clan. This brought more than strength.

The most important thing is that the old goat already has the chance to compete for the ultimate creation!

PS: Everyone rest early, belated blessings, and wish you all a happy Children's Day.


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