Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2160: Conspiracy breath!

The Dao Holy City floats above the void, like a fairy mountain, and like an eternal and immortal sun, exuding endless bright light.

The aura of transfiguration, the radiant light, the ancient trees towering in the holy city, the incomparable purity of the original power, condensed into a spiritual fog, exuding the crystal luster in the sun.

Ling Xiao and his entourage were greeted by the three elders of Daoshan, Daohai and Daohe, and entered the Dao Holy City and headed towards the center of the Holy City.

The Dao Sacred City is like a mysterious small world. The Dao people here are full of heroes and outstanding temperament, and they are not like human beings.

The men are extremely handsome, the women are extremely pretty, and the temperament is very unique, which makes Ling Xiao and others amazed.

It is worthy of being the race that once dominated an era. Although the Dao clan is now declining, the heritage is still extremely deep, and the qualifications of these Dao clan people are extremely high, most of them are the cultivation of the semi-holy realm. It must be able to become the backbone of the Dao.

Under the leadership of the three people in Daoshan, the five Lingxiao lived in the guardian temple.

The guardian shrine is located deep in the Dao holy city. It looks extraordinary. The whole body is cast with gold, and the gold is brilliant, and it has a powerful formation that can gather the power of the source and make this place a cultivation holy place.

"Wu Liang, this is the guardian shrine, the residence of the guardian. Please rest here first. I will call the tribes and hold the guardian ceremony tomorrow, and you will become the new guardian of my Dao!"

Daoshan smiled slightly at the unscrupulous Taoist.

"There is work!"

The unscrupulous Daoist's eyes flashed, and smiled indifferently.

"You don't have to be polite, we will be a family after tomorrow! Caidie, Master Wu Liang will leave it to you to take care of, you must take care of him, you know?"

Daoshan's incomparable enthusiasm, beckoning, suddenly walked out of the shrine from a shrouded, brave woman.

The woman was very pretty, with a beautiful face, but she had a strong spirit, which was unforgettable at first sight.

"Yes, great elder!"

Caidie's expression was very pale, nodded and said, then bowed toward the unscrupulous Daoist, it was a gift.

Daoshan was also a little embarrassed, and then his expression returned to normal, he smiled and said: "Wu Liang, Caidie is such a cold temperament, don't blame her for being rude! But her loyalty is no problem, and she has her protection, We can rest assured!"

"Why, thanks to the elders for such a comprehensive arrangement!"

The unscrupulous Taoist smiled faintly.

"Yes, it should be! Then I will not disturb you to rest, the old man said goodbye, and tomorrow he will send someone to take you to the guardian ceremony!"

Daoshan smiled slightly, and then glanced at Ling Xiao and others, seeming to have a fine flash, turned and left with the two elders Daohai and Daohe.

"Cai Die, you can take someone outside the temple, don't come in without my permission!"

The unscrupulous Taoist glanced at Caidie.

Color Butterfly's cultivation base is very high, even the first limit has been broken, so that the unscrupulous Daoist are extremely surprised, and the Butterfly Guard has hundreds of guards, all of which are more than half a saint's cultivation base. He exudes powerful evil spirits, and is a strong man who has been through a hundred battles.


Caidie nodded, then turned and left very decisively.


The gate of the guardian temple was suddenly closed, the light of the palm of the old goat was shining brightly, and a brilliant array spread towards all directions in an instant, forming a powerful formation enchantment, which enveloped Ling Xiao and others .

The formation of the old goat can isolate all exploration. In this strange Taoist holy city, no matter how cautious, the expression of everyone began to relax.

"Bull nose old road, tomorrow you are the guardian of the Dao clan, why are you so sad? If you don't want to, I can make it difficult for you to help you become the guardian of the Dao clan!"

Bailongma patted the shoulders of the unscrupulous Daoist with a hoof and smiled cheeky.

"It's weird! The average person may not know it, but I know very well! Although the guardian temple is the residence of the guardian, the guardians of the Dao clan generally don't live in the guardian temple, but in the core Taoist palace, There is also the core of the formation of the Dao Holy City, where Dao Yin can exert the strongest power!"

The brow of the unscrupulous Taoist frowned slightly.

"Hey, the three old guys of Daoshan, Daohai, and Daohe are not a good thing at first glance. They are bullying you and they don’t understand anything! And they got the little girl skin of Caidie and said that it is to protect you , I think it's surveillance! Didn't you say that the Taoist strongmen chased you? I don't think they can get rid of the three of them!"

The old goat sneered.

"Old goat is right, weirdness is everywhere, and the master must be careful of their conspiracy!"

Xue Wei also nodded.

"I don't think we should just go out and kill all three old The Taoist has the Taoist seal, and there is an invincible presence in the Dao Holy City. I'm not afraid of them not surrendering!"

Feng Qingyang is the most simple and rude, said eagerly.

"Why is your kid more and more like the Demon Clan? It's just killing and killing, can you use your wisdom?" Bailongma rolled his eyes.

"Hey, how can it be so troublesome? Simple, just cut the mess! I'm willing to go out with the director!" Feng Qingyang said with a smile.

"Ling Xiao, what do you think?"

The unscrupulous Taoist glanced at Ling Xiao, who was contemplating, and asked.

Everyone's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body involuntarily. Unconsciously, they had regarded Ling Xiao as their backbone, and they wanted to listen to Ling Xiao's opinions at this moment.

"I'm thinking, Wu Liang, you have the Dao clan seal, and there is an invincible presence in the Dao holy city. No matter what conspiracy they have, they have no effect in front of their absolute strength! But they dare to make small moves, unless... …"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a fine awn, and said slowly.

"Unless, they can deprive me of the control of the Taoist seal!"

The unscrupulous Daoist followed Ling Xiao's words, a sharp edge appeared in his eyes.

"Yes! I guess, before Wu Liang was chased and killed by someone, you should not be able to get rid of them, but Dao Zun's guardian attaches so much importance to you, there must be something we don't know!

Nowadays, Dao Zun's guardians have passed on the Dao clan seal to you, and they will definitely not be reconciled. If they want to engage in any conspiracy, they may well be on the guardian's ceremony tomorrow! "

Ling Xiao nodded.

"I would also like to see what means they can use to deprive me of the Taoist seal!"

The Wuliang Taoist sneered and sneered, showing a trace of murderous intent.

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